COURSES 200 Introduction to Psychology (3) A survey of psyc hology as an empi ri cal/ behavioral science with a consid era ti on of underlying philosophical bases in light of a Christian world view. Topics LO be surveyed include deve lopment, cogn ition, learning, motivation , physiology, soc ialization, personality and psychopathology. 206 Psychology and Christian Thought (3) An introduction LO the nature and process of the application of Christian thought Lo the study and practice of psychology. Prerequ isites: 200 and Biblical Studies IO I 210 Statistics with Computer Applications (4) Elementary statistics for psychological research ; literature and computer ana lys is in samp lin g, probabi li ty, descriptive statistics, basic nonparamet ric statistics, HeSl5, correlation, regres sion eq uations and data processing. Not for general education math / sc i ence requirement. Three hours lec LUre, two hours laboraL01)'· 303 Human Sexuality (3) An examinati on of human sexual fun ctioning, behavior, relationships, and feelings. Issues of sexuality are discussed within spiriLUal, psychologi cal, cultura l, and medical / health related perspectives. Prerequisite: 200 or Biology 100 or 111. 305 Experimental Psychology (4) Ph il osophy, methodology and analysis of the experimental method. Di cus sions of problems in conducting and eva luating psychological research. Three hours lec ture, two hours labo raL01y. Prerequisite: 210. 306 Introduction to Measurement (3) Theory and principles of measure ment including the consLrunion, reli ability, va lidi ty and application of mea su rement devices in var ious profes sional settings. Prerequ isite: 210. 309 Abnormal Psychology (3) atu re, causes and treatment of abnormal behavior, including the fu ll range of mental disorders identified within curre!ll ca tegori cal systems. 310 Learning (4) Empilical findings and theoretical devel opment in the area of learning and their application to human behavior. Three hours lecture, three hours laborato1y. Prerequisite: 305. Lab fee: $10. 313 Psychology of Religious Experience (3) An examination of the nature ,md scope of religious experience including such
405 Social Psychology (3) Analysis of social behavior, including social cogniti on, aLtiLUd e format ion and change, conformity, prejud ice, group processes, etc. Both theOI)' and research findings wi ll be exam in ed.
480 Research in Psychology (1 -3) Research activity consisting of assisting docto ral leve l resea rch und er the supervision of the prima1y researcher or se lf-directed research under the supervision of the professor of record. Prerequisites: 210 and consent. Note: The followi11g graduate level courses nwy be take11 i,y senior psychology majors with. consent of the dep111·tme11tal chair. For cO!l'rse desc,i/Jlion see Rosemead sectio11 of catalog. 502 Advanced Statistics (3) 515 Personality and Psychopathology I (3) 530 History and Systems of Psychology (3)
is.1ues as the development of rel igiouscon cepl.5 and va lues, conversion, the experi ence of prayer and spiriwal maturity. Attention is also given Lo is.1ues in tJ1e ime gra tionof psychology and tJ1eology. 315 Industrial/Organizational Psychol ogy (3) Asn1dy of the application of the prin ciples of psychology in industr ial and organi zational set tings. Prerequisite: 200 or consent. 319 Crosscultura l/Ethnic Issues in Psychology (3) The psychological dynamics involved in the formation and reduction of preju dices, discrimination , and stereo types will be exp lored . The cou rse is designed LO increase studelll awarenes.1 of the hisLOrical LreaLmem of cros.1etil Lural is.1ues wi thin a psychological con text, and Lo sensi tize studenl.'i LOethnic minorities and is.1ues. Prerequisite: 200. 320 Developmental Psychology: lifespan (3) A sllldy of the theory and research concerning life-span development. Conside rat ion wi ll be given LO the physical, emotional , cognitive, social and moral aspects of human develop melll across the entire span from con cep tion Lo death. Di scussion wi ll include timely issues of personal rele vance LO the student 's own develop mental pathway. 321 Deve lopmental Psychology: Childhood (3) An in-d ep th stu dy of theory and research conce rning 1he childhood period from conception through pre adolescence. Particu lar auention wi ll be given LO the issues of parelll-child bondi ng and th e impact of fami ly dynamics and interaction upon the developmelll of children. Genetic-mat urational factors along with their imer action wi th experiential facLOrs will be examined as to the ir effect upon behavior. Both pathogenic and adap tive pauerns will be addressed with a view to faci litat ing opti mal develop melll and sociali zation of ch ildren. 322 Developmental Psychology: Adolescence (3) An in-depth studyof tJ1eo1y and research concernin g th e ado lescent period including the u-ansition from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence LO adulthood. ls.1ues to be considered \\111 include phy~iological, psychological and social changes, identity fo1mation, bel1a1• ior and moral development. Discus.1ion will include timelyis.1ues of personal rele vance to the college student's own devel opmelll as an emerging young adult.
Prerequisite: 305. 410 Motivation (3)
Physiological, psychologica l and social bases of motivation. Topics in clude drives, obes ity, sexua l motivat ion, need for achievement and aggression. 411 Theories of Personality (3) An overview of personality th eories including the primal)' represematives of the major schoo ls: ana lytic or dynam ic, humanistic-existentia l and behavioral. An integrative model will also be presented. 412 Physiological Psychology (3) A swdy of the ph ys iological bases of behavior including neural, senso ry, motor and chemical aspects with an emphasis on application Lo human rather than animal process. (Biology 311 Neurobiology may be taken as an alternative to this course.) Prerequisite: Biology 100 or 111 . 414 Readings in Psychology (1 -3) Reading and bi-weekly discus.1ion with professor of record in a topic of tJ1e stu dent 's choosing. The student is expected to work out, with the profes sor's supe1Yision, a detai led course pro posal and bibliography and submit witJ1 a Leaming Conu-act fonn available from the depanmental office. Prerequisite: upper division status. 418 Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques (3) Emphasis on core fac ili tation sk ill s. Supportive, re-educative and recon structive therapies considered. Per sonal growth activities incorporated. Prerequisite: consent. 426 Seminar in Group Process (3) Techniques fo r forming groups, ana lyzing processes, leadership fac ilita LOrs, measurement of behavior and methods of stabilizing gains over time. Prerequisite: consent. 450 Directed Field Work in Psychology (1 -3) Su pervised expe ri ence in mental health, educational, correctional or related facility . Open on ly LO upper division sll!dents. Prerequisites: 306, 309 and consent. 470 Current Topics in Psychology (3) Reading, research and discuss ion of selected topics in the field of psychol ogy. Prerequisite: consent.
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