

This requires nursing involvemem with community action groups and with local and national legislative proce&ses. We believe initial preparation of professional nurses LO meet the health ca re needs of soc iety is best accom­ plished through the learning acquired in baccalaureate education. AJ, nurse educators it is our respons ibility to provide an environment which facili­ tates th e learning necessa1y to prepare graduates for profess ional prac ti ce and advanced professional education. Consistent with our belief about the nature of persons, we believe swdents and faculty members are uniquely cre­ ated by God and endowed by God with dignity and worth. AJ. Christian educa­ tors we value the distinctive cultural, ethnic, and social backgrounds of each person and recognize that this diversity enriches our learning em~ronmenl. It is the role of the educator to pro1~de a learning climate of Christian ca ring which: (l ) enhances students' abi lities to use tl1eir own un ique learn ing styles effec tively; (2) promotes students' accomplishmem of personal goals; and (3) fac ili tates students' utilization of resources and personal support systems to enhance their abi lity to meet their indi,~dual learning needs. ILis our belief that the goa l of learning is behavioral change in the cognitive, affec tive, and psychomotor domains. Lea rning is a purposefu l, dynamic process and invo lves changes in knowledge, ski ll s, attitudes, va lues and/ or belief.,. Learn ing occurs more efficiently, is more pervasive and more enduring when the learner act ively participates in all phases of the learn­ ing process. Pre~ous experience pro­ vides the foundation for current learn­ ing. Learn ing is faci litated when expe­ riences move from the familiar to the unfamiliar and from simpl e to com­ plex. Learn ing which emphasizes dis­ cove1y of organi zi ng principles rather than spec ili c conte nt facilitates the transfer of learning to novel situations. We beli eve criti ca l and creative thinking are essenti al for the profes­ sional nurse. Development of th ese ski lls is fostered in a supportive learn­ ing environment which (l ) provides opportunity for involvemem in critical thinking and problem soh~ng through­ out the learning process; (2) stimulates the proce&Ses of inqui1y and di scovery; (3) provides exposure to a variety of probl ems in a va riety of settings; (4) encourages maturation of the abili ty to util ize internal and external evaluative

feedback; and (5) promotes increasing self-direction and independence. The educator as a rol e model enhan ces the lea rn ing process by demonsb-ating Chiistian caring and tl1e skills of inqui1y and discove1y. Acting as an ex pert lea rn er, fa cil itato r, and resource person, the educator guides tl1e studem learner through tl1e educational expe1ience. We believe that education is a life long proce&S which facilitates the ongoing deve lopment of the learner's potentialities for continued growtl1 as a person, citizen, and profe&Sional nurse. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE I. To provide a bibl ica lly-ce n­ tered libe ral arts and profess ion al educa tion as a foundation for profes­ sional practi ce, advanced educat ion, and productive li,~ng. 2. To deve lop graduate s who value individual di ve rsity, who respect each person as uniquely created in God's image, and who endeavor Lo assist cl ients to meet their needs. 3. To provide a broad theo ry base as a foundat ion for the dynamic nursing practice wh ich is requ ired Lo mee t current and fu ture health care needs of society. 4. To foster the spiritual com­ millllent, moral di scernment, intell ec­ tual inquiry and competence in criti­ cal and creative thinking essential for continued growth as individuals, citi­ zens, and professionals. 5. To prepare graduates who are safe, competent practitioners and who are equipped fo r involvement in lead­ ership , advocacy, collaboration, edu­ ca tion , and research uti li zation activi­ ti es required to fulfi ll the responsibili­ ti es of bacca laur ea te profess iona l nurses in a broad var iety of settings. Program Objectives To demonstrate the Christian car­ ing which is e&Sential to tl1e practi ce of professional nursing the graduate is expected to: 1. Base nursing practi ce on a phi losoph ical foundation consistent with Biola University and the Depart­ ment of Baccalaureate Nursing beli efs about the naLUre of persons and the nature of nurs ing. 2. Integ rat e know ledge from Bibli ca l studies, and the behavioral, bi ologica l, and phys ical sc iences toge ther with knowl edge from nurs­ ing science and utilize tl1 is knowledge as a basis for nursing practice. 3. Base nursin g practi ce on a formulation of theo reti cal knowledge

