

Students who may have completed three units of United States History or United States Government are advised to take History 210, Perspectives on American History (I unit) or Political Science 210, Perspectives on American Government (I unit) to complete the requirement. Note: An alternate route for meeting the requirement for History 100, History 200 or Political Science 200 is to tali£ the apt;rrrpriate History depmtment proficiency examination. The examinations are give twice a year in September and February. For those students, who pass the examination, upper division Histmy courses will be substituted in lieu of History 100, History 200 and Political Science 200. Apprrrpriate upper division coursework is determined in con­ sultation with the Histmy department. Philosaphy 3 units Any one of the following will meet this requirement: PHIL 210 Introduction to Logic PHIL 211 Introduction to Ancient Philosophy PHIL 212 Introduction to Medieval Philosophy PHIL 213 Introduction to Modern Philosophy PHIL 214 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 215 Introduction to Ethics PHIL 216 Introduction to Philosophy and Aesthetics Physical Education 4 activities Each student is required to complete four activities of physical education to be eligible for graduation. Selection from the following skill classes (110, 130, 140, 150). Students may se lect one unit of recreation ski ll to meet the general education requirement. Note: First Aid and CPR do not count as P.E. activity credit. Astudent may enroll for one activity and repeat once at a higher level if offered (intermediate or advanced) for gen­ eral education purposes. Example: A student who has taken beginning volleyball once may take it at the intermediate/advanced level once. In addition, two different activities are required to fulfill the four activity general activity requirement. Students 21 at the time of entrance to Biola are exempt from the physical edu­ 3 units lntercultural Studies 300, Psychology 200 or Sociology 220. Check the catalog to determine which majors require Psychology 200 as a support course. Nole: Psychology 200 is required for all majors leading to a teaching credential. Science/Mathematics 8units Eight units are required in science and / or mathematical sciences. Computer Science courses may not be used to ful­ fill the Science/ Mathematics requirement. A minimum of three units in math and three units in science is required. An option for the additional two units would be Computer Science 104. Biology 100 with 110 and Physical Science 101 have both been designed for the student with a limited back­ ground in science. The courses in Science / Mathematics approved for General Education credit are: Options: Biology: 100, 110, lll, 120, 130, 290 Chemistry: 100, 105, 112 cation requirement. Behavioral Science

Mathematical Sciences (101 or above) Physical Science: 101, 102, 103, 107, 110, 250

Note: Mathematics 111 is for liberal studies majors only. Bio/,og'j 252 Human Anatomy and 281 Physio/,og'j are for nursing and phys­ ical education majors only. Chemistry 112 is for nursing majors. ELECTIVES Normal lya student has considerable freedom in the choice of electives in addition to the biblical studies and theology, gen­ eral education and major requirements. However, in addition to the note given at the end of the biblical studies and theology requirements, the non-music major is limited to a maximum of eight units of credit in applied music (including ensembles) and the non-physical education major is limited to eight units of credit in physical education or skill courses.

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