

ADVANCED PLACEMENT PROGRAM Biola Uni ve rsity, as a member of the Coll ege Entrance Examination Boa rd, recognizes the merits of the Advanced Pl acement Programand will gra!ll credit for Advanced Place­ ment courses taken in high school. Credit will be given wh en recommend ed by th e hi gh sc hool and wh en th e Advanced Placement examination is grade 3 or beuer. COLLEGE LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM Biola Unive rsitysubscribes to the College Level Examina­ tion Program (CLEP) of the College Entrance Examination Board . Bi ola Unive rsity encourages transfer students from non-accredited schools to validate ce rtain credits on the basis of the examinati ons provided by this program. High school students with superi or records are encouraged to take the general examinati ons prior to attending Biola University. Credit for CLEP general examinati ons will be awarded only in those areas where a general education requirement has not been met by previous co llege coursework and only up to th e amoun t needed to compl ete the requirement. (For exampl e, a minimum of only eight uni ts in the sciences and mathematics will be released if the students have no credits in these areas.) El ec ti ve credi t will not be give n for the general examinations of CLEP. Credit will be awarded fo r CLEP subject examinati ons in areas not covered by CLEP general examinations, provided no college credi ts have been attempted or earned in the same fi eld. Students should not take English composition through CLEP. Students are advised to take the CLEP test as earlyas pos­ sible in their co llege program to receive the maximum value from them. Bi ola niversity rese rves the right to determine the score at which credi ts will be released and the amount of credit awarded. The Registrar's Offi ce has final authority for the release of CLEP credi ts into Bi ola University. CHALLENGING ACOURSE In addition to the Advanced Placement Program and the Co ll ege Level Examin ati on Program, both of which may release actual units of credit toward graduation, it is possible fo r a student to challenge a particular course or requiremelll. If the student demonsu-ates by his performance on a compre­ hensive examination that he has a good grasp of the course content he can be granted exemption from taking the course bu t no uni ts or credits will be allowed. However, the R. N. or L.V.N. and survey Bible units or credi ts may be granted based on challenge examinati ons. Specific in fo rmation regarding these examinations is available from the Departmelll of 1urs­ ing. For furth er informati on see the university registrar. COMMUNITY (JUNIOR) COLLEGE TRANSFER No student will be permitted to transfer more than 70 units of credit from a community college. No upper division credit can be allowed for courses taken in a community col­ lege. Final authori ty for the acceptance of transfer credits i!llo Biola Uni versity rests with the Registrar's Office. Current stu­ dents takin g courses al loca l community coll eges wh ile enroll ed at Bi ola should request wriuen prior approval of

courses in order to insure that transfer credit will mee t the needs of their curriculum. No course belowa "C" (2 .0) will be transferred from another institution. Credi t/No credit and Pass/ Fail courses should not be taken. Vocational or technical courses will not be accepted fo r university credit. Admi ssion counselors are prepared LO give academic advisement to those attending, or planning to auend, communitycolleges with the intention of transferring into Biola University. The minimum GPAfo r acceptance is 2.5 cumulative GPA. ACADEMIC STANDARDS Aminimum grade point average of "C" (2.00) is necessa1y to graduate. Wi th the exception of business, education, fo reign language and nursing departments, a grade of "D" is accepted as a pa~sing grade in a single course. However "D"quali ty of work in ge neral is normally insuffi cient to all ow the student to progress from leve l to leve l. Higher GPA minimums are required before admission LO teaching and nursing. ursing stu­ dents should sec the department for GPA admi ssion require­ ments. Students receiving less than a "C" grade in any nursing course must repeat the course to progress in nursing. Students who u,msfer units fromother institutionsmust maintain an aver­ age grade of "C" in all work compl eted at Biola niversity as requirement for graduation. All students must have a minimum of a "C" average (2.00) in their 1mtjor fi eld. Academic Probation Anystudent whose cumulative grade point average in Biola University fa lls below"C" (2.00) is placed on academic proba­ tion. Probation indicates a period of trial and the studelll must achieve better than a 2.00 average the subsequent semester or face the possibili ty of being disqualified. Astudent is resu-icted fromparticipation in extracurricular universityactivities and the academic load will be limited during this period of probation to a maximum of thirteen units each semester. Students on acade­ mic probation must participate in the Learning Skills Program. Academic Disqualification Aswdent may be disqualified at any time if his grades are belowa 1.00 GPA in one semester or if he has achi eved mini­ mum grades fo r two successive semesters. Astudent who is considered for disqualification may make wriuen appeal to the Regisu·ar 's Offi ce to be allowed to continue on stri ct pro­ bati on as determined by the Academic Standards Commit­ tee. A disqualifi ed stude!ll may apply for re-admission only after a full year has elapsed. After one year, he mayapply for re-admi ssi on only if evidence is given whi ch indi cates that chances for scholas tic success are good. A student who has been disqualified twice may not be re-admitted. For full statement on satisfacl01y academic progress, fJ/ease see theAcademic and Behavioral Standards section of the catalog. PHILOSOPHY OF GENERAL EDUCATION The general education program at Biola is designed to sup­ port the university's distinctivelyChristian mi ssion bygivingspe­ cific attention to four themes: (I) developing intellectual skills, (2) educating whole persons, (3) understanding our Ch1istian heritage, and (4) becoming thinking Christians. All four tJiemes

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