further graduate work in philosophy, ethi cs, religious studi es, law, politi ca l
will be pl aced on probation. GraduProgram Reduction Based on Prior
ates from approved unaccredited colAcademic Study
The scope and significance of the Chri sti an ed uca ti on prog ram are de termin ed by th e fo ur dimensions
science, and theology. PH 523 Me taphys ics I PH 524 Me taphys ics II PH 544 Epistemology I.... PI-I 545 Epistemology II
leges, if accepted will be gramed proQualifi ed students coming from visional acce ptance , though excepapproved Bible co ll eges or Christi an
.... .. 3
....... .. ...3
libera l arts co ll eges may reques t exempti on fr om ce rtain requir ed courses. Requests for exempti on may
tions may be made when the GPA is higher than 3.0. Both probation and provisional acce ptance may be
which fo ll ow:
.... ... 3
Theological Orientation
.... .3
PH 547 The Theology and Philoso-
The Christian educa tion program is an integral part of the theological environme nt of the sem inary. Th e program relates educa tional prac tice to the theological principles, seeking to merge li fe sciences and theology. Both life sciences and theology ,~ew persons
changed to full acceptance if the stube considered from two perspectives:
........ 2
phyof Science .......
I ) Program reductions are possi
dent earns a GPA of 3.0 or better on
PH 566 The Histo1)' of Ethics .......... . 3 PH 587 Seminar in Ethical Systems
the first eight uni ts at Talbot. Graduble up to a maximum of 12 uni ts from ates from approved un accredited colthe normal MACE requirement. Eval
and Ethi cal Reasoning ......... 3
uations for reduction are considered fo r undergraduate courses with sa tis L!!.. factOI)' parallel content, provided that
leges may be required to take certai n additi onal liberal an s course work (not applicabl e toward the graduate
PH 624 Seminar in Ethi cal
..... 3
laues l.. ... .
PH 625 Seminar in Ethi cal
in descriptive terms. Therefore Christdegree), if their undergraduate prothe co ll egiate courses are approx i
Issues 11 .. .
... .. ... .. .3
ian educa ti on is committed to th e development of the whole person.
mately doubl e the unit value of the certain seminal)' courses. To quali fy for such reductions the student must have earned at least a "B" grade in the spec ifi c course (s) and be abl e to ject matte r. In the event the student takes a course which had been previ ously waived , that previous reduction
gram did not include these courses.
PI-I 667 Seminar in Philosoph ical
Graduation Requi rements
Anth ropology ....... ... ..... .. ... ... 2
Ministerial Preparation
A. Satisfactorily compl ete 66-68
PH 684 Seminar in Philosophy
The Christi an education program exists to prepare ministers in the New
semester units. See (D. ) below.
.......... 3
of Religion .
B. Take the cou rses prescribed
PH 685 Seminar in Phil osoph ical
Testament sense, wi th a vari ety of funcin the Mas ter of Arts in Christian edudemonstrate competency in the sub
....... ... 3
Theology Electi ves
tional roles impl ied for sen~ce in local churches and related institu tions. This foc us on ministry includes the implicit ,~ew that responsibili ty extends
ca tion curri culum.
....... ... ........ 7
C. 400 hours of supervised fi eld ministry approved by facul ty advisor. D. Compl ete the program in no
Reduction and Transfer Guidelines for Philosophy of Religion and
would th en be nullified.
