Graphic Design (64 units)
212 Printmak ing I (Intaglio/Relief) (3) An introduction to the language of etching and the wood block print, with emphasis on the development of ideas and ex perimentati on in black and white. Prerequisite: l 07. Fee:$65. 213 Painting I (3) Basic color theo1y and paimi ng tech niques. Traditiona l to contempora1y styles will be ex plored. Prerequi si te: 107 or consent. Fee : $40. 221 Photography I (3) Experi ence in fun damentals of black and whi te photography covering both creative and technical aspects. Fee: $55.
Chair: Barry Krammes, M.F.A. FACULTY Associate Professors: Call is, Feldman, Krammes OBJECTIVES The Art Department seeks to aid in the deve lopm ent of men and women for the li fe and production of the art ist; to provide guidance in the deve lopment of a biblical philosophy of art that rela tes to the person, hi s Creawr and in turn , to the world. Upon comple tion of the an major, the student should have begun to deve lop an adequate fo undati onal unde rstandin g of va ri ous areas of expression. Through development of ski ll s. phi losophy and historic al per spec tives of art , th e Bi ola graduate shou ld be prepared fo r pos tgradua te swdyor a career in an in either secu lar or Christian r lated ente rpri ses. DEGREE PROGRAMS A Bachelo r of Aris degree in Mt is o!Tered upon completion of the univer sity baccalaureate and major require ments. The an major requires the com pletion of 52 uni ts, consisting of the fol lowi ng: 106, 107, 108, I 10. 111 , 210, 211, 212, 213, 304, 305, 308, 310, 311 , 315, and six uniL1of400 level electives. A Bachelor of Science degree in Art is oflered upon completion of the un ive r sity baccalaureate and the art major in one of the foll owing emphases: studio arts, graphic design, art educa ti on, or pre-an therapy. Each of these fou r con ce1mations offer additional choices fo r focused study. MAJORS Studio Arts (64 units) Drawing and Pain ting emphasis majors must complete: 106, 107, 108, 110, 111 ,2 10, 212,2 13, 221 ,307,308, 309 or 413, 310,3 11,3 15 or 103, 318, 319,325, 414, 427, 460 Three Dimension al emph as is majo rs must compl ete the following: 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 210,211, 212, 213,221,304,305,310,3 11 ,315 or 103, 318, 325,427,460 and six upper division electives in either ceramics or sculpture. Film and Video emphasis majors must comp lete the fo ll ow ing: I06, 107, 110, 111 , 210, 311 ,3 15,325, 348, 424, 425 , 44 4, 445, Communi ca tions 25 1,352,353, 356,357,358, 359, 452.
systems, as well as social , philosophica l and religious traditions. Fee: $35. 104 Crafts (3) Introducto1y studies on various forms of handicrafts, including wood , metal art and fibers. Fee: $60. 106 Art of the Past (Historical Survey) (4) A survey of the deve lopmem of West ern art and ar chitec tur e from its ancient origins th rough the Impres sionist movement. Bas ic charac teristi cs and concepts of style, iconographyand technique are discussed in relationship to religion, socioeconomic, intellectual and cultural trends. Three hours lec ture, one hour discuss ion. Fee: $35. 107 Basic Drawing (3 ) An imroduction to drawing, perspec tive , li ne , shape . va lue texture and composition. Fee: $40. 108 Basic Figure Drawing (3 ) An in troducti on to fundamental s of drawing the human fi gure from ges ture to fini shed work. Emphasis on shape, form, va lue, structure and indi vidual expression. Fee: $60. 110 Basic Design (3) A bas ic foundation course to es tablish visual design concepts. This course examin es elemen ts and principles of t.vQ-{!imensional design. Fee: $50. 111 Three-Dimensional Design (3) Bas ic techniq ues in three-dimensional form. lmroduction includes prepara tion of draw in gs , models and co n struction. Fee: ,50. 130 Introduction to Studio Arts (3) Astudyof the prima,y historical styli s tic periods of man's work in the visual arts. Classroom experi ence will allow fo r hands-on ex peri ence in work ing with a var iety of materials in both 2-D and 3-D media. For non-an majo rs on ly. Fee: $60. 203 Illustration I (3) Explorati on of va ri ous illustrat ion materials and techniques. For graphic design majors on ly. Fee: $40. 210 Sculpture I (3) Imroduction to the methods, ma teri als, and tools of scul pture and general concepts of scu lptural form . Fee: $60. 211 Ceramics I (3) An imroduction to wh ee l techni que and beginning throwing skills. Formu lation of bas ic glaze applications in the development of fire ceramics will be emphasized. Fee: $60.
