

Chair: Lucile Richardson , Ed.D. FACULTY Associate Professors: Richardson, Sibold Instructors: Lampman, Menjares DISTINCTIVES Biola University offers high quality undergrad uate teacher preparation programs . Students participate in a strong genera l education program, thorough subject matter competence sequences, and challengi ng classroom observation and participation experi­ ences. These programs provide a strong foundation for professional careers in school teaching and adminimation. In add iti on, Biola's undergradu­ ate 30 unit biblical studies and theol­ ogy requirement, with its emphasis upon Scriptural knowledge and the dynamic integration of biblical and academic thought, provides a strong foundation for service in either public or private school s. OBJECTIVE The primary function of the Department of Education is to pro­ vide excellent preparation for profes­ sional teaching. The goal is for Biola graduates ( l ) to manifest strong social and personal u-ai ts, ethical standards, and a Christian philosophy of educa­ tion , and (2) to possess subject matter knowledge, understanding of pupil behavior, competency in the skills of teaching, and ability to stimulate criti­ cal judgment and creativity. PROFESSIONAL TEACHER PREPARATION Two Professional Teacher Prepara­ tion Programs are ava il able: Single Sub­ ject and Multiple Subject. These corre­ spond wi th State of Californ ia Prelimi­ na1y Teaching Credemial requirements which may be completed in conj un c­ tion with undergraduate degrees, and the Professional Clear Teaching Cre­ dential described in the M.A. in Educa­ tion section of this catalog. State of California Teaching Credentials The Ca lifornia Prelim ina1y Teach­ ing Credential can be completed in conj unct ion with the undergraduate teacher preparation program. In addi ­ tion, Prelimin ary and Professional Cleai° credential requirements (as well as speciali za tion creden tial s and ce r-

tificates) are in corporated in the M.A. in Education section of this catalog. The Single S11b1ec/ Credential certi­ fies the student to teach a single sub­ ject from kindergarten through the 12th grade, but is especially appropri­ ate for grades 7-12. The Multi/Jle Subject Credential cer­ tifies the student to teach in a self-con­ tained classroom from kindergarten through the 12th grade, but is espe­ ciallyappropriate for grades K-6. The Departmcn t of Education and the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics have designed coursework which meets the Califor­ nia Commission on Teacher Creden­ tialing requirements for the certificate in Cross Cultural Language and Acade­ mic Develofnnenl (CLAD), providing teachers with the knowledge, ski ll s and attitudes needed to effectively teach and guide students from cultur­ ally, linguistically and socio-economi­ call y diverse backgrounds. The Department of Education is in the process of developing means by which CLAD certificate course work can be completed in conjunction with under­ graduate programs. Contact the Edu­

All education co urses mu st be comp leted with grades of "C" or higher prior to student teaching. Association of Christian Schools International Certificate The credentia l program at Biola University meets the requirements for the Association of Christian Schools International (ACS!) Certificate (iden­ tical to the California Prelimina1y Cre­ dential program except that BBST 465 must also be completed). Application information may be obtained from the

tion program must apply fo r admis­ sion to the program in their sopho­ more year or immediately upon later transfer into the University. A mini­ mum CPA of 2.75 is required. Other departmental requirements and com­ petencies are sta ted in the Guide for Students Entering the Teaching Pro­ fession, which may be obtained from the Education Deparunent office. COURSES 300 Introduction to Teaching (2) The structure and function of the school , foundations of education, qualities required for teacher effec­ tiveness, and contempora1y issues in education . Aminimum of 35 hours of observation / participation in schools is required. Successful comp letion of this course cons titutes one of the requirements for admission to th e Prelimina1y Credential program. Pre­ requisite: sophomore standing. 330 Psychological Foundations of Education (3) Application of psychological principles to the educative process, role of the teacher and learn er, human growth and development, learning styles, moti­ vation , memo1y, transfer of learn ing, measurement and evaluation, research and experimentation in learning th e- 01y. This class is designed to fulfill the University ' s writing competency requirement. Prerequisite: 300, Psy­ chology 200 , approved consent, and formal application and acceptance into Education Department. 420 Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading to students in elementary sc hool s; atte ntion to a variety of approaches and techniques; considera­ tion of the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language backgrounds. A minimum of 35 hours of observation / participation in schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. 425 Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading tJ1rough content areas in sec­ onda1y sc hools; attention to reading techn iques, testing, and individuali za­ tion. Aminimum of 35 hours of obser­ vat ion/ participation in sc hool s is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent.


A Bachelar of Arls degree is awarded upon completion of the university baccalaureate and liberal studies major requirements. The libera l studies major is designed to prepare elementa1y school teachers with a broad foundation in subject matter. There are 34 units of required core courses: Art 306; Bibl e 121; Biology 300; English 380; English 354 or lntercultural Studies 310; Hi s­ tory 403; lntercu ltural Studies 33 1; Math 111 ; Music 310; Physical Science I01 , l02; and tJ1ree un its from one of tJ1e following: Business 20 l, Geography 30 1, lntercultural Studies 475, Psychol­ ogy 321, or Sociology 330, 346 362. In addi tion to thi s core, each stu­ dent must complete a specialization of 12 units in one of nine subjects areas: Biology, Communi catio n, English, Intercultural Studies, Mathematics, Physical Education, Un ited States His­ tory, Visual Arts, or World Hi sto1y. The Genera l Education require­ ments for the Liberal Studies major are unique and include the following: I. English l IO A and B; three units of literature, English 250, 251 or 252; three units of Communication JOO, 170, 181 or 270; 2. Mathematics 210; Biology I00 and 110; 3. Histo1y 100 and 200; Psychol­ ogy 200; 4. Three un its of Art 100, l 06, or 130; Communication 160 , or Music 101; three units in Phil osophy 210, 214 or 215; and a fore ign language as spec ifi ed in the university General Education section; 5. Elementary school activiti es (P hys ical Education 201); and two physical education activities. Students who wish to comp lete the undergraduate teacher prepara-

ca tion Department for details. Approved Majors for Single Subject Credential

Students intending to complete a single subject credential must com­ plete an approved subject matter exami nation or program in one of the fo ll owing areas: An, Science, English (Eng li sh-communica tion program) , mathematics, music, physical educa­ tion , and social science. Approved Major for Multiple Sub­ ject Credential The Liberal Studies Major or the approved subject matter examination (students must also complete the fol­ lowing courses: English 380, Math 11 l , Music 310, and Art 306). Requirements for all Credentials Students who plan to complete requirements for either the Single or Multiple Subject Preliminal)' Teaching Credential must complete undergradu­ ate education courses 300, 330, 420/ 425, 430/ 435, and 440/ 442 or 450/ 452 Students who plan to participate in student teaching the semester fol­ lowing graduatio n mu st include 430/ 435 in their undergraduate pro­ gram or complete graduate course 505 / 506 in conjun ction with their undergraduate course work.

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