

370 Business Finance (3) Problems and methods in securing funds for business firms, nature of secu­ ri ties markets, short- and long-term fi nancing. Prerequisites: 190, 2 I 2. 402 Data Base Management (3) Integrated data base sys tem, logical organiza tion, data desc ripti on lan­ guage (DDL), data man ipulation lan­ guage (DML), hierarchica l networks and relational data bases, overview of se lec ted data base management sys­ tems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 280. Fee: $25. (See also Compu te r Science 402) 407 Computer Applications in Business (3) The study and application of spread­ shee t and database software to busi­ ness problems with an emphas is on prob lem so lvin g and prese ntati on techni ques . Prerequi sites: 21 2, 220, 230,370. 411 AdvancedAccounting (3) Examin es essential elements of corpo­ rate co nso lid at ion s, bra nch and departmental accounting, intern a­ tional accouming, advanced partner­ ship and fund accounting con cepts. Prerequisite: 312,313. 412 Auditing (3) Introduction LO standards and proce­ dures wh ich comprise the comempo­ raiy audit environment. Topics include, ethi cs, legal li ability, internal control, substantive evidence, and reporting. Course work includes comprehensive practice audit. Two hours each week non-credit lab. Prerequisite: 312,313. 415 Management andOrgani zation (3) Principles of management; planni ng, cona-olling, organizing, organ izational behavior and commun ication; manage­ ment of confl ict and change; business ethics and societal relationships. Pre­ requisites: 20 l , 212, Psychology 200. 421 Managerial Negotiation and Leadership (3) Manage ri al leaders hip wi thin th e political realities of modern organ iza­ tional life. A strong emphasis will be placed upon responsible handli ng of power and the ethical di lemmas that graduates wil l encoumer in the busi­ ness wo rl d. The course content will incl ude examinati on of value stru c­ tures and critical decision making that is fou nded upon the Chri sti an fai th. Prerequ isite: 415 (majors) and con­ sent (non-maJors) .

331 Consumer Behavior (3) Consumer buying pallerns, dec ision making, moti vati on and behav ior. Behavioral science applied to the solu­ tion of marketi ng decisions involving behavioral research techniques . Pre­ requisites: 230, Psychology 200. 332 Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations (3) Examination and evaluation of the prin­ ciples of basic marketi ng as applied to the non-profit sec tor. Phil osophy of nonprofit marketing and its practical application 1vill be uti li zed through indi­ vidual studem projects. Specific market­ ing strategies will relate to churches, social service organizations, foundations and other designated non-profi t organi­ zations. Prerequisite: 230. 334 Promotions (3) Introduction to the role of Promotion and Adve rtising as currenliy used for products, services, ideas and events by business firm s, communi ty organiza­ ti ons and churches. Understanding of the promotion mix including pub­ lic relati ons, publi city, sa les promo­ tion and personal se lling. Prerequi ­ site: 230. 336 Sales Practicum (3) Analys is of the sal es manager as a pro­ fessional market tac tician in a market­ ing firm. Includes survey of personal se lling effort with emphasis on imer­ relati onships betwee n sa les ac ti vity and related marketing fun ct ion s. In vo lves appli ed appro ac hes and actual real world experiences in sales.

Mechani cs of in formation u,msfer and cm1u·ol within a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Prerequi­ site: IO I. Fee: $25. (See also Computer Science 302.) 311 , 312 Intermediate Accounting I, II (3,3) Ad va nced trea tment of cas h- flow, fund s-fl ow analyses, preparati on of financial statements, income tax alloca­ tion, valuation , forecas ts, cash reconcil­ iation. Prerequisite: 212,311 fo r 312. 313 Cost Account ing (3 ) Cost accounting from manage ri al, conceptual and techni cal viewpoint; product, labor, material and overhead cost in g; pl ann ing and control processes; analytical procedures. Pre­

