


THE COMMUNITY OF LA MIRADA The city of La Mirada is in Los Angeles County, 22 miles soutl1east of downtown Los Angeles, and is SLUTOunded bysuch cities as v\11ittier, Nonvalk, Buena Park, La Habra and Fullerton. La Mirada is a suburban residential comm·unitywith a population of 40,000. Included witl1in the vi cini ty are several major shopping areas in addition to manyother business establishments. La Mirada is si tuated near many of the outstanding attrac­ tions of Soutl1em California. Down town Los Angeles is a half­ hour 's drive from tl1e campus. Disneyland is 12 miles to tl1e southeast and famed Knott 's Berry Farm is six mil es away. Within an hour's d,ive are such popular beach cities as Long Beach, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach. Recreati onal facilities are easily accessible. An 18-hole go lf course lies a mil e east of the campus and otl1er parks in the area offer opportuni ty fo r activities and relaxation. An hour 's drive will take one into the nearby mountains where wi nter sports are avail abl e. Cultural and research opportunities abound in the area. Seve ral major universities and librari es are within easy dri­ vi ng distance of La Mirada including the Unive rsity of Cali­ fo rnia, Los Angeles.; the Uni ve rsity of Southern Cali fo rnia; the University of California, Irvine; and seve ral other state and private institutions. THE BIOLA UNIVERSITY CAMPUS The campus is bounded on the west by Biota Avenue and on the east by La Mirada Boulevard. It is located between tl1e large east-west thoroughfares of Rosecrans Avenue and Imperial Highway. Approximately three miles to the south­ wes t is the Santa Ana Freeway (Freeway 1-5) . Students coming to the campus byautomobil e should fol­ lowthese directions to the main entrance on Biota Avenue: ■ Coming from tl1e northwest, leave the San ta Ana Freeway at Rosec rans and travel eas t to Bi ota Ave. , th en turn north on Biola Ave. ■ Coming from the soutl1 east, leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Valley Viewand travel north to Rosecrans, tl1en turn right on Rosecrans to Biota Ave., then turn north on Biota Ave. ■ Coming from the east via San Bernardino Freeway (10) turn south on th e Orange Freeway (57) to Imperi al Highway and u·avel west on Imperi al Highway (approxi­ matelynine miles) to Biota Ave., turn south on Biota Ave. The campus consists of 95 acres with 700,000 square feet of building space in 30 major buildings. Just under half of the space is dedicated to seven student residence complexes, housing nearly 1,500 students in a fin e variety of living quar­ ters. Living quarters range from the traditional residence hall to full y independent aparunents, and special housing is availabl e for both married students and graduate students. The rest of th e buildings house cl assrooms, laboratori es, auditoriums, offi ces and students servi ces. Highlights of the buildings include Soubirou Hall , containing specialized class­ rooms fo r nursing instruction , along with nursing depart-

Though there may be many fillings of the HolySpirit, there is onlyone baptism which occurs at the time of regen­ eration. The gifts of the Spirit are given to believers accord­ ing to the Will of God for the purpose of bui lding up the Church. During the foundational era of the Church (i.e. , the time of Christ and the Apostles) God gave special mani­ festati ons of the overtlysupernatural and miraculous gifts (e.g., tongues, heatings, miracles) as "signs" that witness to the validi ty of those bearing newcanonical revelation (c.f. 2 Cor. 12:1 2; Heb. 2: 34) . Beyond the fo undational era, God in His sovereignty may grant anyspiri tual gift and work miraculously for the benefit of His Church at any time. Th e Bibl e is cl ear in its teaching on th e sanctity of human li fe. Life begins at co ncepti on. We abhor th e destruction of innocent life through aborti on-on-demand. Confession before men is viewed as tangible fruit of salva­ tion and not as a qualifying condition fo r salvation. Biota University does not necessarilydenyemployment to persons merely fo r lack of firm personal convictions on any teaching position in these explanatory notes. However, Biola Un iversity does weigh carefull y the understanding and per­ sonal convictions of employment applicants on these points as we ll as tl1e nature of their prospective work assignments, in determining their suitabili ty for employment. TEACHING BIBLICAL STUDIES Academic study of the sacred Scripture differs from otl1er disciplines in a university setting in that the p1imary text isGod's Word, which underscores the importance of maki ng instruction relevant to faith , learning and living. At Biota every effo rt is made to be academically credible, tl1eologically ortl1odox and practical ly relevant. Whether engaged in a cri tical discussion of the text, or a theological debate about a particular docuine, the discussion must finallycome to the meaning for life today. Though facultymembers in this department share a commi~ ment to the convictions reflected in the Universi ty dominal state­ ment, tl1ey reflect a healthy di versi ty regarding other contempo­ ra,y issues and interpretation of specific passages. Whether a divergent viewis held byotl1ers on campus or not, care is taken to represent opposing positions fairly, so that students can decide for themselves in a genuine educational environment. In prac tice, the task of teaching bibli cal studies is not lim­ ited to those within that department. Rather, the integrati on of Christian thought into all fi elds of inqui ry is the goal of the entire teaching fa cul ty. In this sense it is desired that eve,y course contribute to the deve lopment of a Christian worldviewfor the Biota graduate. CHAPEL Unive rsity chapels and conferences are intended to bring the Biota communi ty together regularly fo r worship, spiritual nurture and education regarding relevant issues facing us in our li ves. The overall program brings a unique distinction to the ethos of Biota as a Christian university. Due to the cen­ tral and significant nature of that ethos, attendance at chapel is required of all students.

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