neous writing assignment, referen ces, prenursing examination , SAT scores, and work experience. A department al applica tion fonn is to be completed and filed in tl1e deparunent with an applica­ tion fee of 20 by.Januaiy 15. There is an additional late fee of SlO for applications received after tl1e established deadline. Decisions regarding student acceptance in to clinical nursing are made by the nursing facu lty. Before starting clinical nursing, studems will be required to sub­ mit completed healtl1 fonm and proofof cwTen t certification in cardiopulmona1y certification for health care profe&Sionals. Applicants whose educational and professional experiences qualify th em for advanced standing are welcome. Those intending to challenge nursing courses should make an appointment wit h th e Department of Nursin g as soon as accepted by the nivers ity. After Being Accepted Into Biola's NursingProgram Astudent is required to have, at his own expense, a yearly physical examina­ tion and specifi c laborato1y tests and immunizations byJune 15. Late fees are a&Se&1ed. Students will not be permitted in tl1e clinical agency without tl1is. Each student is asse&Sed for liability insurance through the University when participat­ ing in clinical courses. The University and cooperating.agencies assume no responsibi lity for illness or accidents occuJTing duiing the school program. A student must an-ange for his own u-ans­ portation to clinical agencies -as the Uni­ versity does not pro~de transportation. The senior nursing student in com­ munity health nursing must have a valid driver's li cense and acce&S LO a car. Valid CPR certification is required and must be renewed annually throughout the cl inical nursing program. Thcoq• and clinical must be taken concurrently in courses witl1 a clinical component. Due to the importance of course and clinical orientation, attendance is mandatory to proceed in nur si ng courses. A student must earn a mini­ mum grade of 2.0 in microbiology, stat isti cs and in each nursing course , and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to progress in nursing. Students will be permitted to repeat nursing courses one time on ly. Stu­ dents 11~thdrawing more thai1 once at a fa iling level (C- or below) or fai ling two courses may be dropped from the nurs­ ing program. Unsafe clinical nursing practice, regardless of GPA, is ground for dismi&Sal from the nursing program. Students who 111tl1d1-aw from nursing in

incorpo rating commun ication/ collab­ oration, teac hing/ learning, cr itica l thinking/ problem solving, and leader­ ship/ advocacy principles. 4. Collect relevant data systemati­ callyfrom all pertinent diem systems, tl1e environment, and the research knowl­ edge base; utilize tl1is data effectively to pro,~de safe, competemnursing care. 5. Demonstrate appli ca ti on of synthesized concepts related to Chri st­ ian caring, stress/ adaptation, develop­ mental, interactional and sys tems the­ ories in the purposeful and systematic use of the nursing process to facilitate op timal adaptation through approp ri­ ate use of the prevention, res toration, and conserva tion modes of interven­ tion with th e three client systems. 6. ldemify and uti lize kn owledge of the relevant cultu1-al, economic, eth­ ical , political, social, and spiriwal fac­ tors and the imeractions between them that affect the practice of nursing and the delive1y of health care services. 7. Demonstrate perso nal and professional development and Christ­ ian commitment consistent with th e goals of Biola Un iversity and bacca lau­ reate nursing education. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admi&Sion into Biola University docs not guarantee admission into cl inical nursing. Students desi1ing to be admit­ ted to tl1e De par□nent of Baccalaureate ursing must meet all requiremen ts for admission Lo the university. Biola pre­ nursing swdents meeting all require­ ments for admi&Sion to clinical nursing, who have a cumulative CPA of 3.0 and have taken at least two full-time semesters at Biola, 11~ 11 be given prioiity for admis­ sion LO the nursing program. Before being accepted, studem1must complete the prerequisite college courses with a minimum grade of "C" (2.00). These courses include anatomy, inorganic and organic/ biochemistry, communication ( 100, 170 or 181), English I JOA and 11OB, physiology, and psychology. Stu­ dents also are required LO earn a cumula­ tive GPA of 2.80 on all pre-nursing col­ lege course work. Student1with a cumu­ lative GPA of2.50 to 2.79 may be consid­ ered for admi&Sion on pr011sional status if space is avai lable in the program and if there is reason to anticipate the student will be able to complete tl1e program suc­ ce&Sfully. Additional factors considered in tl1e application proce&S include the fo l­ lowing: total mmsc1ipt evaluation , small group intervi ews, a brief wriuen bio­ graphical sketch and a b1ief extempora-

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