

Cii=lffl;I·!- STUDIES


441 lntertultural Communication for Teachers (3)

492 Pract icum in TESOL I (3) Structured practi ce teaching in an ESL classroom under the supervision of a master teacher, plus weekly group dis­ cussion of issues in language pedagogy. Prerequisite: 421 or 422. Fee: $50. Applied linguistics 407 Introduction to Language and Linguistics(3) Introduction LO the bas ic concepts in the sciemific study of language, major areas of linguistic analys is, and several subareas of the fi eld. Although the primary emphasis is on English, mate­ rial fr om other languages is intro­ duced to provide a broad perspective. (Cross-listed with English 351) 446 Soc iolinguistics (3) Overview of the relationship between language and society. Topi cs covered include language and culture , lan­ guage and social change, ethnicity, language contact, language poli cy, ethnographyof communica tion, and social aspects of conversation. Prereq­ uisites: 407, English 35 1, ln tercultural Studies 3!0 or equivalent.

units at a college (not including AP, CLEP or IB). No t counted toward total number of units to graduate. GNST 101 Introduction toCareer Planning (1-2) Understanding of the world of work and an indi vidu al' s place in it. Emphas is on a biblical perspective of wo rk , understa ndin g of se lf as it re lates to ca ree r opportuni ties and supervised, co-<:urricular learning expe- rience for enhancement of leadership skills and Christian character. Intern- ships will include the fo llowing compo- nents: Professional testing and interpre- tation regarding leadership style, a job descri ption, supen~sion byqualified pro­ fess ionals, opportunities for para-profes- sional career experience, and consuuc- tive mentoring and evaluation. Intern- ship grade is awarded on a cred it/ no how LO successfull ypursue them. GNST 105 Leadership Internship (0) The internship is designed to provide a l.z!.

To provide students the opportu­ ni ty to learn , exercise and refi ne ski lls to enhance their chances fo r a success­ fu l college experience . To stimulate personal awareness and responsibili ty in the learn ing experience enhancing each student 's owne rship of hi s/ her education. Specifically, the courses wi ll faci li tate student growth in : I) broadly educating in the arts and sciences; 2) providing fundamental ski lls necessary for competence in a major; 3) increas­ ing knowledge in biblical studies by imegrating faith and learning. COURSES GNST 001 College Study Skills (0) Inst ruction in effect ive study tech­ niques and reading skill s. Emphas is on the incorporation of ski llswith cur­ rent academicwork. Fee: $60. GNST 003 Multicultural Mentorship Program (0) Thi s two-semester program, Cultural Encounters, is designed LO equip stu­ dents from diverse backgrounds to better sen 1 e the Biola Communi ty and society at large byexposing them to the basic con­ cepts of leadership, diversity and mul ti­ cul tu ri sm. Grade is awarded on a credi t/ no credit basis. Both semesters required ofall SURGE Scholarship recip­ ients. Signature required. Fee: $50. GNST 004 Gospel Cho ir (0) This multicultural experience focuses on the training in, and performance of, contemporary and traditional Gospel music. Membership by audition. Per­ formance grade is awarded on a credit/ no credit basis. Signature required. GNST 005 LeadershipMentorship Program(0) This two semester program, Setting New Directions, focuses on leadership, char­ acter development and service. Partici­ pants will be challenged in a variety of ways by small group mentoring mee t­ ings, a leadership conference and semi­ Grade is awarded on a credi t/ no credit basis. Both semesters required of all Leadership Scholarship recipients.

Study of cu ltural va lues, nonve rbal behavior, language and culture relation­ ships, and patterns of reasoning, with the goa l of increasing intercultura l awareness and teaching effec tiveness while decreasing culture-based misun­ derstanding in and out of the classroom. 460 Communicating Values through TESOL (1) Co nsiderati on of ways in whi ch TESOLmay be used LO promote cross­ cu Itu ral understanding th rough the communi ca ti on of different wo rld views and values. Prerequisite: 421 or 422 or English 353 or 354. 480 English: Past , Present and Future (3) Historical and social survey of the devel­ opment of the English language froma smal l tribal language to the widespread international language it is today. Pos­ sible future trends also discussed. 491 Field Practicum inTESOL (3 ) In te nsive ESL/ EFL classroom teach­ ing in a fi eld setting, typically as part of a supervised team work ing with a vo luntary age ncy. Prereq ui site: Signature requi red.

credit basis. Signature required. GNST 300 Writing Competency Requi rement (0)

Befo re graduat ion eve ry studen l is requi red to fulfill the Writing Compe­ tency Requirement. This requirement measures a student's ability to wri te clear and correct English prose; it also tes ts wheth er a stu de nt ca n write according 10 the conventions of his or her fi eld of study. Each department offers its own var ian l of the requirement, and stu­ dents must fu lfi ll th e requirement give n in th eir maj ors . Usua ll y, a department offers its Writing Compe­ te ncy Requirement as part of one or more of its upper-di vision co urses . Studen ts shou ld consul t with th eir advisors about the spec ifi cs of th e requiremem in their majors. The requirement should be com­ pleted in the jun ior yea r. It is advis­ able to discuss the requiremen t with one's advisor prior LO the junior year. After a student has ful fi ll ed th e requi rement, credit will be registered on the student 's transcript. Astudent who does not complete the requi rement must re-attempt to fulfill it dming a sub­ sequent semester. After twice failing to fi.i lfill the W1i ting Competency Require­ ment in the major, the student will be required to complete English 210 Writ­ ing for Competency before gradua tion. Completing English 2IO with a grade of "Ct" or better wi ll be considered a fu lfill­ me nt of the Wr iting Competency Requirement for graduation. Students 1vith more than one major will need LO fu lfi ll the requirement in each major.

Signa ture required. Fee: $50. GNST99 Universi ty Life (1)

An int roduction to basic issues con­ fron ting first time university students. Topics include: transition strategies, skills necessary for academic and per­ sonal success, and exposure to com­ munity service and career exploration ac tiviti es. In struction by academ ic ad,~sors. Required of all first time stu­ denLs durin g th e first semes ter at Bi ola who do not have 12 u·ansferable

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