
COMM 444 Voice & Cra n iofacial Disorders .. .......................................... 3 Topics to be covered include· et1olog1es, types of vrnce

Communicat ion Seminar .. ... .. .... ... ... .. .. ... .. .. ...... .... ... .. ...... 1-3 Various aspects and problems in the fields of communication.

COMM 470

disorders including neutrogenic, functional and organic voice disorders, and review of assessmen t and treatment methods. Various craniofacial disorders will also be surveyed such as cleft palate. Prerequisites: 210, 324 or permission.

l ntercultura l Commun ication .......... ........ .... .... ................... 3 Relationship between communication and culture with emphasis on factors affecting the quality and processes of interpersonal communication between persons of different cultures or subcultwes. (See also INCS 420.) Multi-Cultural Communication ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ... .. .. .. .. .... .. 3 Study and analysis of issues of crosscultural communication within ethnic groups prima1ily residing in the United States. (See also INCS 421.) Adva nced Studies in Communicat ion Behav ior .......... 3 Selected communication topics varied by semester. Sections offered include: gender studies, relational studies, family commun,cation leadership communication. May be repeated with different course content. Prerequisite· 270. Pragmatic Social Theories of Commun ication ... .... ..... 3 A capstone course for all communication studies maJo rs. Survey and application of soc1c1I theories, including negotia- tions, communication to the grieving, gender studies, civility, and grace in communication and media criticism. Prerequisite: Junior or senior status. Directed Research ... .. ........... .. .. ..... .. .... .. ......... ........... ......... 1. 3 Individual research ir areas of communication determined in consultation with the instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of three units. Prerequisite consent.

COMM 472

coMM45o Commun ication Practicum.... ... .......... ............................. 1-3 Directed practical experience 1n the various fields of com­ munication. Permission of the department must be secured the semester prior to enrolling for course. May be repeated for a maximum of six units.

COMM 473

Leadershi p Practicum 11. .•. .•....... .... .. .. .... ... .. .. ........ ... ... ....... 1-3 Directed practical experience in leadership communication for students involved in Residence Life, Student Ministries, Student Orientation Service, Associated Student Government, the Student Missionary Union, and Commuter Life. Signature required. Cannot be counted toward the maJor. Prerequisite: COMM 140 Leadership Practicum.

coMM 45 1

COMM 474

COMM 478

COMM 458 Methods of Commu n ication Research ........ .............. ..... 3 Methodology for communication research, including sam- pling, questionnaire design, introduction to statistics. Students conduct survey research project. A major goal is to become adept at reading and evaluating research reports.

Readers Theatre ........ ..... .... .............. ...... .......... ........................ 3 Programming and presentation of prose, poetry and drama by two or more actors using the skills of oral interpretation as well as those of the actor. Methods of preparation, perfor­ mance and directing. Adva nced Act i ng Wo r ksh op ............... .... ... . ....... .......... .. ... . 3 Further in-depth study of cha racteriza ti on, script analysis, and various styles of acting. Topics may vary. Prerequisites: 263 and 363. Rhetorical Crit icism .... .......... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .... ... .. .... .... .. ........ 3 Evaluation and assessment of communication sources and artifacts. Application of critical methodologies (e.g., pentadic, narrative, feminist, metaphoric, generic) to generate scholarly commentary. Lab fee: $10.

COMM 480

COMM 461

COMM 463

COMM 465

COMM 466 Capstone Proj ect i n Communi ca ti o n Di so rde rs.. .... .. .. 3 Survey of Research terminology and methods as well as an emphasis on critiquing research. Course includes a student capstone research project. Prerequisite: senior status.

D rama for Ch r isti an M inistry .. .. ................................... ... ... . 3 Issues facing the Christian worship or drama coordinator. Explorations of material for performance in chancel and para­ church settings.


Undergraduate Programs



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