

Admission of International Stu­ dents and Resident Aliens It is essenti al that students from other coun u·ies be able to understand directions and lectures in English and also to be able to express their thoughts clearly in spoken English immediately upon arrival on campus. In order that the applicant's profi ciency in English may be determined, the appl ican t must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as administered by the Educa tional Testing Se1vice at the nearest overseas examination center. The minimum score for admission is a to tal of 550 fo r the graduate stude nt and 575 for the Doctor of Education student (and a score of 55 or above for each of the three sections) . Fo r addi­ tional in formation see admissions and regisu-ation section of the university or graduate catalog. Accepted students will also be required to take the English Diagnostic Examination during Oiientation, p1ior to beginning their first semester. Thi s examinationwill be waived for applicants who score a minimumof600 onTOEFL, who will instead be required to take the TalbotWriting Proficiency Examination. Classification of Students: M.A. First Year 1-28 uni ts Second Year 29 + units M.Div. Firs t Year 1-28 units Second Year 29-57 uni ts Thi rd Year 58-86 uni ts Fourth Year 87+ un its Pre-Seminary Study The fo llowing pre-seminary swdy guideLi nes are recommended for students who are plann ing to attend Talbot l11e sn,dem should plan his or her collegiate cuniculum so that moderate competence will be possessed in all of these areas and skillsdeveloped so that one can communi­ cate easi ly, having the abi li ty to write and speak clearlywith coITect English prose. Note: The numerals in parentheses indicate the mggesled minimum number of semester units for each discipline. I. General Understandings A. Understanding of Humani ty 111! Philosophy (3) ■ Psychology (3) B. Understanding of modern social insti tutions and prob­ lems• Social Science (6) C. Understanding of cultural histo1y ■ History (6) ■ Fine Arts (3)

For graduation honors, students com­ pleting their program with a 3.50 G.P.A. are graduatedwith Honors. Students with a 3.70 G.P.A. are graduated with High Honors. Sn1dents with a 3.90 G.P.A. are graduatedwith Highest Honors. SPECIAL STUDIES The fo llowing are special studies

those required in tJ1e curriculum. Appli­ cations received byMay I will be pro\1ded with transfer credit decisions at the point of acceptance. Transfer credit for late appli cations wi ll be accomplished dwing the fall semester. Graduate courses \11th grades ofCor above at accredited institu­ tions or those validated with grades of B or above from approved un accredited schools are considered as acceptable on a transfer basis. For infonnation on the val­ idation procedure for unaccredited work, contact the Registrar's Office. Course Prefixes Course prefix es indicate; BE Bible Exposition CE Christian Educa tion CL World Missions

D. Understanding of sc ience and technology ■ Math/ Science (8) E. Understanding of the modes of communication ■ English-composition and li terature (9) ■ Speech (3)

II. Theological Understandings A. Bible content and interpretation (6)

courses to assist students in becoming proficielll in writing skills essential for an effec tive semina1y education. Spe- cific enro llment requ irements are l.!!., indicated in each course descri ption. SS 500 Theological Writing (0)

B. Theological methodology and interpretation (6)

III . Linguistic Skills (12)

At least one of thefollowing: ■ French ■ German ■ Greek ■ Hebrew ■ La tin ■ Spanish

Grammar, sentence structure and para- graph deve lopment for th eo logical wri ting. Critical thinking and composi- tion including extrac ting in fo rmation fromsources, synth~sis, format for writ- ten papers. Experi ence in wri tin g papers in theological and related areas. A two-semester-hour, non-<:redit course required in the fi rst semester of semi- nary study for sllldents assigned by the Talbot Wr iti ng Profi ciency Exam or students who have completed the ESL sequence. Fee: Afee equivalent to one semester hour of tuition is required. SS 510 Theological Research Methodologies (1) Research skills fo r use of li brary and theological reference works. Meth­ ods of theological Mi ri ng with empha­ sis on c1itical thinking, persuasion , and evaluation. Must be taken within the first 15 un its of study. Requi red of all M.Div. and M.A. students. Prerequisite: SS 500 (no concurrent enrollmelll), or passing score on Talbot Writing Profi ­ ciency Exam (TWPE).

DE Doctor of Educa tion OM Doctor of Ministry HE Thesis


HT Histori cal Theology LG Research Languages NT New Testament Language and Literature OT Old Testament and Semiti cs PH Phi losophyof Religion PT Prac ti cal Theology SS Special Studies TH SystematicTheology TS Independent Studies GRADUATION INFORMATION Graduation with Honors Those graduating with a grade point ave rage of 3.50 or higher are elected to membership in Kappa Tau Epsilon, the Talbot scholastic honor society. This honor is noted on the permanent record care!.

Astudent must register in a thesis class each semester until the thesis is completed and acce pted fo r bi nding by th e library. A student fini shing course work in December has I 1/ 2 years to complete the th esis. A stu­ dent finishing course work in June has one year to complete the thesis. If geographi c loca ti on prevents registrati on in person, it is the stu­ dent's responsibili ty to contact the Reg­ istrar's Office for registration materials. Registra tion by mai l is subject to the same rule as registration in person. Transfer of Credit Transfer credit fo r acceptable work done in other graduate schools will be allowed for courses which are parallel to

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