

■ :H•Jl•0C.Y41 SCIENCE

Chair: Rap hael Payne, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Payne Associate Professors: Kuld, Lin , Van Deusen Assistant Professor: Ebeling OBJECTIVES


Forty of the required units, including Ill , 112, 222, 281 or 282,312,322,342, 401 , 450 or 470 and a minimum of 11 uni ts of upper division electives. MAJORS Biological Science Thirty-two units of supporti ng sciences from th e Departments of Chemistry, Mathematica l Sc iences, and Ph ys ical Sc iences are also req ui red including Chem ist ry I 05, I 06, 301 and 302, Phys ics 111 or 132, and Math 105 or 210. Biology 312, 401,450 and 470 have been designated as the writing compe­ tency courses. Other upper division biology course work may be used 111th the consent of the deparunent. All concentrations must in cl ude 24 upper divis ion units. Note: The eight units of general edu­ cation science requirement are met by the completion of themajor. Other programs/ options in con­ junction with thi s major are: life Science Teaching Credential A Bachelor of Science degree in bio logical educa tion ful fi lls the state requirement for a Life Science Teach­ ing Credential. This credent ial is offered with the completion of 40 unit,, including Il l, 11 2,222,281,312,322, 342, 352, 40 I, 450 or 470, and a mini­ mum of seven uni ts of upper division electives. A minimum of 17 units of supporting sciences from the Depart­ ment, of Chemisuy and Mathematical and Computer Sciences are requ ired including Chem isuy 105, 106 and 30 1, and one math course . The student must serve as a biology teaching ass is­ tant (Bi ology I IO is recommended). The student must also have an ad11sor in tJ1e Department of Education. Those students interested in a leaching c,edential slwuld be advised that all single Sllbjecl leaching c,edential f1rog,w11s are 11nde1goi11g revision. Consult I.he Education DejJ/lr/.men/. for details on cunenl /1rogmms. The profess ional educat ion courses required for the Preliminary Teaching Credential are: LEDU 300, 330, 425, 435, and 450/ 452. Consult the Education section of thi s catalog fo r the requirements for a Pro fes­ sional Clear Teaching Credential. All concentrations must include 24 upper division units. Note: The. eight unils of general edu­ ca.lion math/science requirnmenls are me/ 1,y /.he completion of theme.jar.

of relevant current issues and litera­ ture will be included. Prereq ui site BIOS 111 or signature of instruc tor. Spri ng semester. Lab fee: $40. 120 Current Topics in Biology (3) Selected topics of current interest and co nce rn are stud ied . Sectio ns are offered each year upon sufficient demand. Topics are the following: Human Ecology. An in u·oduction to con tempora,y environmental prob- lems emphasiz ing man's role in their cause and responsible stewardship of natural resources, including such top- ics as biological diversity , cycl es in nature, popul ation dynamics , pollu- tion, progress, energy sources, natural resources , en dangered species, and attitudes toward the ear th. Human Biology. Selected body sys­ tems and/ or diseases will be studied in detail. Nutiition. A deta iled study of the basic nutritional needs of human s: wa ter, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Also included is coverage of certai n nutr it iona l issues such as health foods, megavita­ min s, obesity, and food additives, as well as a compute r-aided personal diet-anal ysis assignment. Plant/Animal Studies. An investiga­ tive and/ or identification approach to studying selected plant and/ or animal groups. Transportation fee: $475 (if fi eld taught). (See also Biology 333.) 130 Seminar in Biology Science (1-2) Directed research (literature or labo­ ratory) in se lected areas of bio logy with written and/ or oral presentations by student s; in te nded Lo stimulate inquiry and creative th ought. Not open to biology majors. 211 Invertebrate Biology (4) Taxonomy and morphology of inve r­ tebrate phyla; laborato1y dissection of in vertebra tes. Th ree hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequ isite: JOO and I IO, or 111. Lab fee: $40. 222 Botany (4) The study of the organs, tissues, func­ tions and responses Lo em~ronment of typical flower ing plants and the mor­ phology and li fe histo1y of the major lowe r plant groups. Some classifica­ ti on of local forms is included, an d limited use of the scanning electron microscope is available . Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Pre­ requisite: I00 or 111 . Lab fee: $40.

