

430 International Economics and Trade (3) Principl es and theo1y of international u·ade; anal ysis of U.S. trade with lead­ in g indu stri al nation s; tr ade and growt h in developin g co untri es; national poli cies affecting trade; eco­ nomi cs of foreign exchange; balance of payments and monetary arrange­

437 Real Estate (3) Laws relating to rights and obliga tions inherent in ownership of real prop­ en:y; how titl e to real property is trans­ fcrred; homesteads, trust and deeds, li ens; land desc ription s; escrow proce­ dures; title insurance; the real estate

464 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (3)

posal describing learning obj ec ti ves, collateral reading and ex pected bene­ fits must be submitted and accepted by a SL1pervi sor/ instructor during the semester prior to registration. Depart­ mental approval required. 462 Investments (3) Principles for the individual investor; tests of a sound inves tmen t, informa­ ti on so urces; types of stocks and bonds; mec hani cs of purchase and sal e. Prerequisite: 202, 370. 463 Advanced Corporate Finance (3) Advanced ,malysis of the management of long-te1111 assets, debt and equity, includ­ ing capital acquisitions. Some attention to shorter term management of in ven­ t01y and payables. Prerequisite:370.

Methods, problems and fac tors involved in launching and operating small profit and nonprofit organi za tions. Prerequi­ si tes: 230,370 or consent. 470 Strategic Management (3) Meth ods of determinin g strateg ic dec ision makin g in bu sin ess and industry, with proj ec ts des igned to provide ac tual resea rch experi ence, wi th case swdy approach. Prerequ i­ sites: 202,220,230,362 ,370, 41 5.

broke r. Prerequisite: 361. 450 Directed Studies (1-4)

ments. Prerequisite: 201 , 230. 431 Marketing Management (3)

Extensive exploration of the literature in a se lected fi eld of busin ess or eco­ nomi cs under facul ty guidance. Prereq­ uisites: upper division standing and con­ se nt. May be repeated with different section ti tle fo r maximum of six uni LS. 460 Business Internship (1-3) Busin ess work ex peri ence related spec ifi cally to fi eld of study. A pro-

Focus on the decision-making processes fac ing those in marketing from a mar­ ket in g-management perspect ive. Develop and discuss the management of marketing strateg ies, tac ti cs and plans. Examine poli cies and proce­ dures in order to effectively implement these strategies . Use case studi es to identify pract ical problems and apply class knowledge to their solution. Pre­ requisites: 230,331,332,432,435. 432 Marketing Research (3) Understanding tJ1e role of marketing resea rch in management decis ion making. Project approac h to the mar­ ke tin g sea rch process of secondary research, focus groups and .survey preparati on, co ll ec ti on and analys is. Pr eparati on of writt en resea rch report.5. Prerequisites: 190,220. 433 Marketing Decision Making (3) As the capstone course fo r market ing majors, emphasis will be placed on re­ examini ng the entire marketing deci­ sion process through the utilization of marketing case analys is. Th ere will also be focus on ca ree r pre pa ra ti on such as choosing an indusuy, develop­ ing a resume and sharpening inter­ viewing skills. Prerequisites: 230, 33 1, 332, 334,431, 432, 435 or consent. 435 Business to Business Marketing (3) Apractical approach to understanding and implementing marketing su-ategies as appli ed to the busin ess to business sector. Special attentionwill be given to examin ati on of va ri ous marketin g employment positions including analy­ sis of the following subject.5: purchasing, negotiating, marketing research, market segmenta tion, personal selling, sal es management, promotion and ethi cs in the business to busin ess marketing envi­


ronment. Prerequisite: 230. 436 Retail Management (3)

Examination and evaluation of chang­ ing concept.5 of retailing and merchan­ dising from a management viewpoin t. Phil osophy of modern ma nagement and measures of retail productivityare employed in individual student fi elds projec t.5 . Prerequisite: 230 or conse nt.

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