21 1, 212 Principles of Accounting I, II (3 ,3) Basic for all busin ess majors and those seeki ng Lo learn the language of busi­ ness; procedure for selling up a dou­ bl e entry bookkeeping sys tem. Sec­ ond semes ter: co rporate accounti ng and elementarycost accouming meth­ ods. Prerequisite: 211 prerequisite fo r 21 2. One hour each week, non-credit, laboratory. Fee: $10. 220 Management Information Systems (3) Information systems, their design , imple­ mentation and conuibution Lo manage­ mem planning, decision maki ng and control. Applications involving micro­ computers and decision support systems. 223 Calculus for Management Sc iences (3) Fundamental principles of differential and integral calculus. Applications cho­ sen mainly from the management sc i­ ences. Prerequisite: Pa,sing proficiency examadministered byBusiness Adminis­ tration Department or receiving a "C" or better grade in Math 90 the prior year. 229 Personal and Family Finances (3) Managing family financ es; budgeting use of credit; borrowing money; sav­ ing methods; purchase of li fe , health , property and auto insurance; buying and renting pro perty; ta xes; buying securities; wills and es tates. 230 Introduction to Marketing (3) In troduction to the basic elements of modern marketing including the study of the marketing environment frame­ work, targe t market, market segmenta­ tion, marketing ethics, and the market­ ing mix variablesof product, promotion, price, public relations, and place/ disnih­ ution. Prerequisite: 190 or consent. 270 Independent Study (1-3) Development of skill in independent studyof topics in the fi eld of busin ess . May be repeated with different section ti Li e fo r a maximum of six units. Used LO grant CPL credit fo r BOLD stu­ dents on ly. Credit granted in con­ junction with the Schoo l of Business and BOLD Office. 275 Data Structures (3) Li near li sts, su- ings, arrays and orthog­ onal lists; graph s, trees, binar 1• trees, multi-linked structures, searching and saning techniques, dynami c storage allocation; appli cations. Prerequisite: 105. Fee : $25 . Spr ing. (See also Compu ter Science 106. ) 302 Computer Organization (3) Organization and structuring of m,~or hardware components of compu te rs.

requisite: 312 or consent. 314 Federal Income Tax For Individuals (3)

An explanation of the federal income tax law as it relates to ind ividuals. The tax structure is examined in light of its historical developmem with emphasis on problemsolvi ng. Prerequisite: 212. 315 Federal Income Tax for Partner­ ships , Corporationsand Estates (3) An explanation of the federal income tax lawas it relates to partnershi p and co rp oration s. Es tate taxes ar e reviewed with historical perspecti ve. Problem solving is emphasized to pro­ vide the student with practi ce in appli­ cation of tax principles to specifi c situ­ ations. Prerequisite: 212. 318 Human Resource Management (3) Organization and role of the personnel department in busin ess; analyz ing and solving case problems drawn from indus­ ny. Prerequisite: upper divi sionstanding. 319 Organizational Eth ics (3) The fo undations and theori es of ethics as related LO th e Bibl e, th e ma rket place, and the modern corporati on. Case studi es in modern ethi cs are dis­ cussed with a \~ew to raising the moral consciousness of business professionals. (Th is course does not mee t general educa tion requirements.) Prerequisite: upper di\~sion standing or consent. 325 Management Science (3) Math emati ca l programm ing wit h emphasis on probl ems in manage­ ment and economi cs. In cl udes appli­ cations on production con trol, inven­ to ry cont ro l, scheduling, inve nto ry control, PERT and network now prob­ lems. Fu ndamental mathemati ca l optimization and measuremem LheOI)' problems. Prerequisite: 190, 202, 220, 223. Fee: $10.

Prerequisite: 230 or consent. 345 Current Economic Issues (3)

Reading and analys is of articl es in periodi cals and the daily press relating to economic problems. Utili zes prin­ ciples developed in 20 I, 202. Offered on sufficient demand. 350 Money and Banking (3) Na ture, functions and now of money and credit in the Ameri can economy and the world; analys is of commercial banking and U. S. monetary sys tem. Prerequisite: 20I. 361 , 362 Business Law I and II (3 ,3) First semester: function of law in our society, crimes, intentional tons, neg­ ligence, comracts. Uniform Commer­ cial Code, sales, and negoti able instru­ ments. Second semester: property, partn erships, co rporati ons, agency, land lord and tenant , security agree­ ments, bankruptcy and business regu­ lati on. Prerequisite fo r 362 is 361; requires upper division standing.

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