150, plus either BBSf 320 or CEED 383, three units of BBST or CEED elective,
Ch,istianity. Ase1vice learning compo360 Pentateuch (3)
nent is incorporated into this class. PreMosaic authorship, historical and cul
and three units of BBSf or CEED inderequisites: 101, 110, 251.
tural backdrop, themes , theological issues, literary structure and content. Prerequisites: IOI, 110,120, 121. 371 Early History of Israel (3) Conquest through the establishment of
pendem study and / or practicum. A course of study leading to an M.A. is avai lable through Biola's graduate school, Talbot School of Theology. Please see graduate section for details.
Dean of the Faculty:
Michael Wilkins, Ph .D.
220 Guided Study (1-3)
Chair: Walter B. Russell , Ph.D.
For those needing units to complete their Bible requirement. Readi ng with
written reports on biblical and/ or theDavid's kingdom, focusing on histori
Professors: Cunis, Kurtaneck, Pierce Associate Professors: Cox, Flory,
cal, cultural and theological issues that aid in interpreting events and texts.
ological subject.I. Prerequisite: consent of undergraduate Biblical studies chair.
Core Curriculum
Hutchison, Rae, Russell
Prerequisites: IOI, ll0, 120, 121.
101 Foundations of Christian Thought (3) Gene ral and special revelation, the nature of biblical literature, along with principles for its imerpretation
311 Biblical Backgrounds (3)
Assistant Professor: Balius In tructor: Fong
Contributi ons of archeology, geogra372 Later History ol tsrael (3)
phy, culture, and history to bibli cal
Kings and prophets from Solomon
interpretation . May include abroadthrough the ren1m from exi le, empha-
study in lands of the biblical world. Prerequisites: 101 , 110, 120, 121.
Asu-ong emphasis in Biblical Studand integrati on into other fields of
sizing historical, cultural and theological issues that aid in interpreting events and texts. Prerequisites: 101 , ll0, 120,121.
academic learning. Development of a
ies has always been at the core ofBiola's
Christian worldview for personal and cmTiculum. It is intended that all stu312 Principles of Interpretation (3)
profess ional livin g is emphas ized .
dents regardless of major will graduate
Methods and principles for interpret380 Wisdom and Poetic Literature (3) ing Scripture throughout church hisAuthorship, date of writing, historical
with a working knowledge of the ScripShould be completed first year. tures and a Christian worldvi ew, inte110 New Testament History
tory and the present era. Theory is appli ed to texts with an emphasis on the grammatica l-historica l method. Prerequisites: 101 , 110, 120, 121.
and cultural backdrop, themes, theo- logical issues, literary struclllre and content ofJob through Song of Songs. Prerequisites: IOI, 110, 120, 121.
grated with academic learning as well as
and Literature (3)
An overv iew focusing on persons, events, litera1y su-ucture and themes, wi th a discussion of theological issues
personal and professional living.
GENERAL BIBLE REQUIREMENTS All students must compl ete 30 units of Biblical Studies including 10 I, I10, 120 , 121 , 200, 251, 304, 465 and two bible electives. Majors other than
320 Inductive Bible Study (3)
and application for living. 120 Old Testament History (3)
391 Major Prophets (3)
Inductive method applied to selected biblical texts. Specific focus indicated in semester schedu le. Prerequisites:
Authorship, date of writing, histori cal
An overview of Genesis -Esther, emphaand cultural backdrop, themes, theo
sizing persons, events, and themes, with
logical issues, literary structure and con tent. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121.
IOI , 110, 120, 121.
Biblical Studies or Christian Educaa discussion of theological issues and
tion may cou nt a maximum of 30
330 Jesus' Lile and Ministry (3)
application for living.
