genre, or critical approach through the development of more advanced research and writing skills are encouraged to apply. This course is especially recommended for those planning to continue literary study on the graduate level. Interested stu dents should submit their qualifications and proposals to the course instructor whose approval is required for enrollment. Prerequisites: 100 or 110 A, 110 B; 220 or 230 or 251 or 252 or 281 or 282 or consent. Junior/ Senior standing.
playwriting, writing for children or advanced studies in poetry or fiction. Prerequisites: 100 or 110 A, 110 B; 220 or 230 or 251 or 252 or 281 or 282 and three units of upper division writing or consent. Studies in Com pa rat ive Lit erat u re ... .. .. .. ......... .. .. .. ... ..... ... . 3 Comparative studies of a specific cultural literature. Sections offered in areas such as: African, Spanish, Russian, Jewish, Ger man literature. Prerequisites: 100 or 110 A, 110 B; 220 or 230 or 251 or 252 or 281 or 282 or consent. Spec ial St ud ies in Li terature .. ............................ .. ................ 3 Studies in general areas of literary interest such as film and literature, science fiction and folklore or in such specific liter ary topics as women's literature or life writings. Prerequisites: 100 or 110 A, 110 B; 220 or 230 or 251 or 252 or 281 or 282 or consent. Studies in Maj o r Authors .. .. ...... ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .................... 3 An in-depth study of the works of one or more significant authors with attention to the chronological development of the author's style, main themes and relationship to the literary tradition. Sections offered include such authors as: Chaucer, Milton, Wordsworth and Coleridge, Faulkner and Hemingway. Prerequisites: 100 or 110 A, 110 B; 220 or 230 or 251 or 252 or 281 or 282 or consent. Hi st ory of Cr iti ca l Theory: Plat o t o T.S. El iot.............. .. ... 3 A historical overview of literary and critical theory from its origins in Greek thought through the late 19th century. The course will focus on the changing definitions of literature as well as the evolution of critical approaches and debate across time. Prerequisites: 100 or 110 A, 110 B; 220 or 230 or 251 or 252 or 281 or 282 or consent. Junior/ Senior standing. Contemporary Lite rary Theory .... .. ..................................... 3 An overview of the major concepts in the 20th-century literary theory and an introduction to the major approaches in contemporary critical theory, including formalism, myth criticism, hermeneutics, deconstruction, feminism, psycho analytic criticism, Marxism, post-colonial theory and the new historicism. Prerequisites: 251,252,451 and junior standing/ consent. Stud ies i n Literary Genre .... .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... 3 Studies in a specific literary genre such as, poetry, drama, the novel and film. Prerequisites: 100 or 11 O A, 11 O B; 220 or 230 or 251 or 252 or 281 or 282 or consent. Ho n o rs Sem ina r .. .. ............ .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .. ........ 3 An honors research project developed in consultation with a faculty advisor and approved by an English faculty commit tee which includes the department chair. Students seeking to extend their previous work in a particular author, period,
ENGL 420
Eng l is h Practicum .... .. .............................. .. ........ ..
..... 1-3
Practical experience in English teaching, editing and/or research at the college level. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites: 100 or 110 A, 110 B; 220 or 230 or 251 or 252 or 281 or 282 or consent.
ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE (ESL) All non-nat ive speakers of English will be able to count 12 units of ESL instruction from English 103-109 toward graduation. For students pu rsuing the B.A. degree, the 12 units of ESL will satisfy the foreign language requirement. Fo r students pursuing the B.S. degree, four units will satisfy the foreign language requirement and an additional eight units can be counted as electives.
Eng li sh fo r th e No n - Nati ve Speaker: Fo undati o ns o f Acad emic Writi ng .. .. ................................ 4
ESL 103
Eng l ish For t h e No n - Nati ve Speaker : O ra l Skill s ........ ... ......................... ............ .. ...... . ... ........... ............ 3
ESL 105
Eng li sh for th e Non - Nati ve Sp eaker: Fo undati o ns of Acad emi c Wr iti ng ...... .. ........ .. ...... .. .... .. .... 3
ESL 107
Eng l ish for t h e Non-Nati ve Spea ker: W riting Wo r kshop .. .. .. ........ .. .................... .. .... .. .. .... . .. .... ......... 3
ENGL 109
See course descriptions under English Language Studies Program section.
ENGL 4s2
ENGL 460
ENGL 471
Undergraduate Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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