

364 Advanced Nursing of the Client/Family- Clinica l (2)

340 Mental Health Nurs ing of the Client/Family- Clinical (2)

202 Nursing of the Client/Family II - Clinical (4) Clini ca l appl ica ti on of the nursing process with adult clients in acute medical-surgical and commun ity set­ tings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 202 - Theo ry. Graded on a credit/ no cred it basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) fo r credit. (C*) 204 Essentials of Clinical Nursing Pharmacology (2) Use of th e nur sing process in the administration of medication. To be ta ken concurrently with NURS 202 - Theory. (C*) 300 Professional Nursing Seminar (1-3) A transition semi nar designed to facil­ ita te soc ializa ti on into baccalaureate profess ional nu rs ing. Designed for transfer-<: hal lenge students. 303 Nursing Assessment of the Client -Theory (2 ) Implememation of nursing assessment to recogni ze problems affecting adap­ tive equi librium in the client. (C*) 303 Nursing Assessment of the Client - - Clinical (1) Clinical appli cation of nu rsing assess­ ment with adult clients in inpat ient and communi ty se ttings. To be taken concu rrentlywith NURS201and 303 - Throiy. Graded on a credit/ no credi t basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 320 Directed Individual Studies (1-3) Permits studen ts to pursue special in te res ts re lated to the profession of nursing. Open to cli nical nursing maj ors only with written consent of instructor. May be repeated wi th cli f­ ferem content. Maximum of six uni ts may be taken for creel it. 321 Clinical Enrichment (1-4) Opportunity for additi onal app li ca­ tion of the nursing process in selected hea lth care se ttings. Offered Inter­ te rm and Summer Schoo l. May be re peated with differelll conte nt and written conse nt of in structor. Open to clinical nursing majors onl y. Graded on a credi t/ no credit bas is. Must earn al least a "C" (2.00) fo r credi t. Prereq­ uisite: Nursing 201. 340 Mental Health Nursing of the Client/Family - Theory (2 ) Concepts related to fami ly centered nu rs ing of adults with me ntal health problems. Focus is on applica tion of the nursing process to restore adaptive equilibrium. Prerequisite: 202. (C*)

good standing will be readmiu.ed on a space-ava ilabl e basis. Transfer-chal­ lenge sLUdents have equa l access for open spaces in nursing courses. It is recommended that microbiol­ ogy (Bi ology 282) be taken prior to Nurs ing of the Cli ent/ Family I and II. Students will not be advanced to level IIwithou t microbiology. Ma ndatory NLN ac hi evement exams will be taken throughout and at the completion of the nursing program. DEGREE PROGRAM A BachewrofScience de1;me in Nursing is offered upon completion of the un i­ ve rsity bacca laurea te and maj or requ irements. Th e nu rs ing maj or requires the completion of: Biological Science 252, 281, 282; Chemistry I I2 (to taling 16 sc ience uni ts); Nursing 201, 202, 204, 303, 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366, 44 1, 442, 450, 45 1, 452 and 460. Supporting courses: One unit of lirst aid and three un its of each of the fo ll owing: Psychology 200, interculturnl studi es or sociology, and statisti cs. Note: The general ed11ca.t.ion require­ ment for a foreign language for nursing majors is two years of tlwsame high school language or four units ofa college language. Nursing majors are exempt fmm general eduwtion 1equire111mls of lileral111e (3) and hist01y (four ofeight units require</). The ann ual Commiunent and Pi n­ ni ng Sen1ce is financed by assessing each cl inical nursing student $15 per year. COURSES 201 Nursing of the Client/Family I - Theory (3) Implementation of the nursing process to fac il itate adapti ve equi librium in the cl ient/ fam ily. In cludes normal growth and deve lopme nt of the adolescent through the older adult. (C*) 201 Nursing of the Client/Family I - Clin ical (4) Cl inica l appli ca ti on of the nursing process with adult clients in inpatient and community settings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 20 I - The­ ory. Graded on a credit/ no credi t bas is. Must earn at least a "C" (2 .00) fo r credit. Lab fee: $15. (C*) Upon comp letion of Nursing 20 I, students may choose to do a se lf learning mod­ ule to be eligible for certification as a Certified Nursing A~sistant (CNA). 202 Nursing of the Client/Family II - Theory (5) Continuation of NURS 20 I. Implemen­ tation of the nursing process to fac ili tate adaptive equ ilibrium in the client/ fam­ ily. Prerequ isi tes: 20 I, 303. (C*)

