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430 Elementary Curriculum (4) Introduction to the scope and seq uence of the elementary school curriculum in ma thematics, sc ience, social studi es, and language arts; emp has is on var iety of teaching approaches, integration across con tent areas, classroom management, and resources ava ilab le. A minimum of' 60 hours of observation/ participa tion in public and Christian schoo ls is required. Prerequisite: 330 and con
Chair: Eli zabe th L. Rambo, Ph.D. FACULTY Professor: Doland Associate Professors: Rambo, W. Shanebeck, Smi th Assistant Professors: Caron, Holt, lngraffia, Taskesen An nual Lecturer: Buchanan OBJECTIVES The Department of English has five obj ectives: the understanding of language as a means of communica tion, the ab ility to speak and write with clari ty; an understanding of liter ature as a record of the development of human thought and the reflection of human history; the appreciation and enjoyment of literature; and an acq uain ta nce with the li terary her itage of the English-speak ing world. History 305 is recommended for all Engli sh majors. DEGREE PROGRAM A Barhelor ofArts degree in English is offered upon completion of the un i ve rsity baccalaureate and Eng li sh major in one of the emphases which consists of 33 units, 24 of which must be upper division. MAJORS English Emphasis (33 units) The swdent is requ ired to take English 250, American Literature, to fu lfill the general education li terature req uirement. Engli sh 25 l and 252 are required for the major and are prereq uisite to upper division courses in the major. The student must also com plete three units of 400 Shakespeare, three units of 451 History of Cri tical Theory, three un its of 452 Studies in Contemporary Literary Theory, three un its of 470 Seminar and select at least th ree units from each of 35 1, 353 or 354, 360, and 370. Remaining units may be completed in anyof the upper division English course offerings. The fo llowing emphases/ special programs are also offered: Writing Emphasis (36 units) The English Department offers a Writing Emph as is. Thi s program enables students to supplement their study of li tera ture with theoretical and vocational u·aining in writing. As part of the regular general edu catio n requirement, stude nts must complete English 11 OA and 11OB, Eng lish 251, and ei ther Communi cation
100, 170, 181, or 280. The major con sists of 36 units, 30 of which must be upper division. Students must take three units in each of the following courses : Engl ish 252, 340, 35 1, 360, 370,400,451,470 and Communication 230. Three addit ional uni ts must be completed in any one of the fo llowing courses: Engli sh 353, 354, 360, 370, 420, 430, 440, 452 or 460. Six units must be completed in any of the fo l lowing courses: English 342, Communi cation 330,331,334,388, 431, or 457. English/Communication Secondary Credential (33 units) The English Deparm1ent in coop era tion with th e Commu ni cation Department provides a program lead ing to a Si ngle Subj ec t Ca li fornia Teaching Credential in English/ Com munication. This program provides considerable fl exibili ty for those plan ning to teach Engli sh in high school. Swdents who complete this program are ab le to wa ive the Natio nal Teacher 's Exam (NTE), which other wise wou ld be required for a Ca li fo r nia Teaching Credential. ln addition to the general educa tion requirement of 12 uni ts in Eng lish 110 A/ B, English 250: Amer ican Literature and Communi cation I00, an English core of 22 units (Engli sh 25 1, 252, English 320, 351 or 353 or 354, one unit of English 470, and nine units to be selected from Engli sh 340, 342,360, 370,400,420,430,440,45 1, 452, and 460) is required. For a total of 33 units in the major, an additional II uni ts are to be selected from areas in Communi cation : ( I) j ournali sm / writ ing, (2) drama , (3) speech com munication / forensics, (4) speec h commun ication / vocational. The stu dent must consu lt with the Depart ments or English , Comm uni cation an d Education for specifi c courses allowed in the fou r areas listed above. 71wse students interested in a teaching crndential should be advised that all single sit0ect teaching credential /11vgra111s are undergoing revision. Consul/.the Education Department for details on cwrent programs. Humanities Major/English Concentration The Department of English offers an English concentrat ion for the Humanities major (see Humanities sec tion for specifics). It is basically a minor in English , but more fl exibili ty is possi ble through deparnnent advisement.
An English Minor is offered with com pletion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper di11sion. The student selects units from three or more of the courses listed above under the deparunent major. COURSES Note: Unless othenvise slated, a course may be repeated with different content (section title) . 90 Basic English Workshop (3) Workshop in English fundamental s emphasizing grammar, punctuation , spell ing and paragraph w1iting. Students scoring less than 480 on the verbal sec tion of the SAT must take and pass Basic English Workshop wi thin the first term of residence (before Engli sh 110). lf a student wishes to challenge hi s SAT score he may take the English Placement Test at the specific times when it is administered bythe English Department at the beginning of eac h semester. There wi ll be a late fee of $25 when placement testare not taken on the dates indicated the student's acceptance let ter. lfhe fai ls this test, he must take Basic English Workshop; three semester hours with no un it credit toward graduation. 110 AStudies in Criticism and Composition (3) Reading and discussion of ideas and methods in wr iting, stressing cri tical thinking, persuasion and evaluation; exper ience in wr itin g a variety of expos itory and persuasi ve essays. Required. Prerequisite Lo 11 OB. 110 BStudies in Criticism and Composition (3) A conti nuation of I IOA, this cou rse uses literary works as content for read ing and discussion of ideas and meth ods in writing, stressing critical thi nk ing, persuasion and eval uation; experi ence in writing essays and the research paper. Required. Prerequisite: 11 OA. 210 Writing for Competency (3) In tensive practice in writing at the col lege level. Designed fo r the students who have not satisfactorilyfulfilled their department' s WCR (Writing Compe tency Requirement) as described in the General Studies section . Agrade of C+ or better will fulfill the competency requirement. Prerequisite: two unsuc cessful attempts to complete GNRC 300 and instructor's signature. Fee: $25. 250 literature in Context (3) Designed to fu lfill the general educa ti on literature requirement and a pre requisite for advanced studies in liter ature. Sections offered every semester
sent. Fee: $20. (See also 505) 435 Secondary Curriculum (4)
Secondary schoo l curriculum, class room man agement , teach ing meth ods, use of media and other educa tional skills in content areas. A min i mum of 60 hours of observation/ par ticipation in public and Chri stian schools is required. Prerequisite: 330 and consent. Fee: $20. (See also 506) 440 , 442 Student Teaching , Elementary Schools (6,6) 450, 452 Student Teaching , Secondary Schools (6,6) Full time laboratory expe ri ence in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising master teach ers and university supervisors. Weekly seminar requi red. Prerequisite: app li cation and consent. Students doing student teach ing are limited to a max imum of 15 units that semester. (See also 512/ 513 and 514/5 15)
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