


355 Broadcast Programming and Promotion (3)

387 Organizational Communication (3) The dynamics of organizational com­ mun ication centering in systems, sauc­ tures and patterns; the role of commu­ nication in organizational development. 388 Principles of Information Gathering (3) Fundamental s of gathering informa­ tion for the mass med ia. Strategies for finding and utilizing information sources, techniques and psychological dynamics of imerviews. Emphasis on learning bydoing. 421 Organic Oisorders (3) Communi cation disorders relative to cleft pal ate and other cranial-facial anomalies, cerebral palsy, and mental re tardation. Prerequisite: 32 1, 324, or permi ssion. 422 Adult Language Disorders (3) Study of communi ca tion disorders caused by stroke and other neurologi­ cal probl ems and injuri es. Classifica­ tion, eval uation techniques and therapy principles included. Prerequisite: 321. 423 Voice and Phonological Problems (3) Problems of vo ice ph onology and articulati on. Areas of eti ology, diag­ nosis, and remediation covered. Pre­ requisite: 321, 324, or permi ssion. 424 Aurel Rehabilitation (3) Review of management procedures used by professionals for the rehabili­ tation / habitation of persons with hear­ ing impairments. In cludes speech reading , auditory training, hearing aids and other communication systems an assisti ve li stening devices. 425 Audiology (3) Anatomy and phys iology of the ear; hearing problems, testing and rehabil­ itation. Practica l experience in pure tone threshold testing. Lab fee: $15. 426 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Methods (5) Methods of evaluation and assessment of speech voice and language prob­ lems. In troduction to th era peuti c approaches and specifi c techniques related to speech and language habili­ tation and rehabilitation. Prerequ isites: 32 1, 324 or permi ssion. Lab fee: $15. 428 Audiometry (3) Advanced study of procedures and prob lems in hearing measurement. Areas cove red wi ll include speech audi omet ry, ma sking, rec rui tment, diagnostic testi ng and amplification.

458 Methods of Communication Research (3)

the depar tment must be secured the semeste r pri or to enro lling for thi s course. May be repeated for a total of six units. Prerequisite: 312, 321, 326, 426, and departmental consent. 431 Advanced Reporting (3) Public affairs and investigative reporting. Use of local government, courts and communi ty sources in developing stori es. Prerequisite: 331. 433 Mass Media Law (3) Legal aspects of the mass media: con­ stitutional freedom of ex press ion , news gather in g, access Lo public records and proceedings, libel , pri­ vacy, copyright, advertising, broadcast regulation , and antitrust. 440 Communication Internship (1-3) Limited to qua lified juniors or sen iors who wish LO gain practical experience usually off campus in a work situation. Depanment permission required. May be repeated for a maximum of six uni ts. 450 Communication Practicum (1-3) Directed practical experience in the various fi elds of communication. Per­ mi ssion of the depa rtment must be sec ured th e semester pri or to enrolling fo r course. May be repeated for a maximumof six uni ts. 451 Advanced Audio Production (3) Advanced techniques in miki ng, mi x­ ing, recording , processing and rein­ forcement of sound. Both technical and artistic aspects are covered, with a strnng laboratory emphasis. Prerequi­ site: 251. Lab fee: $50. 452 Motion Picture Post-Production (3) The final course in a three.,:ourse film production sequence (358, 359, 452). Emphasizes editing, mu sic, soun d effects, mixing, laboratory coordination, and distribution. Prerequi si tes: 352, 358, 359. Lab fee:$50. (Altern ate Springs) 453 Advanced Television Production (3) The course gives intensive experience in professional level television produc­ tion. Prerequisite: 353. Lab fee: $50. 455 Broadcast Management and Sales (4) Students do a project including market research , specifying physical facilities, programming, personnel and budge t for a proposed radio or television sta­ tion. Support of the proposed station through adve rtising sales is covered. 457 Communication Theory (3) Social scientific theoq' in interpersonal and mass communication with empha­ sis on practical usefi.iln ess of theori es.

