
Secondary Credentials Undergraduate students interested in teaching at the secondary level must meet subject matter competency requirements through either a State-approved single subject major or by passing the CSET In addition, they must take required teacher preparation courses. Candidates must also pass four Teacher Performance Assessments (TPA), the CBEST, and the U.S. Constitution requirement. The Single Subject Credential is the document most commonly used in middle schools and high schools. This credential authorizes instruction in the subject(s) listed on the credential in departmentalized classes at any grade level, including preschool, grades K-12, and classes organized primarily for adults. All students should regularly see advisors in their single subject program as well as in the Department of Education. Credential candidates complete their student teaching the second semester of their senior year or the semester after they graduate with their B.A. After successfully completing student teaching, candidates make an appointment with a credential analyst in the Department of Education at Biola University and apply for the Preliminary Credential from the State of California's Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Private school teachers who have taught three or more years in WASC-accredited schools may qualify to have teacher preparation courses and/ or student teaching waived per SB57. See an advisor for details. TEACHER PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. All candidates for the Preliminary Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Credential must complete the following undergrad­ uate education courses in sequence: LEDU 301 (Intro), 330 (Psych), 420/425 (Reading), 341 (Linguistic Diversity), 430/435 (Curriculum), and 440/442 or 450/452 (Student Teaching). 2 . Students who wish to complete the undergraduate teacher preparation program must formally apply for admission to the education program during the Introduction to Teaching course (LEDU 301 ). A minimum 2.75 GPA on a 4.0 grade scale is required. Other departmental requirements and competen­ cies are stated in the Undergraduate Education Handbook, available on the website, and are covered in the Introduction to Teaching course (LEDU 301 ). 3. Students planning to take the Introduction to Teaching course (LEDU 301) must complete the Application for Char­ acter and Identification Clearance. This background clearance requires fingerprinting and must be completed prior to any fieldwork in the local school districts. Fees required. 4 . All education and competency courses must be completed with a grade of"C or higher with the exception of Student Teaching LEDU 440/442 and 450/452 which must be com­ pleted with a grade of"B-" or higher for the candidate to be recommended for a Preliminary Teaching Credential.



........................... June Hetzel, Ph.D.


Professors: .. .................................. Sibold Associate Professors: ....... Hetzel, Johnson, Menjares, Stranske, Walters Assistant Professors:. ........................................ Crick, O'Quinn, Taylor Distinctives Biola University offers high quality undergraduate teacher prepara­ tion programs. Students participate in a broad general education program, thorough subject matter competence sequences, and challenging classroom observation and participation experiences. These programs provide a distinct foundation for professional careers in education. In addition, Biola's undergraduate 30-unit biblical studies and theol­ ogy requirement, with its emphasis upon Scriptural knowledge and the dynamic integration of biblical and academic thought, provides a strong foundation for service in public, private, mission and home schools. Objectives The primary function of the Department of Education is to provide excellent preparation for professional teaching. The goal is for Biola graduates (1) to manifest strong social and personal traits, ethical standards, and a Christian philosophy of education, and (2) to pos­ sess subject matter knowledge, understanding of pupil behavior, competency in the skills of teaching, and ability to stimulate critical judgment and creativity. Professional Teacher Preparation PRELIMINARY CREDENTIAL SB2042 Professional Teacher Preparation Programs are available for Single Subject and Multiple Subject credentials. Elementary Credentials Undergraduate students interested in teaching in the elementary schools should take the Liberal Studies major along with the re­ quired teacher preparation courses. They must also pass four Teacher Performance Assessments (TPA), state exams (CBEST, CSET, RICA), and U.S. Constitution requirement. The Multiple Subject Credential au­ thorizes instruction in any self-contained classroom for grades K-12, preschool, and classes organized primarily for adults, but is especially appropriate for grades K-6. If a student wishes to teach elementary school, but is not taking the Liberal Studies major, they must still take all required teacher preparation courses and pass four Teacher Performance Assessments (TPA) and state exams (CBEST, CSET, RICA). In addition, all elementary teacher credential candidates must suc­ cessfully complete the following competency courses with a grade of'Cor better: Education 380; Math 117 and 118; Music 31 O; Art 306; and Physical Education 201.


Undergraduoce Programs

2005-2007 CATALOG

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