A Biologiwl Science Minor offered with tJ1 e comp letion of 20 units, 12 of wh ich must be upper division. Ge n­ eral Biology (111 and 11 2) and Ge net­ ics (342 ) are required. The remain­ ing elec tive units are to be approved by a department adviser. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS High school requi rements are: one year of biology, one year of chemisuy, three yea rs of mathematics, and two years of fore ign language. One year of physics is desirable. Deficienc ies can be fulfi lled with permiss ion from the Department of Biological Science. ENGLISH REQUIREMENTS Students wishing to enroll in any courses in tJ1e Biological Sciences must be eli gible to take Engli sh I JOA or must have the permi ss ion of the insu1.1ctor to take the course. COURSES 100 Biological Principles - Lecture (3) Uni fy ing prin cipl es of .bi ology with emphasis on human organ systems. No lab is required, but Biology 11 0 is the lab course designed to accompany 100. Biology 100 without the lab (100) will not receive transfer credit at most other universities. Not open to biology majors. 110 Observational Biology - Laboratory (2) Observatio nal and in vest igat ive approach to su,veing a range of biologi­ cal organisms and examining selected human systems. Three hours laborato1y, one hour lecL11re/ discussion designed to be taken with Biology I 00. Lab fee: $40. 111 General Biology I (4) Introdu ctory course for major s emphasizing the principles of cell ular and molecu lar biology , genet ics , development , systematics and natural se lec tion . Laboratory (4 hour s) divided between obse rvatio nal and expe rim ental approac hes, with emphasis on co llection and in te rpre­ tat.ion of quantitative data. Frequent lab discuss ion of releva nt issues and li terature will be included. Fall semes­ ter. Lab fee: $40. 112 General Biology II (4) Co n ti nuat ion of gene ral bi ology emphasizing the principles of human physiology, eco logy and homeostatic mechanisms. Labo ratory (4 hours) will involve dissection as we ll as exper­ imentation. Frequent lab discussion

The biological science major, sup­ ported by chemistry, ph ys ics and mathematics, incorporates a breadth in the major areas of biology Lo serve as a base for advanced or more spe­ cialized study. The curr iculum is designed Lo prepare studen LS for the fo ll owing: ( 1) further study in the health related fi elds of medicine, den­ List,y, veter ina,y medicine, pharmacy, medical technology, phys ical th erapy, and ph ysician's assistalll, (2) graduate study in various disciplines of biologi­ cal sc ience, (3) seconda,y education, (4) careers in appl ied biology re lated to agriculwre, indusuy, missions, etc. Upon completion of the biological science major, it is intended that the stu­ dent be able Lo: ( 1) understand and apply the scien tific method Lo histo,ical and cunenl problems in the va1ious bio­ logica l disciplines and relate them to broader applications in life, (2) imegrate perti nent scriptural principl es with known biological facts, (3) discuss il1eo­ ries of evolu tion and origins within the contex t of a scriptural view of creation, (4) know the basic biological functions of living organisms and relate u1ese func­ tions to tJ1e levels of biological organiza­ tion (hierarchy) and to a better under­ standing of himself, (5) demonstrate writing competency and communication ski lls wh ile using scientific terminology, (6) understand tJ1e relationship of chem­ isuy, physics and mathematics to the bio­ logical sciences, (7) describe geneti c processes at molecular and organismal levels, (8) explain cellular organization, fi.mction and regulation, (9) understand energy d)11amics at the va1ious levels of biological organization, (10) desoibe the integrated regulato,y sys tems of plan ts and animals, ( 11 ) use (and understand the Lhco,y o0 selected scientifi c insm,­ mentation and research techniques. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor ofScience DRgmein Biological Sciena is oflered upon completion of tJ1e uni vers ity baccalaureate and major requirements. The biological science major requires tJ1e completion of tJ1e fol­ lo111ng required hours and an emphases.


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