Graphi c Design emphasis majors must complete the fo llowi ng: 106, 107, 108, 110, I ll , 203,213, 221 ,303,311, 312, 313, 315 or 103, 318, 320 or 322 , 32 1, 412,419, 420, 425, 435 or 460. Art Secondary Education (70 units) Art Educat ion emphasis maj ors must compl ete the foll owing: 104 , 106, 107, 108, 11 0,111 , 210, 211 , 212, 213, 22 1, 304, 310, 311, 313,3 15 or I03, 325, 409, 460, Psychology 200, Education 300, 330, 425 and 435. Those students interested in a leaching credential should be advised that all singlt subject leaching creden tial /1rograms are undeigoing rroision. Consult till' Education Depm1111entfordetails 011 cunenl /1rogra111s. Pre-Art Therapy (64 units) Pre-Art Therapy emphasis maJ ors must complete the following: I 06, !07, 108, 11 0, 111 ,210,211,2 12, 213, 305, 308, 311,315 or 103, 426, 430, 435, three credi ts of upper division art electives, P;y chology 200, 309, 411 , and either 320, 32 1, or 322; Biology I 00, Sociology 220 or lntercul tural Studies 300. Th e pre-art therapy emphas is is part of an "ln1erdi sciplinary Option" within the Art DepartmenL designed to prepa re th e undergraduate student for later graduate s1udy in art therapy at an accredi ted graduate program. Note: Philoso/1hy 216 is recom111ended for all wt 11uyors. Completion of wt 11uyorfi11jills till' genem/ eduwtion mquile111ent forfine wt.1. MINORS An Ari Minor is offered with com pletion of lower division courses I00 , I07 , 110, plus 12 uni LI of upper cli1~ sion courses totaling 21 units. A GmphicDesign Art Minor isoffered with the compl etion of I07, 110, and upper division courses 303, 312, 313, 419, and 420 for a to ial of 21uni ts. COURSES 100 Art Appreciation (3) An i1moduction to the histo1y of art crit icism and aesthetics; a 1~sual analysis of works of art; comparative stud ies on sel ec ted pain ti ngs and sculp tures. Designed fo r non-majors. Fee: 40. 103 Non-Western Art (3) Su rvey of non-wes tern art and archi tecture. Introducing major fo rms, functions and materi als used by the peopl es of As ia , Africa, Oceania and the Americas. Areas of investigation will incl ude aes thetic theories , value
(See also Commun ication 245) 303 Computer Graphics I (3)
An in u·oduction to the use of computer graphics programs fo r graphi c design and ill usu-ation. Development of design and computer skill s to allow the s1udent to use the computer as a p1ima1y design vehicle. Fee:$60. 304 Ceramics II (3) Continued indi1rj dual development in all areas of cerami cs. In troducing vessel consu1xtion fromhand-built techniques, low fire glaze applications and inu·oduc tions in fi ring the kilns. Fee:$60. 305 Sculpture II (3) Em phas izes sculptu ral aesthetics and appropriate tec hnology. Students will be involved with formu lating a con ceptual and technical basis fo r ongo ing work. Fee: $60. 306 Elementary Art Workshop (3) Developing and preparing art projects su itabl e for elemcnta1y school pupils. For li beral studies majors. Fee: $60. 307 Intermediate Drawing (3) Expl orati on of the ove rl apping rela tionships foun d in mixed media draw ing. Experimenta tion is encouraged, with emphas is being pl aced on fi n ished works of an. Fee : $40. 308 Painting II (3) Concentra tion on developing imagina ti ve reso urces of th e in di vidual through the use of oi ls and acryli cs . Color, shape, image, visual, ideas and techniques are covered. Prerequisite: 21 3or consent. Fee: $40. 309 Figure Painting (3) An introduction to fun damentals of pa inting the human figure from ges tu re to fi nished wor k. Color theo ry and pain t ing tec hniq ues to be explored. lnterterm only. Fee: $60.
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