Met hodo logy fo r co mmuni cation research, in cluding sampling, ques­ tionnaire des ign , introduction to sta­ ti stics. Students co ndu ct survey resea rch project. A major goa l is to become adept at reading and evaluat­ ing research re ports. Lab fee: $10. 459 Practical and Ethical Issues in Com­ munication Careers (3) Covers ethica l and moral problems related to employment, current issues in the indusuy, and career planning. 461 Readers Theatre (3) Programmin g and presentat ion of prose, poetry and drama by two or more actors using the ski ll s of ora l interpretation as well as those of the ac tor. Methods of preparation, per­ formance and directing. 468 Dramatic Performance in Ministry (3) How to se lect appropriate materi al, stage and direct dramati c presema­ Lions in a church or other Christian minisuy setting. 470 Communication Seminar (1 ·3) Various aspects and problems in the fi eld of communication. 472 lntercultural Communication (3) Relationshi p between communication and culture with emphasis on factors affecting the quality and processes of in terpersonal commun ication between persons of differenl cultures or subcul­ tures. (See also In tercultural Studies 420.) 474 Advanced Studies in Communication Behavior (3) Selected communication topics varied by semes ter. Sections offered include: ge nder studies, peace rhetoric fami ly communica tion, nonverbal communi­ cation, listening, communi cation and dec ision -mak ing. May be repea ted

Includes audience analys is and consid­ eration of various programming th eo­ ries and techniques. Also promotion techniques fo r audi ence acqu isiti on and retention. Fee: $25. 356 Screen Writing (3) Writing of dramatic scripts for televi­ sion or film production. Fee: $25. 357 History of Cinema (3) Survey of the deve lopment of the motion picture (1890 to the present.) Films screened in the course will be ana lyzed from perspec ti ves of art , genre theory, technology, and rhetori­ cal intent. Lab fee: $20. 358 Motion Picture - Pre-Production (3) Th e first course of a three-course sequence (358, 359, 452) in which a dramatic film will be produced. This course emphasizes the essenti al pre­ produc tion aspects in cluding script development, budge tin g, casting, se t construction , and/ or location surveys, and develops skill s in using produc­ tion equipment. Prerequi site: 352 . Lab fee: $50. (Alternate Falls) 359 Motion Picture Production (3) Principal photography will be done for the film project begun in 358. Emphasi zes lighting, came ra opera­ tion, sound recording, directi ng, etc. Prerequisites: 352, 358. Lab fee $50. (Alternate In terterms) 364 Acting for Film and Television (3) Use of acting skills in front of televi­ sion cameras using scenes from actual television and film sc ripts. Includes cri tiques of acting me thods. Prerequi­ site: 261or permission. Fee: $25. 383 Survey of Rhetorical Theories (3) Major theori es of rhetorical and pub­ lic address from cl assical to contempo­ rary periods. 384 Public Relations (3) The nature, methods and responsibili­ ties of publi c relations in comempo­ rarysociety. 385 Persuasive Communication (3) Techniques of persuasive speaking and communication persuas ion theori es. Ex perience in th e preparation and del ivery of speeches. Prerequisite: I00. 386 Forms of Public Communication (3) Applica tion , prac ti ce and ana lysis of selected communication forms from a rhetorical perspective. Sections offered in re ligious, political and social issues communi cations. May be repea ted with different course coment.


with different course content. 478 Pragmatic Social Theories of Communication (3)

Sun,ey and application of social th eo­ ries of communication , including gen­ era l semantics, confrontations, com­ munica tion to the grieving, humans as ma nipul ato rs, gende r studi es and nonverbal fo rms of communication. 480 Directed Research (1-3) Indi1~ dual research in an area of com­ munication determined in consulta­ tion with th e in struc tor . May be repeated for a maximum of thr ee units. Prerequisite: consent.

429 Clinical Practicum: Biola Speech/Language Clinic (1-2)

Supervised experience working with the speech handicapped population in the Biola Speech Clinic. Permi ss ion of

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