

MASTER OF f+1;ilil OBJECTIVES The Master of Ans degree, with emphases in Bible Exposition, New Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Philosophy of Religion an d Ethics,


C. At least 24 units mu st be

NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles

taken at this seminary.

and Acts


First Year

NT701 The World of the

D. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade below a "C-" in all courses to be

New Testament .. ..............2 OT603 Elements of Hebrew I ..........3 OT604 Elements of Hebrew II ........3 New Testament electives .... .......... 7-8

First Semester

credited toward graduation.

BE 517 Hermeneuti cs/ Bible Study


.. 3

and Biblical and Theological StudiesE. Complete the entire program

BE 519 Sumyof Genesis- Malachi .. 3 TH 511 Theology I - Iiiu-oduction:

Diversified (non-language), has been developed for those whose calling to Chri stian service is Lo pos iti ons of leadership fo r which the Master of Divinity or other professional degrees

in no more than five years.

Old Testament Emphasis

Students are placed on academic probation if their grade point average for any semester falls below 3.0 and

Revelmion and Nature

OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I ..........3 OT 604 Elements of' Hebrew II ........ 3 OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and

.................. 3

of God

SS 510 Theological Research

will remain on probation as long as Methodologies ................. 1 are not normally required. It is strucSelected Passages .. .. ............ 3 the sin gle semester or cumu lative Emphasis or electives* ........................5 tured to provide: OT 717 Old Testament in Near grade poin t ave rage rema ins below I. An understanding of Scrip15 Easte rn Context.. .................2 3.0. Probation students are granted n,res for students anticipating ChristNT 501 Beginning Greek.......... ....... 2 Second Semester one semester in wh ich to bring their ian mini st ri es that would in clud e NT 502 Beginning Greek ...... 2 BE 520 Survey of Matthew - ch urch administrators, para-ch urch academic work up to th e required NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis...... 3 Revelation .............3 organ iza tion leadership , coun se lors, level (3 .0) for continuance in the semOld Testament electives HT 514 Hiswrical Theology Survey .. 3 "tent-making" occupations in other inary. A stude nt cann ot gradua te TH 512 Theology II - Works of (4 exegesis, 6 open) ..... I0 cultures , lay leade rs in the local while on probation. God, Angels, Man and Sin .. 3 Theology Emphasis church and others. Emphasis or electives* ............8 (Select one of the following groups 2. A biblical backgro und for EMPHASES REQUIREMENTS 17 of courses).............. .. ...7 those who are preparing fo r teaching NT 501 Beginning Greek ......... .. .2 Program Structure in non-theological fields. Second Year NT 502 Beginning Greek ............2 The academi c programs leading 3. An academic background for First Semester NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis...3 those who find the Master of Arts to the degree Master of Arts with TH 613 Theology III - Ch,ist, Salv,1- or degree ample for a teaching position emphases in Bible Exposition, New tion and the Spi,it.. .. ..............3 BE 530 Elementary Principles of either at home or in a fo reign coun try. Testament, Old Testament, Theology, Emphasis or electives* ........... 14 the Biblical Languages ....3 4. A program of study for misPhilosophy of Religion and Ethics, and Christian Thought 17 sionar ies who have on ly a brief furBiblical and Theological Studies-Diverelectives.. .. ..4 Second Semester lough time in whi ch to pursue formal si fied are compri sed of 64-66 units HT 722 Cul ts of America ..................2 TH 614 Theology IV-The Church studyof the Scriptures. structured in common to include I) PH 602 Apologetics .........3 and Last Things ....................3 5. Sustainable skill s in specific TH 709 ContemporaryTheology ..... 2 biblical and theological foundations, Emphasis or electives* ....................... 12 mini stri es further deve lopin g your Christian Thought electives* .........8-12 2) academic specializa ti on in one of Thesis** or electives 1 ........ 0-2 ab iliti es and sp iritual gifts, and Bible Exposition or Christian fo ur disciplines requiring biblical lan15-17 guage studies, or general studi es in strengthening your areas of weakness. Tholight Electives .........6 * Up to 6 graduate elective units *If the Greek op tion is chosen , ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS which biblica l lan guages are not may be taken in other sc hools in Biola on ly eight Christian Thought elective Applicants must possess a bacunits in this category are required. required, and 3) additional elective Uni versitywith advisor's approval. courses determined by the student in **Co nsult the Talbot st ud ent calaureate degree . Each should be a Philosophy of Religion handbook for preliminary steps that graduate from a recognized or accredconsultation with the advisor. and Ethics Emphasis must be comp leted prior to enrolling ited co ll ege with a minimum grade Program Reduction Based on Prior in the thesis course. The main purpose of this empha­ point average of 3. 0 (on a 4.0 scale). sis is to help the student become an Academic Study All applicants must submit a writBible Exposition Emphasis apo logis t and develop the sk ill s ten statemen t out lining their vocaApplicants who have taken underSelect two*.. .. .... .4 involved in doing apologetics with spe­ tional objectives and how the degree graduate courses in biblica l or theoBE 602* Genesis cial focus on philosophy and soc ial might relate to those objectives. logical studies may request a program BE 608* Matthew ethi cs. The attitudes and character reduction based on co ll eg iate work. BE 610* Romans traits of an apologist will be fostered by GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS An evaluation will be made by the regNT 50 1 Beginning Greek .................2 department act iviti es , professional A. Satisfactorily complete 64-66 NT 502 Beginning Greek .................2 istrar's offi ce following estab li shed modeling, and teaching techn iques. semester units as outlined in the curNT 503 In troduction to Exegesis .....3 guidelines to determine competency The skill s necessary for the craft of riculum charts below. NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels .......3 within the fo ll owin g parameters: apologetics will be developed by equip­ B. Submit an acceptable thesis, NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles ping the student to th ink fo r himse lf chosen in consultation with the major I) undergraduate biblica l studi es and Acts ...............3 whi ch are parallel in co ntent with or herself, do research and under­ OT 603 Elements of Hebrew I ........3 advisor, or at the option of the major stand the necessa,y phi losophical and required courses and 2) undergraduOT 604 Elements of Hebrew II ........3 advisor and in lieu of the thesis, comethical concepts for spelling out what ate biblical studies which may justify a Bible Exposition electives ................5-6 plete four additional units of electives. Chri stians beli eve and why they hold reduction in elec tive units. To qualify Students who write a thesis will have a New Testament Emphasis those beli efs. The program is aimed at for such reductions the student must total requ irement of 64 units and NT 50 I Beginning Greek.............. .. 2 developing abili ty to do apologetics in those who take two additional units in have ea rn ed a "B" grade in specific NT 502 Beginning Greek ...2 various minisuy programs such as para li eu of a thesis will have a total course(s) and be able to demonstrate NT 503 Introduction to Exegesis .... .3 church and local church evangeli sm, requirement of 66 uni ts. competency in the subject matter. NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels........3 as well as preparing the student for

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