

461 Vocational Practicum I (2) St ructu red experiences in teaching th e Bi ble in a fie ld sett in g wit h a selected age group. Lesson pre para­ tion, executi on and evaluati on with an emphas is on develo ping speak ing skills associated with professional min­ istry positions. Chri stia n education majors onl y. Prerequisites: 380, 260. 462 Vocational Practicum II (2) Sm.1ctural expe1iences in the supeivision of a limited educa tional ministry pro­ gram in a selected vocational se tting. The emphasis of tJ1i s semester will be on personal leadership development. The cl ass will seek to utilize all the studem's knowledge, atti tudes, and skills in the fu l­ fillment of a viable mini s□y of Ch1istian education. For the Christian education majorsonly. Prerequisites: 380, 461. 470 Current Topics in Christian Education (1-3) Designed for upper division students in C.E. who wa nt Lo study speciali zed topics not currentlycovered in catalog course offerings . May be taken two times with different emphasis. Fee may be required. Admi ssion by acade­ mi c advisor approva l. 480 Independent Study in Christian Education (1-3) Deve lopment of skill in independent studyof topics in the fi eld of Christian education. Offe red both semesters. Prerequi site: Seni or leve l Chri stian educa ti on maj ors onl y and depa rt­ mental approval. May be repeated.

423 Counseling Theories and Issues for the Christian Worker (3) Introductory in vest igation of selected coun se ling theori es employed by staff members of chu rch and parachurch agencies . The examinati on of each th eory will include : hi storica l back­ ground, bas ic concept1, process, mech­ anisms, case examples, evaluation and appli ca ti on to spec ifi c coun se lin g issues. Offe red spring semester. 424 TechniQues of Counseling for Use in the Church (2) Distinctives of counselors in a church or parachurch age ncy, their qualifica­ ti on and necessa ry coun se ling Lec h­ niqu es. Spec ial emph as is will be pl aced upon th e student's develop­ ment th rough experiential prac ti ce of "peopl e-helping skill s" fr om a Christ­ ian perspec tive. Offered spring semes­ ter, alternate years. Prerequisite: 423 . 428 Family Ministries in the Church (2) Biblical concepts of the family; survey of the needs of whole and fragmented families in the church; resources and techniques ava il abl e LO mee t these needs. Offered spring semester. 430 Camp Leadership (2) Study in the phil osoph y, objecti ves , leadership , program and admini stra­ tion of the Christian camp. Investiga­ tion in to the trends of camping, both centrali zed and decentralized. Tech­ niques in organizing and directing a camp program, including coun se lor trainin g. Emphas izes utili zat ion of camping to enhance church's minisu-y. Transportation fee may be required. Prerequisite: Upper division status.

412 Missions Education in the Church (2) Basic admini strati on of a prog ram wi thin the church's educational pro­ gram th ro ugh whi ch mi ss ions is tau ght to all age leve ls. Offered spring semester, alternate years. 413 Women 's Ministry in Christian Education (3) An examination of the biblical , hi stor­ ical, and contemporary perspectives of women in leadershi p roles within a ministry. Assessment of role expecta­ ti on, relation ships and vocati onal opportuni ties. Prerequisite : 150. 415 Organization and Administration of Christian Education (3) An in trodunion LO the bibli cal, histor­ ical, and current prac ti ce of manage­ ment: planning, organizing, staffing, di recting, and evaluating wi th special emph as is upon th e appli ca ti on of these fun cti ons to church and para­ church administration. Prerequisites: 150, 251, 260,380. 416 Curriculum Development (2) Essential elements in cuniculum forma­ tion including intensive swdy of varied existing curricula, contemporary tends in cwTiculum production and curricu­ lum writing experience. Offered spring semes ter. Prerequisite: one of tJ1e age level courses: 372, 373 or 374. 422 Singles Ministries in the Church (2) Issues and needs of never-married and formerl y marri ed persons, including identi ty crisis, role definiti on, se lf-accep­ tance and the development of imimacy. Resources, programs and skills for min­ istering to these needs are emphasized. Offered sp1ing semester, alternate years.

371 Evangelism and Discipleship (3) An oveiviewof the biblical principles of evangelism and discipleship. The cl ass will seek to develop the skills of personal evangelism and explore biblical teach­ ing regarding di scipleship; including perso nal requirement s, obj ectives , essemial components and applica tions to the loca l church and parachurch agencies. Prerequisite: 251. 372 Christian Education of Children (3) Discove ry and evaluati on of methods and materials appropriate for achieving learning objectives which meet the phys­ ical, mental, social, emotional and spiri­ tual needs of children (birth through grade six.) Studen ts may choose 373 or 374. Prerequisites: 150, 261. 373 Christian Education of Youth (3) Examination of the adolescent in our cul ture with emph asis upon designing a ministry to this age level within the contex t of the local church and para­ church agencies. Each student will prepare a model mini stry LO this age level Qunior high through college) fo r use in enlistment and training of work­ ers and parents. Students may choose 372 or 374. Prerequisites: 150, 261. 374 Christian Education of Adults (3) Focus on understanding the needs and development of contemporary adults. Di scove ry of the uniqueness of adult learning and investigation of design, cur- 1icula, methods, and implementation of educational programs for the church and other agencies. Students may choose 372 or 373. Prerequisites: 150,261. 380 Ministry Planning and Development (3) Personal and interactive evaluation of the student's calling to Christian min­ istry, including character, gifts, inter­ ests, and abilities. Field observations and oth er experi ences des igned to give perspective and aid in subsequent pl acement in voca ti onal prac ti cum and future employment in Chri stian educa ti on age ncies. Fo r Chri sti an education majors only. Prerequisites: 15~251, 252,26 1. Fee: $15. 382 Historical and Philosophical Founda­ tions of Education (3) Introduction to ph ilosophy that bears direc tly upon the Chr istian ministry with particular attention to the teaching and learning process. Each studem will be expected to analyLe his own view of the teaching and learning process to establish the framework for a personal and biblical phil osophy of Chri sti an education. Prerequisites: 150,25 1, 252.

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