Ethics Emphasis
2) The substi tu tion of electives in
beyond th e classroom in to the more than fi ve years. Students 111th sa tisfactory unde rli eu of required courses may be churches and related institu tions where E. Complete an acceptable thesis gradua te parallel content in philosophy arranged in certain circumstances. In students and graduates function. (4 units) chosen in consultation with will be considered for course reduction. some cases where one of the above c1ite the major advisor or at the opti on of All requests for course reduction are Individualized Program ria may preclude a program reduction, the major advisor and in li eu of the subject to departmenta! approval on a The program is charac teri zed by the student may neverthelea be able to thesis or complete six uni ts of elec ti ves. case bycase basis. Students seeking emphasis on adaptation to the individdemonstJ-ate a sa ti sfactOI)' level of com course reduction must have earn ed at uali ty of the students, both in regard Students who write a th esis will have a petency in a given subject. In this event, to personal distinctives and in regard to tal requirement of 66 uni ts and those least a "B"grade. elec tives may be substituted fo r the t0 th e distinctives embodi ed in varied who take six uni ts of electives in lieu of course in question. Interested students fo rms ofChristian educa tion ministry. a thesis will have a total requiremem would contact the appropriate depart Students may onlytransfer courses that are parallel in content and taken It is presumed that students will of 68 units. Five unbound copi es of fromaccredited graduate schools and ment chairman regarding course substi enter th e program with cl early estabth e thesis or thesis project are lO be tutions. This alternati ve is also av-d.ilable seminari es. Request for transfer of lished Christian faith and, normall y, submitted to the librarian. for those who qualify for the maximum courses should be submitted to the with defini te professional orientation. F. At least 24 un its must be progrd.m reduction indicated above. Regisu-ar's Offi ce with prior approval The program is designed to afford taken at this seminary. Request for program reduction from the deparunent. Student, must each student a fourfold opportunity: (a) A student must have at least a 3.0 should be submitted to the Admi s complete in residence a minimum of the acq uisition of knowledge (b) the GPA (on a 4.0 scale) to g1-aduate. Stusions and Regist rar's Offi ces before 24 uni ts required in the Ph ilosophyof development of professional skill , (c) dents arc placed on academic probation st udi es beg in at Talbot, beca use Religion and Ethics emphasis. personal growth and (d) the deepening if their GPA for anysemester falls below reducti ons for a specific course can Biblical and Theological of personal commiunent lo Christ. 3.0, and will remain on probati on as not be considered after registration Studies/Diversified Emphasis long as the single semester or cumulafo r that course. The substituti on of Timeliness of the Program BE 530 ElemcntaJ)' Principl es of tive G. P.A. remains below 3.0. Probaelecti ves in li eu of required courses The Christian educa tion program the Biblical Languages .3 tion students are gi-anted one semester may be requested anytime during the is designed to mee t the specific needs (Select one of th e following) . ... 2-3 of th e church with an emphasi s in in which to bring their academic work student's first year. IIT 722 Cults of America up lO either Chri stian Education or Youth the required level (3.0) for conti nThe Standard Program HM 556 World Religions uance in the semina,y A student can PH602 Apologe tics Ministries. In the light of increasing The progi-am leading to the Master not g1-aduatc while on probation. demands fo r persons trained in Chrisof Arts degree in Christian Education or l'T 510 Evange lismand Follow-up .... 3 tian educati on the program is strucemphasis in Youth Minisu-ies inclt(de a PT 703 Church and Society.... .. 3 EMPHASIS REQUIREMENTS tured to prepare persons to se rve minimum of 68 uni ts (or 66 uni ts if a CE 600 Educa tional MiniSU)' in competently in the fi eld. The academi c program leading to thesis is written). The studelll who is the Church. ......... ... .... 3 the Master of Arts degree in Christi an able to enroll in 17 units each semester BE, CE, HT, NT, OT, PH , PT, TH ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS education is structured lO include ( I ) can complete the degree in two years. elec ti ves (a max imum of 6 uni ts in All applicants must hold the Bachbibli cal and th eo logical foundations; The student who enrolls for less than 17 PT and CE) ... 14 elor of An s degree or its academi c (2) a co re curri culum consisting of uni ts 11111 require additional time to com equivalent. They must have a 3.0 GPA fo undati onal courses and prac ti cal plete the degree progi-am, in which case (on a 4.0 scal e) . Those accepted who skill s; (3) vocational spec iali za ti on; the progi-am must be completed within do not mee t this latter requirement and (4) additional elec ti ve courses. fi ve calendar years from the first enroll-
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