392 Minor Prophets (3)
un its toward graduation. DEGREE PROGRAM
Chrono logical study of th e gospe ls, similarities and differences between
121 Old Testament Literature (3)
Authorship, date of writing, historical
An overview ofJob- Malachi, emphasizand cultural backdrop, themes, theo the writers, as well as the historical , ing litera1y structure and themes, wi th
A Bachewr of Arts in Biblical Studies is offered upon the completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. Majors must complete general requirements (excluding the two electives) plus 31 1, 312,4 11 , 412, 455, 470, nine units of 300-level BBST electives, nine units of 400-level BBST electives, HIST 32 1, 12 units of either Greek (BLGR 101 / 102, 201 / 202) or Hebrew (BLHE 101 / 102 , 201 / 202) . In addition to the major requ irement, sLUdents are encou raged to select a specialization of 9- 12 units outside the
cultural and theological factors aiding logical issues, literaiy su1.1cture and con
a discussion of theological issues and
tent. Prerequisites: 101 , 110, 120, 121.
in interpreting events and teachings. Prerequisites: 101 , 110, 120, 121.
application for living.
Advanced Study Electives
150 Old Testament Survey (4)
340 Guided Study (1-3)
(Desc ripti ons often provide general framework for focused electives. Specific titles for 430, 440 and 450 appeai· in the semester schedule prefixed by "Adv St";
An overview of the Old Testament focus ing on book outlin es, key themes, persons and events in biblical histo1y, along with personal applicatio n. cussion. For BOLD students only. 200 Early Christian History - Acts (3) Book of Acts emphasizing missiona1y philosophy, activ ity of the ea rl y chu rch and current appl ica ti on to
In-depth study of a specifi c book or books of the Bibl e including wriuen report on the relevance of the book to the student 's life. Course offered to
Includes one unit of small group dissectionsof 465, by "Integ Sem: "). fulfi ll BOLD program requirement.
411 New Testament Theology (3)
Prerequisite: consent of the Biblical
Method, practi ce and hi story of the di scipline. May emphas ize se lec ted writers or themes. Prerequisites: IOI,
Studies dept.
341 Pauline Literature (3)
Authorship, occasion of writin g, themes, theological issues, litera ry stru cture and content of Paul's writ ings. May focus on a smaller unit such
110,120,121,200,251,304. 412 Old Testament Theology (3)
department to fulfill their non-premissions. Prerequisites: IO1, 110.
scribed electives.
251 Christian Thought I (3)
Method, practice and history of the
Biblical, hi stori cal and systematic ratio nale for understanding God 's Person and work, the Person and Work ofJesus Christ, along with the docu-ine of Man and Sin , set in the broader context of chur ch history and co ntemporary Christianity. Prerequisites: 101, 110.
as Prison or Pastoral Leuers. Prereqdiscipline . May emphasize se lec ted
writers, themes or eras. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121 , 200,251,304, 430 Advanced Study: New Testament (3) Independent student research and
uisites: 101 , 110,120,121. 342 Johannine Literature (3)
Jointly sponsored by the Biblical Studies and Christian Education depart ments, this program isdesigned for those desiring a concenu-ated year of Biblical Studies and Ch1istian minisuy, without a baccalaureate degree. It invo lves 33 semester units of regular university coursework and meets the standards for organ izations requiring one year of Bible miining. Specific courses include BBST 101 , ll0, 120, 121, 200,251,304, CEED
Authorship , occas ion of writing , themes, th eo logi ca l issues, literary
structure and content of.John's wr itwriting in addition to a seminar style
ings. Prerequisites: 101, 110, 120, 121.
classroom atmosphere for the study of selected texts and/ or topics. May be repeated with different content for a
304 Christian Thought II (3)
Biblical , historical and systematic ratio343 General Letters (3)
Authorship, occasion of writing ,
nale for understanding the docuines of Salvation, the. Holy Spirit, the Church,
themes, theological issues, litera,y su·ucmaximum of six units counted toward
graduation. Prerequisites: 101 , 110,
and fi.I ture events, set in the broader conture and content of noi1-Pauline letters.
Prerequisites: IOI , I 10, 120, 121.
120, 121 ,200,251,304.
text of chw·cl1 histo1y and contemporary
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