



Dean: Edward H. Norman, Ed.D. DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM The School of Continuing Studi es offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Organizat ional Leadershi p (BOLD) designed for the work ing adul t who plans to comp leLe his or her under­ gradua Le degree. BOLD is an acronym for Bio la Organ izational Leade rship Degree. The degree in Organizational Leadershi p is an inter­ disciplinary major including Lhe fields of Busi ness, Ethics, Communication, Psychology and Biblica l SlUdies. DEPARTMENT OF INTERNA· TIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION The Depanmem of lmernational Student Educat ion (!SE) under the School of Continu ing Stud ies offers programs related to education of inter­ national sllldems. For this purpose, !SE presemlypro,~des the English Lan­ guage Studies Program (ELSP) , the International Studem Exchange Pro­ gram (!SEP), Biola Engli sh Study Tour Program (BEST), and the Inte rn a­

DEGREE COMPLETION PROGRAM Di rector: Don Will eLl, M.A.; M.Div. OBJECTIVES Biola Universi Ly, through the School of Cominuing Studies, offers a major in OrganizaLional Leadership to adult students who are return ing to complete their undergraduate degree. The BOLD m,uor offers students upper-division course work: designed espe­ cially for adults who 111sh lo earn a degree whi le working full time. Course work is aimed aL developmem of skills in human relations and managemem Lo work more el:fectivelyas managers and in other roles. A supplemema1-y publication pro­ vides more detai led in fo rmation on this program. For more in fo rmation, comact the BOLD Omce. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS An appli cam to Lhe Organizational Leadership program must be al least 25 years of age and have 60 semester hours of mmsferable college credit from accred­ ited ins tituLions before begi nning Lhe BOLD Program. These units can include Co llege Level Examinations Program (CLEP) and Advanced Placemelll (AP) units. An application fonn must be com­ pleted and the application fee paid. The compleLion of references and official Lranscripts from each institution previ­ ouslyattended must be sent to the School ofContinuingStudies, Biola University. DEGREE PROGRAM A Bachelor of Science degree i 11 O,ga­ nizational Leadership is offered upon Lhe completion or the un iversity bac­ ca laureaLe requiremen Ls and the Organi za Lional Leadership major. They include the fo ll owing: A. SaLisfactori ly complete a minimum of 120 semester units fo r graduation. 8. Completion of the Organ izational Leadership (4 1 un its) major at Biola University. C. Obtain a "C" average (2.00 G.P.A.) or above on all work taken wiLhin the major and aL Biola University D. Completion of the general educa­

Behavioral Science*

3 3 8

Phi losophy* Math/ Science

Each student will complete a Senior Project which will emphasize research related to a real problem in the work­ place or community. Along with the knowledge and perspecLive ga ined while completing the project, the stu­ dent will develop skills in thi nking, research, wriung and effecung change. The project is developed over a course of nine months with the as.sistance of a senior project ad,~sor. COURSES ORLD 210 Bibl ical Concepts Seminar I (1) This seminar will i1ia-oduce LJ1e concept of integration of faitJ1, learning and liv­ ing to help students come lO a more accurate understanding of reali ty. The course 11~ 11 emphasize the imporumce or Christian thinking in order lo equip stu­ dents to analy-te is.sues and effect solu­ tions that are workable, intel lectually 11able and consistem1vith bibl ical uuth. ORLD 220 Symposium I (1) This course 111 11 provide an opportunity lO apply the understanding arrived aL through integration lo real life si Lua­ tions. Students will examine case studies taken from group and organ izational behavior that demonsLrate both Lhe method and difficu lties of imegration and application. SlUdents, throughout LJ1e course, 11111 ·be encouraged to apply the principles of imegrauon Lo their own expe1ience in order to develop a mind­ set of thinking Ch1istianlyas an essenual component of LJ1eir life and education. ORLD 240 Foundations of Lifelong Leaming (2) Consideration of life development the- 01-y/ carccr patterns and future u·ends as foundations for lifelong learning. Specific emphasis ,viii be placed upon analy.;is of experienLial learn ing ouLcomes. Guid­ ance wi ll be given for preparation of a portfolio which documenLs p1ior learning. ORLD 310 Biblical Concepts Seminar II (1) Th is semi nar is designed lO identi fy biblical concepts thaL provide a basis in special revelation for human rela­ tionships and imerpersonal communi­ cation . Auention will be given lO the biblical description of human beings as designed and created by God , the nature and consequences of the fall and the impact of salvation and sancLi­

MaLhematics (3)* Science (3) Math/ Science (2)

Foreign Language 4 (71w general education mquilmnenl for a foreign language may be mel by two yea,J of the same high school language orfour units ofa college language.) *Two of the requirements in thefollowing three areas Behavioral Science, Mathe­ matics, and Philosophy may be met by courses in the BOW Jnogra.m. E. Completion of the BOLD bibli cal

stud ies requiremenL Foundational Courses

BBST 150 Old Testament Sun,ey 3-4 BBST 110 New Testamem Histo1-y & Literature 3 BBST 200 Early Christian Histo1-y -Acts 3 Elective Courses BBST 300/ 400 Bible Book Elec ti ve 2-3 BBST 300/ 400 Bible Book Elective 2-3 In formation about the bib lica l studies is available in the BOLD omce. Note: Wrili ng Competency is met by com/1wlion of !he Senior Pro;ecl. Some course requirements may be met by Credit for P,ior Leaming (CPL). GRADUATION HONORS For graduation honors, BOLD stu­ dents who have earned a minimum of 48 graded units aL Biola UniversiLy and who have completed Lhe ir pro­ gram with a 3.95 GPA are gradua ted with high honors. Those completing their program wiLh a 3.85 GPA are graduated with honors. CURRICULUM The major consists of 18 required courses. Obtaining a degree in th is major consists of 41 units of wh ich 24 un its must be upper division in the BOLD program. Must include 210, 220, 240, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360, 370, 380,410,420,430,440, 450,470,480. CREDIT FOR PRIOR LEARNING Undergraduate students working for a degree in Organ izational Leader­ ship have th e opportuni ty to earn elec­ tive cred it toward graduation through the evaluauon of prior learn ing acquired outside an insLiLUtion of higher learning. Credi t is awarded with the approval of the facu lty of the Un iversity.

tional Pastors Program (IPP). English language Studies

The English Language Studies Program attracts Christ ian slUde nts from all counu·ies of the world. The English Language Studies is an inten­ sive English prog ram des igned to develop students' proficiency in the Englis h language and lo help them achieve their degree at Biola. International Student Exchange Program The Internat iona l Student Exchange Program (!SEP) is designed to provide Biola Students with the opportun ity lO st udy at a Christ ian university overseas. See Special Pro­ gram section of the catalog. Biota English Study Tour Program The Biola English Study Tour Pro­ gram (BEST) is offered lO inte rn a­ tional college sllldents who would like to study English language and Ameri­ can culture during the summer. See Specia l Program section of the cata log. International Pastors Program The lmernational Pastors Program (!PP) wi ll benefi Linternauonal pastors in their practical theology and related fields and wi ll help them in their min­ isny at their local church. Lectures 11111 be given by world renowned theologians and preachers through imeqiretation.

tion requirements. G.E. Requirements


Fi ne Arts

3 3 6 3

Communi caLion

fication on human beings. ORLD 320 Symposium II (1)

English ComposiLion

Literatu re



Specific passages ill ust rating various aspects of interpersonal communica­ tion taken large ly from Old Testa-

Wes tern Civilization(4) United States (4)

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