Clin ica l appli ca ti on of the nursin g process in providing comp lex care to multicultural cl ients in the acute med­ ical-surgical se tting. To be taken concur­ ren tl y with NURS 364 - Theory. Graded on a credi t/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 366 Cri tical Care Nursing of the Client/Family- Clinical (2) Clini ca l appli ca ti on of th e nursing process in providi ng complex care to mu lticu ltural cl ients in a criti cal care se ttin g. To be ta ken co ncur rentl y with NU RS 364 - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit bas is. Must earn at least a "C" (2 .00) for credit. (C*) 441 Introduction to Nursing Research (2) The research process applied to nu rs­ ing includes problem definiti ons and bas ic research des ign. Each student works on developing a basic research proposal. Prerequisites: 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366. Statisti cs. 442 Applied Nursing Research (1 ) Opportunity to critique literature, continue work on research proposal or parti cipate in a research proj ec t. Prerequisite: 44 1. 450 Leadership/Management in Nursing - Theory (2) Combin es theory of leadershi p an d nursing care delive1y systems with issues and tre nds in nursi ng. Prerequisites: 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366. (C*). 451 Leadership/Management in Nursing: TeamLeading - Clinical (3) Clin ica l appli ca ti on of leadership / management th eo ry in givin g and directing care fo r a group of cl iems. To be taken concur remly wi th Nurs­ in g 45 0 - Th eo ry. Graded on a credi t/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2 .00) fo r credi t. (C*) 452 Leadership/Management in Nursing: Elective Setting-Clinical (2) Clin ical application of leadership/ man­ agement theo ry in a cl inical setting selected by the student in collaboration with faculty. Examples include critical care, emerge ncy room, intensive care, pediatrics, matern ity, medical-surgical, missions. To be taken concurrentlywith Nursing 450 - The01y. Graded on a credi t/ no credit basis. Must earn at

Clini cal app lica ti on of the nursing process with cl ients in mental heal th se tti ngs . To be taken concu rrently with NURS 340 - Theo ry. Graded on a credi t/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) fo r credit. (C*) 342 Nurs ing of the Ch ildbearing Family -Theory (2) Implemen tat ion of th e nursin g process ut ili zing a fa mily centered approach to childbear ing and mater­ nal health promotion . Prerequ isites: 202, 303, BIOS282 . (C*) 342 Nursing of the Chi ldbearing Family - Clinical (2) Clinica l appli ca ti on of th e nursi ng process in providing famil y cen tered maternal health Gu-e in acute and com­ munity settings. To be taken concur­ rently with NU RS 342 - Th eo ry. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 344 Nursi ng of the Older Adult Client - Theory (2 ) Im plementati on of the nur sing process to fa cilitate adaptive equilib­ rium in th e older adult cli ent. Prereq­ uisites: 202, 303, BIOS 282 . (C*) 344 Nursing of the Older Adult Client - Clinical (2) Cli nica l appli ca ti on of the nu rsin g process in promoting adaptive equilib­ rium in the older adult cl ient. To be 1,1ken concurrently with NURS 344 - Theo1y. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) fo r credit. (C*) 362 Nursing of the Childrearing Family -Theory (2) Implementation of the nursing process uti lizing a fami ly centered approach Lo chi ldrearing, child health promotion, and care of the il l chi ld. Prerequisites: 202, 303, BIOS282. (C*) 362 Nursing of the Childrearing Family - Clinical (2 ) Clini cal appli cat ion of the nu rs ing process in providing fami ly centered child health care in acute and commu­ nity settings. To be taken concurrently wi th NU RS 362 -Theo1y. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credi t. (C*)

least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) 460 Nursing in the Community - Theory (4)

364 Advanced Nursing of the Cl ient/Family - Theory (2)

Implementation of the nursing process usi ng a family centered approach with adult clients experiencing complex di s­ turbances in adaptive eq ui librium. A prima1y focus is on pathophysiology in th e physical subsystem. Prerequisites: 202, 303, BIOS 282. (C*)

Nurs ing theOJ)' related to the health of communi ties. Prerequ is ites: 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366. 460 Nursing in the Community - Clinical (5) Clini ca l app lica tion of th e nursin cr

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