
Other programs availab le include:

History Administered by the Department ofHistory, Government & Social Science

HISTORY HONORS PROGRAM This program is designed for senior history majors and for those who have history concentrations in social science and humanities. It is designed as a year-long, independent research project under faculty supervision. Students who are a few units short of senior standing may petition the chairman for admission into the Honors Program. Students entering the prog ram must have 15 units of upper division history. History majors with a departmental GPA of 3.5 or better are eligible. Candidates for honors will be required to meet all history major requirements: the program will count as six units of work (see 490,491). The JO. Henry Prize will be given annually for the outstand­ ing paper in the disciplines of History, Political Science or Social Science. SOCIAL SCIENCE SECONDARY TEACHING CREDEN­ TIAL The Department of History, Government & Socia l Science in coopera­ tion with the Education Department provides a program leading to the Socia l Science Secondary Teaching Credential. For specifics on the Secondary Social Science program contact the Department of History, Government & Social Science directly.


.................................. Judith Mendelsohn Rood, PhD

Chair: ...

. ........ . .... ....... . ..................... Peters, Wilshire


Associate Professor: .. . . .......................... Rood Assistant Professors: ................................................... Ford, Wamagatta

Mission The mission of the Department of History, Government, and Social Science is to foster a community of learners, who, as lovers of truth study history, political science, and geography. In recognition of both the dignity and depravity of humankind, our aim is to develop insight into past and present civilizat ion s based upon our acknowl­ edgement of God's providence, the dependability of His promises, and His redemptive purpose on earth. Through the rigors of our disciplines, we prepare our students to influence and transform the world for Jesus Christ through their lives and vocations in obedience to the Greatest Commandment and the Great Commission. Object ives The department objectives are to increase the general knowledge in and understanding of history, to encourage analytical thinking in dealing with historical problems, including the relationship of Chris­ tianity to culture, to enhance proficiency in research and writing, and to stimulate interest in the reading of literature bearing on the disci­ pline. Offerings in geography are designed to develop understand­ ing of and appreciation for the physical and cultural landscapes. Emphasis is on regional studies. Those interested in acquiring a background in physical geography are urged to take physical science and geography survey. Degree Prog ram A Bachelor of Arts degree in History is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The student is required to take History 207 and 208 (one of which will meet the general education requirement) before taking upper division courses in history. The history major requires the completion of 30 units be­ yond the general education requirement, 24 of which must be upper division including 327,480 or 490 and 491 (see History Honors Pro­ gram below) Political Science 225 is required as a supporting course. A concentration of 12 units of course work in one of the following areas: Asian Civilization, Civilization of the Americas or European Civilization and the remaining 12 units to be chosen from History.

This program prepares students to teach history, government, geog­ raphy and economics in California high schools.

HUMANITIES MAJOR/ HISTORY CONCENTRATION The Depa rtment of History, Government & Social Science offers a History concentration for the Humanities major (see Humanities sec­ tion for specifics). It is basically a minor in History, but more flexibility is possible through department advisement. Minor A History Minor is offered with the completion of 18 units beyond the general education requirements, 12 of which must be upper division. The student is advised to take at least 12 units in one area of concentration.

Courses (HIST) HIST 101

United States History .......... ... ................................................ 3 Geo9raphical expansion and development of the United States from its colonial foundations to present. Assessment of inRuence of Puritans, colonial experience, the industrialization, urbanization, 20th century wars and an expansive economy in shaping the American mind and American international re la­ tions. Meets the requi rements for United Sta tes Constitution for California teacher certification. Perspectives on American History ....... .. ... ... ........ ... .. ... 1-2 Topics on the inRuence of Christianity in shaping the Ameri­ can mind. A discussion class is required along with this course. For clarification contact the History Depa rtment. Departmen­ tal approval required.

History majors preparing for graduate school should include a for­ eign language in their program with advice of the department.



Undergraduate Programs


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