Social Science Secondary Teaching Credential
312 History of Latin America (3) Major indigenous civilizations; conquest by Spain and Portugal; colonial institu tions and culture; wars of independence, political, economic and social develop ments to the present, including the role of the United States in the region. 313 Medieval History (3) Medieval Europe from the fall of Rome through the 14th century; emphasis on the church, theological development , po li tica l institutions, soc iety, literature and economics of the period. Offered alternate years. 318 Studies in Modern Europe (1-3) Thematic and period studies in 16th through 20th century Europe including: Age of Revolutions, Age of Ideologies, Enlightenment, Industrialization, Holo caust, and Global Interdependence. May be repeated with different focus. 320 The American Presidency (3) Historical development of the office of the presidency; formal and infor mal powers of the President in execu tive legislative, judicial, military, diplo matic and political areas. 321 History of the Christian Church (3) A historical survey of Church history from Pentecost to the present. Emphasis given to leading personali ties and movements within the Church. Offered fa ll semester. 323 Ancient Greece (3) History of Ancient Greece from the Minoan-Mycenaean cu ltures . to the Hellenistic period; emphasis on the literature, religion, art and modes of
tion, 20th century wars and an expan sive economy in shaping the American mind and American international rela tions. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion. Meets the requirements for Un ited States Constitution for Califor nia teacher certification. 210 Perspectives on American History(1-2) Topics on the influence of Christian ity in shaping the American mind. A discussion class is required along with this course. For clarification contact the History Department. 300 The Black American Experience (3) An historical examination of the black's experience beginning with the African kingdoms, slave trade, slavery in the New World, emancipation dur ing the Ci1~l War, and the search and struggle for equality, to the present. 304 Ancient Near East (3) A study of the culture of the Ancient Near East with emphasis on history, literature, religion and the modes of thought. Attention is given to cultural preparation for the biblical faith. 305 English History (3) Survey of British history from the Anglo-Saxon period to contemporary times; emphasis on social, intellectual , rel igious and political developments. 306 Studies in British History (3) Period and thematic studies in British history to include: Tudor-Stuart Eng land, Victorian England, Empire and Commonwealth , Religious History of England , British Politics and the Eng lish Middle Class. 307 The Colonial Period, American Revolution, 1607-1800 (3) Settlement and growth of the Anglo American civi lization; the American Rev olution; growth of political, economic, social and religious institutions to I800. 308 American Democracy, Civil War and Reconstruction , 1800-1877 (3) Nationalism and the growth of sec tionalism reform movements; Mani fest Destiny; disruption of American democracy, Civi l War and political reconstruction to 1877. 310 Social and Intellectual History of the United States (3) Social impact of westward expansion, immigration, industrialization, urban ization and culn1ral pluralism combined 1vith major intellectual ideas instrumen tal in the shaping of American society. Prerequisite: 200. Alternate years.
328 Introduction to Public History (3) A survey of the applications of histori cal concepts and skills outside of acad emic settings, including the areas of cultural resource management, public policy, business, information manage ment , museum studies, editing and community/ fami ly history. Prerequi sites: 100 and 200. 330 German Civilization and Culture (3) Typical aspects of German civi li zation and the significant historical events and major contributions of the German people. Readings in records of histori cal, litera1)' and cultural importance. 331 Great Asian Civilizations (3) Survey of In do-Aryan, Chinese and Japanese civilizations from ancient times to the present, stressing the reli gio-philosophical developments and their impact upon culture. 332 Studies in Asian Civilizations (3) In-depth study of specific regions of As ia; one or more sections offered every year in such areas as: Modern India, Pacific Rim Nations, Modern Japan, and Modern Ch ina . May be repeated with a different focus. Pre requisite: 100. 340 French Civilization and Culture (3) Typical aspects of French civi li zation and the significant historical events and major contributions of the French people. Reading in records of histori cal , literary and cultural importance. 350 Great Western Political Thinkers (3) A study of selected political theorists. Emphasis on such writers as Plato, Aristotle, Church Fathers, Augustine, Aq uin as, Machiavelli , Luther, Calvin , Hobbes , Locke , Burke, Bentham , Marx, Niebuhr and others. Readings in primary sources. Prerequisite: HIS 100, 200 or POL 200. 360 Economic History of the United States (3) Growth and development of th e American economy from the Colonial period to contemporary times. Emphasis on such dynamic factors as political, socia l, legal, technological and internationa l developments affecting changes in agriculture, trans portation , communication, com merce, industry and finance. 370 Teaching Assistant Preparation (1) Institution and practice in general and specific methods of teaching as an assistant to professors of large classes. Taught jointly by instructors from the Education and History Departments.
The History Department in cooper ation with the Education Department provides a program leading to the Social Science Secondary Teaching Credential. For specifics on the Sec ondary Social Science program contact the History Department directly. Tlwsestudents interested in a /£aching credential shuuld be advised that all single subjed /tacking credential programs are undergoing revision. Consull the Education Department Jar details on current programs. Humanities Major/History Concentration The Department of History offers a History concentration for the Humani ties major (see Humanities section for specifics). It is basically a minor in His tory, but more flexibility is possible through department advisement. Minor A History MinM is offered with the completion of 18 units beyond the general education requirements, I2 of which must be upper division. The student is advised to take at least 12 units in one area of concentration. COURSES 100 West and the World (4) Highlights in the development of World civilization with an overview of Western , Asian, African and Lat in American civi lizations. Examination of comparative cultural contributions made in the arts, sciences, govern ment and religions. Includes regional geographic studies. Three hours lec ture, one hour discussion. Fee: $8. 100IP West and the World (4) Content of History 100, but specifically designed for the international or minor ity student with special emphasis on crosscultural aspects of civilization from an international perspective. Fee: $8. 110 Perspectives on Western Civilization (1-2) Introduction to historical interpreta tion with reference to Chri st ian understandings of history. A discus sion class is required along with this course. For clarification contact the History Department. 200 United States History (4) Geographical expansion and develop ment of the United States from its colo nial foundations to present. Assessment of influence of Puritans, colonial experi ence, the industrialization, urbaniza-
thought of the period. 324 Roman History (3)
Roman history from its beginning to the fall of the Empire; Rome's part in the preparation of the Mediterranean world for the spread of Christianity; Rome 's contributions to Western civi lization. Offered alternate years. 325 Themes in American History (3) Sections offe red each year on such topics as: The American South, The American West, Women in America,
The Asian Americans. 327 Historiography (3)
Philosophies and problems of history; historical methodology. Development of the historical discipline and intro duction to research and writing.
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