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402 Database Management (3) Integrated database sys tems, log ical organization, data description lan­ guage (DDL), data manipulation lan­ guage (DML), of hi erarch ical net­ works and re lat ional databases , overview of selected database manage­ ment systems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 202. Al ternate years 430 Computer Communications (3) Concepts of computer communications, local area networks, seven layers of com­ munication protocols, global networks. Prerequisite: I06. Alternate years. 440 Topics in Computer Sc ience (3) Cou rse may be repeated for credit with different content (section title). Prerequisite: 106. Topics are se lected from the fo llowing: Compiler Themy. The theo1y of lan­ guages and their implementation. Systems Programming. Design and impl ementation of language transla­ tors and system utilities. The01y of Com/mtation. Concepts from th eo ret ica l computer science, finite state concepts, decidability, computability, and Turing machin es. Com/Ju/£r Graphics. Computer inter­ active graphics, so ftware structures , screen di splay, graphical techniques. Artificial Intelligence. Concepts and techniques of art ifi cial intelli gence , representation, search strategies, con­ trol, communication and perception, and appli cations. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Special swdies in computer science. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent.

Chair: Walter Stangl, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Thurber Associate Professor: Woo Instructors: Seitz OBJECTIVES

106 Data Structures (3) Linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogo­ nal lists; graphs, a·ees, binary trees, multi­ linked sauctures, searching and sorting techniques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. Prerequisite: 105. Spring. 202 Assembly Language Programming (3) Basic concepts of computer systems and computer arch itecture. Assembly language programming. Micros, pro­ gram segmentation and linkages. Pre­ requisite: I06. Spring. 230 Programming Languages (3) Organization and structure of program­ ming languages . Run-time behavior and requirements of programs. Intro­ duction to programming language specifications and analysis. Study of var­ ious altern ati ve languages to include Ada and C. Prerequisite: 106. Fall. 301 Sottware Engineering (3) Concepts, principles, techniques, and dornments of software engineering. Emphasis on systematic approaches to software engineering and the software life cycle. Team proj ect req uired . Prerequisite: 230. Alternate years. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organiza,tion and structuri ng of the major hardware componen ts of com­ puters. Mechanics of in format ion transfer and control within a digital computer system . Fundamentals of' logic design. Communications systems. Prerequisite: 202. Alternate years. 311 Operating Systems (3) Computer operating systems; to pi cs include time shar ing, process commu­ ni cation, memory management, stor­ age allocation , int er relationships between the operating sys tem and the architecture of' comp ute r sys tems. Prerequisites: 106. Alternate years 325 Management Science (3) Application of quantitative techniques in business organizations, linear pro­ grammin g, queuing, and inventory models, netwo rk anal ys is and dynamic programming and production sched­ uling and contro l. Cross li sted with Math 333. Pr erequi sites: 106 and Math I03 or Business 223 or Math I05. 400 Theory of Algorithms (3) Various types of algorithms, ana lytic tec hniques for the determination of algorithmic efficiency, NP-compl ete problems, compl exity hierarchies, intracta bl e problems. Prerequisite: 106. Alternate years

Computer Science (53 units)

This em phasis must compl ete: 105, 106, 202, 230, 301, 302, 311 , 400, 430, 440 twi ce with two different top­ ics and one course (3 uni ts) at the 300 or 400 leve l in Computer Science or Math. Math 105, 106, 112, 29 I and 321or 333. Information Systems (57 units) This emph as is must comp lete : I05, I06, 202, 230, 30 I, 302, 311 , 402, 430, 440, and one course (3 units) at the 300 or 400 level in Business or Computer Science. Business 202,2 11 , 212,370,415. Math 103, 112 and 210. Note: All concentrations must inc/wk 24 1tf!per division units. 771e general edu­ cation requirement for a f(}reign language for those folwwing a computer science major may be met by two years of high school lmi­ guage or the first four units ofa college lim­ guage. The science/mathematics 1iquire­ numt may be met by three units ofscience. MINOR A Computer Science Minor is offered with the completion of 21 units. Stu­ dents pursuing a minor are required to take a core curriculum of 105, 106 and 202 . The remaining require­ ments are fulfilled according to inter­ est in consultat ion with department adviser. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 leve l. COURSES 103 Computer Applications (1) Introduction to computer applications using programs such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Cannot be used toward the maj or. Does not count toward General Education. May be repeated with a different topic. Fall, spring. 104 The Nature of Computing (2) The history of computing machines. Computer logic and binary arithmetic. Elementary concepts of computers. Elementa1y BASIC programming. Soci­ etal impact of computers. Cannot be counted toward the major. Fall, spring. 105 Introduction to Computer Science (3) Introduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solving meth­ ods. Elementary concepts of algorithm development. C programming. Three hours lecture, one hour lab. Fall.

Computer science studies the rep­ resentation, storage and n·ansfo1mation of information utilizing computer sys­ tems. The Department of Computer Science at Biola University provides two prima1y areas of conce11U'ation in addi­ tion to a basic core curriculum. These two areas are computer science and information systems. The department also offers a selection of courses for those majoring in other fields who wish a minor emphasis in compu ter science. Resources avai lable to the deparlmelll include Pentium workstations, a Decsta­ tion 2100 and two VAX 3100 worksta­ tions. Also available are Intel 486 based mi crocomputers, Power PCs and Mac­ intosh microcomputers. Operating sys­ tems include VMS, UNIX, DOS, Win­ dows and Macintosh. These computers are networked together and provide easy access to the Internet. The department endeavors to pro­ \~de each student with an understand­ ing of the organization and operation of mode rn computer systems. Funda­ mental va lu es and kn owledge are emphasi zed so that students will be able to stay abreast of their field. At the same time studen ts are exposed to practical applications and current compu ter systems so that they will have significant opportunities in the market place upon graduation. The pervasive use of comp uters today allows the student to pursue a career in many different areas includin g aerospace, insurance, teaching, the computer industry, and banking, to name a few. Also, the student is pre­ pared to pursue fur ther stud ies in graduate school , typically in computer science or business. There is a con­ certed attempt by the department to integrate faith and learn ing in the study of comp uter sc ience and its


impact upon our society. DEGREE PROGRAM

A Bache lor of Science degree in Computer Science is offered upon completion of the university baccalau­ reate and the computer science major in one of the emphases.

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