

Middle East Studies Program The Middle East Studies Program (MESP) in Cairo, Egypt, provides students with the opportunity to study the cultures, religions and conflicts within tl1is diverse and strategic region. Students from Christian coll eges participate in interdisc ipli­ nary seminar classes, receive Arabic language insu-uction and serve as interns with various organizations in Cairo. Partici­ pants spend two weeks traveling to Israel, including time in the West Bank. Add itional field trips are available for inter­ ested students. The Middle East Studies Program encourages evange li cal Christians to relate to the Muslim world in an informed and constructive manner. For additional informa­ tion and app li cation , see Dr. Marguerite Kraft, or make inquiry through the Department of lntercultural Studies. Co11lponenls Recoimnended credits Arabic Language 4 Seminars: Peoples and Cultures of the Midd le East 4 Islam in the Modern World 4 Con fli ct and Change in the Middle East 1 16 Russian Studies Program Students attending the Russian Studies Program (RSP) spend a semester studying language, culture and history of Russia as we ll as current political and economic issues. In add ition they interact with leaders in the commu ni ty to develop a better understanding of contemporary Russian soci­ ety and how, as Westerners, they can foster more interaction with the country. Two weeks are spent in Moscow and 10 weeks in Nizhn i Novgorod (formerlyGorky). The final three wee ks in St. Petersburg allowstudents to li ve with a Russian fam ilyand to expe1ience Russian culture first-hand. Ase1>'ice project during this segment of the program gives students the opportuni ty to have a practical "hands on" work experience alongside Russian nationals in a wide range of professional settings. In fo rmation and applications are avai lable from Dr. Chris Grace in the Rosemead School of Psychology. Components Reco11!inended ciedits Russian language 6 Seminars: Russian History and Cu lture 4 Post-Communist Russian Transition 4 Se1>'ice Project 6 16 OVERSEAS STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM The International Student Exchange Program provides Biola students with the opportunity to study at a Christian un~ versity in Japan or Korea. Presently, students can study in Eng­ lish at Tokyo Christian University in Japan and at Yonsei Uni­ versity and Han Nam University, or they can study in Korean at Jeon Ju University or Seoul Women's University, in Korea. Students can go for one or two semesters if they have finished tl1eir first year at Biola with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. For additional information and an application, contact the Department of International Student Education.

Cenu·al American Travel Spring: Natural Science Track Seminar II Tropical Science & Global Sustainability Field Research Central American travel

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Los Angeles Film Institute The Los Angles Film Studies Center (WSC), located in Hollywood, is a semester-long internship/ seminar program for upper division students who are interested in an intro­ duction to the work and workings of the mainstream Holly­ wood film industry. Although not intended as a substitute for film school, the WSC curricu lum is designed to expose students to the industry, to the many academic disciplines that might be appropriate to it, and to critical thinking and reflection on what it means to be a Christian in this field of endeavor. As such, the curricu lum is balanced between courses of a theoretical nature and courses that offer stu­ dents a more applied introduction to the world of fi lm. Par­ ticipating students may earn 16 semester hours of credit which may be applied to a variety of student programs through consultation with an academic advisor. For addi­ tional information and app li cation see Dr. Tom Nash , or make inquiry through the Department of Communication. Components Recom11!ended credits Inside Hollywood: The Work and Working of the Film Industry 3 Introduction to Filmmaking 3 Film in Cu lture: Exploring a Christian Perspective on the Nature and influence of Film 4 Internsh ip § 16 Oxford Summer School Program The Oxford Summer School Program is a multi-discipli­ nary study of the histo ry and development of Renaissance and Reformation through examina tion of the philosophy, art, literature, sc ience, music, politics and religion of this era. Students have the opportunity to study with the facu lty of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies and the Un iver­ sity of Oxford. Lectures are normally held on weekly morn­ ings, leaving the afternoon free for seminars, private study and exploration. Field trips to places of historical impor­ tance such as St. Augustine's Abbey Canterbury Cathedral, Stratford-on-Avon, and Hampton Court provide an up-close opportunity to experience the cultural 1ichness of England. Un like the Coal ition-sponsored programs, credits at the Oxford Summer School Program are gene rated directly at the University of Oxford. Co11lponents Recom11!ended credits Lecture course 3 Seminar 3-6 6-9 (The Oxfard Su11!11!er School is a Coalition-affiliated, not Coali­ tion-sponsored progra11!.)

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