

PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry....... . ......... 2 TH 614 Theology IV - The Church and Last Things................... .3 PT 692 Field Education ... ..... ............ 0 17 Third Year Fall Semester CL 540 Principles of Chu rch Planti ng ........3 OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages....... .... 3 PT 707 Foundations of Pas toral Care and Counseling ........ .. .......... 2 TH 511 Theology I - Introduction: Revelation and Nature of God............ ...........3 CL 791 Field Internship .. .................2 Thesis First Draft or Elec tives ............2 15 Spring Semester BE 726 Expositional Methodology in Daniel, Revelation ..... .3 CL 751 Theology of Mission .. 3 PH 602 Apologetics ......................... . 3 CL 792 Field Internship .. ....... ........ .. 2 Elective....... .. ...... ...2 Thesis Final Draft or Elective ....... ... 2-4 15-17 *NT 50 I and NT 502 are required for students without prior Greek study. Urban/Multi-Ethnic Ministries Emphasis Provides preparation for a variety of professional ski lls in mi ssions and cross­ cultural mini su-ies by developing under­ stand ing and sensitivi ty to needs and opportunities of etlrnic peoples in thei r religious, social, and cultural contexts. First Year Fall Semester BE 517 Hermeneuti cs/ Bible Study Methods .....3 BE 5I9 Survey of Genesis- Malachi ..3 TH 511 Theology I - In troduction: Revelation and Nature of God ... .... ....3 NT 503 In troduction 10 Exegesis* ....... 3 CL 560 Urban Research and Min istry................... . ...........3 ss 510 Theo logical Research Methodo logies ... ...... . ........... 1 PT 591 Introd uCLion to Field Education ........... ! 17 Spring Semester BE 520 Survey of Matthew - Revelation.. . ...........3 NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospe ls ....... .. 3 TH 512 Theology II - Works of God, Angels, Man and Sin ...3

Third Year Fall Semester CL 53 1 Peoples of Ethnic America ... 3 OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages ...... .. ..... .... 3 PT 707 Foundations of Pas toral Care and Coun seling .... ... ... 2 CL 702 Social Organ ization ............. 3 or CL 503 Economy, Society and Values..... ...... ..... ......3 CL 79 1 Field Internship ..... 2 Thesis First Draft or Electives ........... .2 15 Spring Semester BE 726 fapositional Methodology in Dan iel and Revelation ........... ...3 PH 602 Apologetics .. ....... .... .. ...... . 3 CL 792 Field Internship....... ....... 2 !CS Electives** ........................4 Thesis Final Draft or Electives ....... .2-4 14-16 *NT 50 I and NT 502 are required fo r studen ts without prior Greek study. **A total 6 units in lntercultural Stud­ ies elec ti ves are to be selected from the fo llowing: CL 50 I, 511 , 532, 540, 556, 562, 622, 661, 765.

Please Note

PT 592 Field Education

.......... .0

.... .3 ... ...3 15

ICS Electives** ...

Hist01ical Theology: Students trans­ ferring HT 506 fr om another semi­ nary must take HT 710 to obta in denominational distinctives unless this requirement has alreadybeen met. Thesis Course Sequence: If a student


Second Year Fall Semester CE 600 Educational Ministry in the Church. ... ... ..... . HT 505 Pau·istic and Medieval Theology..........

elects to write a thesis, th e course "Thesis First Draft" will be taken at the compl et ion of 64 units and "Thesis Final Draft" at the completi on of 80 units. Ne ither is applicab le toward grad uat ion unless both have been l!:!...

........ 3

... 3 OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I ..... .... . .3 PT 609 Sermon Preparation............. 3 TH 613 Theology III - Christ, Salva- tion and tl1e Spirit... ... ........3 PT 69 1 Field Education .. .................0 Electives.. .......3 18 Spring Semester HT 506 Reformation and Modern Theology .....3 T 605 Exegesis in the Epistles ...........3 OT 604 Elements ofHebrew II .......... 3 PT 706 Personal Foundations of Ministry ........ 2 TH 614 Theology IV-The Church and Last Things ..... .. 3 CL 520 Interpersonal and Intercultural Adjustment .....3 PT 692 Fi eld Education ..... 0 17

comp leted. Some preliminary steps must be completed by the end of the semes ter prior Lo taking Thesis First Draft. See the Ta lbot graduate stu­ dent handbook for details. Practical Theology Allemative: For stu­ den ts anticipating a career teach ing in higher education, the courses PT 791 and PT 792 may be replaced byCE 791 and CE 792. Awritten petition is neces­ sary, approved by the facu lty advisor and filed wit11 the Regisu-ar'sOffice. Bible Exposition Altemative: For one of the four required Bible Exposition courses (excluding BE 517 or BE 726) the student may substitute three uni ts of Greek or Hebrew exegesis elec ti ves.

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