



D. Obtain a 3.0 average wi th no grade below a "C-" in all courses to be

TH 511 Theology 1- lntrnduction:

CE521 Psychological Foundations of

Revelation and Nature

Christian Ministry

Th e Mas ter of Arts in Prac ti ca l Theo logy with emphases in Pastoral Ca re and Co un se ling, Spec iali zed Ministries , and Women's Minisu·ies, is designed as a professional program fo r speciali zed mi nistry. It has been developed for those whose calling to Chri sti an se rvice is to pos iti ons of leadership for whi ch th e Maste r of Divini ty or other professional degrees

of Cod.........

.. ........ .. ........3

credited toward graduation.

CE543 Counseling Adolescents and

PT 706 Persona! Foundations

E. Complete the enti re program

Their Parents

in no more than fi ve years.

of Ministry

...... ..2

CE557 Moral and Faith Development

SS 510 Theological Research

Students are placed on academic probation if their grade point average fo r any semester fa lls below 3.0 and will remain on probation as long as the sin gle semester or cumulati ve grade point ave rage remains below 3.0. Probation students are granted one semes ter in which to bring their academi c work up to the required

in Minisuy

Methodologies ... . ............. ... I

CE 620 Premari tal Preparation CE 675 FamilyLife Education CL520 Interpersonal and

Emphasis or elec tives*.. .

.. ... 3


lntercultural Adjusunent

Second Semester

PH 624 Seminar in Ethical Issues l PT 750 Directed Study Research PT 775 Parent Education in MinistI)'

BE 520 Survey of Matthew -

I T-11

are not normally required. It is strucRevelation .. .....


lllred to provide:

HT 514 HistoricalTheology Smvey ... 3

PT 802 Spiritual Conflicts and

I. An understanding of Sc ripTH 512 Theology II - Works of tures for students anticipating ChristCod, Angels, Man and Sin .. 3 in ary. A student cann ot graduate ian mini su-ies that would include pasPT 707 Foundations of Pastoral while on probation. to ral or lay coun se lors, para-church Care and Counseling ...... .. .. 2

level (3.0) for cominuance in tJ1 e semCounseling

TH 717 Theology of Human Nature Specialized Ministry Emphasis


orga ni zation counse lin g, women's mini stri es, speciali zed "telll-making"

Thisemphasisse1vesa dual purpose:

Emphasis or electives* ........................6

To provide curricular oppor­



occupations in other culnires, lay leadProgram Structure

tunities for students with parti cu lar

The academic programs leading

Second Year

ers in the local church and others.


to tJ1e degree Master of Arts in Prac tiFirst Semester

2. A bibli ca l bac kgro und fo r

2. To provide specialized min­ those who are preparing for counse lcal Theology with emphases in Pasistry pr eparat ion in areas no t TH613 Theology IT! - Christ, Salva- ing in secular fields. toral Care and Coun se ling, Specialtion and the Spi1it... ................ ..3 addressed byestabli shed curricula. 3. Aprogram of studyfor missionized Mini stri es, and Women's Min Emphasis or electives* ........ .... ........... 14 The elements of tJ1i s emphasis are: ari es who have onl y a brief furlough istries are comprised of 64-66 units 17 I. A biblical/ th eological core of time in which to pursue fonnal sn1dyof structured in common to include I) 25 units (the same core as the other the Scriptures and would like to emphabibli cal and th eologica l fo undati ons, Second Semester M.A. emphases); size pastoral counseling, women's min2) academic specializati on in one of TH 614 Theology IV- The Church 2. The balance of the program is isuies or a specialized minisu-y. four di sciplines requiring biblical lanand Last Things . .. ... .. 3 . custom des ign ed by th e sllldent in 4. Sustain abl e skill s in spec ifi c guage studi es, or general studi es in Emphas is or electives* .. ....... 12 mini str ies furth er deve loping yo ur whi ch bibli ca l languages are not Thesis** or electives* .... ... .... ............ 0-2 consul ta tion witJ1 his or her advi sor. abiliti es and spiritu al gifts , and required, and 3) additi onal electi ve Guidelines 15-17 strengthening your areas of weakn ess. courses determined by the student in * Up to 6 graduate elective units I. Applicant submi ts a statement consultation witJ1 the advisor. of mini stry/ vocati onal obj ec tives as may be taken in other schools in Biola ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Program Reduction Based on Prior University with advisor's approval. pan of the admission process. Appli­ Appli cants must possess a ba ccation to this program must be made Academic Study **Con sult th e Talbot student calaureate degree . Each should be a at leas t three month s pri or to th e Applicants who have taken underhandbook fo r preliminary steps that graduate from a recognized or accredbeginning of classes. graduate courses in biblical or theomust be completed prior to enrolling ited coll ege with a minimum grade 2. Before acceptance into this logical studies may reques t a program in the thesis course. poilll average of3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). programemphasis, the student submi ts reduction based on coll egiate wo rk . All appli cants must submit a writEMPHASES REQUIREMENTS a proposed curriculum in writing to An evaluation will be made by the reg­ te n statement outlining their vocatJ1e program coordinator. The advisor istrar 's offi ce fo llowing establish ed Pastoral Care and Counseling tional objectives and how the degree and studem then refine this proposed guidelines to determine competency CE 552 Life Span Development might relate to those objectives. cun-iculum togetJ1er. within th e fo ll owin g pa rameters: in Ministry ........ ..... ...... ... 3 a. In this proposal , the ra tionale I) und ergradu ate bibli cal studi es GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS CL622 lntercultural for each course chosen is to be given whi ch are parall el in content with Communica tion .. .. 3 A. Satisfactoril y compl ete 64-66 so th at each course chosen cl early required courses and 2) undergraduPT 604 Pastoral Care and semester units as outlined in the currelates minist1y/ vocational obj ectives. ate biblical studies which may justi fy a Chaplaincy... ...... .. ... ...... ..... ..3 riculum charts below. A maximum of 18 units in other reduction in elec tive units. To quali fy PT628 Mari tal Counseling......... .... .3 B. Submit an acceptabl e th esis, schoo ls of Bi ola Uni ve rsity will be for such reductions the student must PT 696 Internship .... .. ..... .4 chosen in consul ta tion with the major accepted. lndependem study will be have earn ed a "B" grade in specifi c PT703 Church and Society ....... .3 advisor, or al the option of the major limited lo IO units. Internship will be course(s) and be able to demonstrate PT 708 Advan ced Pastoral advisor and in lieu of the th esis, comlimited to 3 units. competency in the subject matter. Counseling ...... .. .. ....3 plete fo ur addi tional uni ts of elec tives. b. Request for transfe r credits PT 725 Counseling Troubled Students who write a thesis will have a CURRICULUM from other insti tutions (if applicable) Families.... .. ..... .. .... .3 tota l requ irement of 64 uni ts and with rati onale related to obj ec tives First Year PT740 Issues and Ethics in Minisu-y...2 those who take two additional units in must be included at this time. Limi t PT 807 Systems of lmegration .........3 li eu of a th es is will have a total First Semester of transfer credits is 12 uni ts. requirement of 66 units. BE517 Hermeneuti cs/ Bible Electives c. Th e proposed curri culum C. At leas t 24 uni ts must be StudyMethods...... ... . ... .. ..... .3 CE 514 Women and Men in 111 ust be approved by: taken al this seminary. BE 5I9 Survey ofGenesis- Malachi . ..3 Christian Minisuy (I) the coordinator

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