Chair: Lucile Richardson , Ed.D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Richardson, Sibold Instructors: Lampman, Menjares DISTINCTIVES Biola University offers high quality undergrad uate teacher preparation programs . Students participate in a strong genera l education program, thorough subject matter competence sequences, and challengi ng classroom observation and participation experi ences. These programs provide a strong foundation for professional careers in school teaching and adminimation. In add iti on, Biola's undergradu ate 30 unit biblical studies and theol ogy requirement, with its emphasis upon Scriptural knowledge and the dynamic integration of biblical and academic thought, provides a strong foundation for service in either public or private school s. OBJECTIVE The primary function of the Department of Education is to pro vide excellent preparation for profes sional teaching. The goal is for Biola graduates ( l ) to manifest strong social and personal u-ai ts, ethical standards, and a Christian philosophy of educa tion , and (2) to possess subject matter knowledge, understanding of pupil behavior, competency in the skills of teaching, and ability to stimulate criti cal judgment and creativity. PROFESSIONAL TEACHER PREPARATION Two Professional Teacher Prepara tion Programs are ava il able: Single Sub ject and Multiple Subject. These corre spond wi th State of Californ ia Prelimi na1y Teaching Credemial requirements which may be completed in conj un c tion with undergraduate degrees, and the Professional Clear Teaching Cre dential described in the M.A. in Educa tion section of this catalog. State of California Teaching Credentials The Ca lifornia Prelim ina1y Teach ing Credential can be completed in conj unct ion with the undergraduate teacher preparation program. In addi tion, Prelimin ary and Professional Cleai° credential requirements (as well as speciali za tion creden tial s and ce r-
tificates) are in corporated in the M.A. in Education section of this catalog. The Single S11b1ec/ Credential certi fies the student to teach a single sub ject from kindergarten through the 12th grade, but is especially appropri ate for grades 7-12. The Multi/Jle Subject Credential cer tifies the student to teach in a self-con tained classroom from kindergarten through the 12th grade, but is espe ciallyappropriate for grades K-6. The Departmcn t of Education and the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics have designed coursework which meets the Califor nia Commission on Teacher Creden tialing requirements for the certificate in Cross Cultural Language and Acade mic Develofnnenl (CLAD), providing teachers with the knowledge, ski ll s and attitudes needed to effectively teach and guide students from cultur ally, linguistically and socio-economi call y diverse backgrounds. The Department of Education is in the process of developing means by which CLAD certificate course work can be completed in conjunction with under graduate programs. Contact the Edu
All education co urses mu st be comp leted with grades of "C" or higher prior to student teaching. Association of Christian Schools International Certificate The credentia l program at Biola University meets the requirements for the Association of Christian Schools International (ACS!) Certificate (iden tical to the California Prelimina1y Cre dential program except that BBST 465 must also be completed). Application information may be obtained from the
tion program must apply fo r admis sion to the program in their sopho more year or immediately upon later transfer into the University. A mini mum CPA of 2.75 is required. Other departmental requirements and com petencies are sta ted in the Guide for Students Entering the Teaching Pro fession, which may be obtained from the Education Deparunent office. COURSES 300 Introduction to Teaching (2) The structure and function of the school , foundations of education, qualities required for teacher effec tiveness, and contempora1y issues in education . Aminimum of 35 hours of observation / participation in schools is required. Successful comp letion of this course cons titutes one of the requirements for admission to th e Prelimina1y Credential program. Pre requisite: sophomore standing. 330 Psychological Foundations of Education (3) Application of psychological principles to the educative process, role of the teacher and learn er, human growth and development, learning styles, moti vation , memo1y, transfer of learn ing, measurement and evaluation, research and experimentation in learning th e- 01y. This class is designed to fulfill the University ' s writing competency requirement. Prerequisite: 300, Psy chology 200 , approved consent, and formal application and acceptance into Education Department. 420 Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading to students in elementary sc hool s; atte ntion to a variety of approaches and techniques; considera tion of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. A minimum of 35 hours of observation / participation in schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 425 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading tJ1rough content areas in sec onda1y sc hools; attention to reading techn iques, testing, and individuali za tion. Aminimum of 35 hours of obser vat ion/ participation in sc hool s is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent.
A Bachelar of Arls degree is awarded upon completion of the university baccalaureate and liberal studies major requirements. The libera l studies major is designed to prepare elementa1y school teachers with a broad foundation in subject matter. There are 34 units of required core courses: Art 306; Bibl e 121; Biology 300; English 380; English 354 or lntercultural Studies 310; Hi s tory 403; lntercu ltural Studies 33 1; Math 111 ; Music 310; Physical Science I01 , l02; and tJ1ree un its from one of tJ1e following: Business 20 l, Geography 30 1, lntercultural Studies 475, Psychol ogy 321, or Sociology 330, 346 362. In addi tion to thi s core, each stu dent must complete a specialization of 12 units in one of nine subjects areas: Biology, Communi catio n, English, Intercultural Studies, Mathematics, Physical Education, Un ited States His tory, Visual Arts, or World Hi sto1y. The Genera l Education require ments for the Liberal Studies major are unique and include the following: I. English l IO A and B; three units of literature, English 250, 251 or 252; three units of Communication JOO, 170, 181 or 270; 2. Mathematics 210; Biology I00 and 110; 3. Histo1y 100 and 200; Psychol ogy 200; 4. Three un its of Art 100, l 06, or 130; Communication 160 , or Music 101; three units in Phil osophy 210, 214 or 215; and a fore ign language as spec ifi ed in the university General Education section; 5. Elementary school activiti es (P hys ical Education 201); and two physical education activities. Students who wish to comp lete the undergraduate teacher prepara-
ca tion Department for details. Approved Majors for Single Subject Credential
Students intending to complete a single subject credential must com plete an approved subject matter exami nation or program in one of the fo ll owing areas: An, Science, English (Eng li sh-communica tion program) , mathematics, music, physical educa tion , and social science. Approved Major for Multiple Sub ject Credential The Liberal Studies Major or the approved subject matter examination (students must also complete the fol lowing courses: English 380, Math 11 l , Music 310, and Art 306). Requirements for all Credentials Students who plan to complete requirements for either the Single or Multiple Subject Preliminal)' Teaching Credential must complete undergradu ate education courses 300, 330, 420/ 425, 430/ 435, and 440/ 442 or 450/ 452 Students who plan to participate in student teaching the semester fol lowing graduatio n mu st include 430/ 435 in their undergraduate pro gram or complete graduate course 505 / 506 in conjun ction with their undergraduate course work.
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