
geographic personality to individua l reg ions and nations. One or more sections offered each year in areas such as Latin America, North American, Europe and Asia. May be repeated with different content (section ti tl e)


Facult Chair: ................ ...... ... ...... .. .. ..................... .................. .. ..... ... Todd Pickett, Ph.D. Professors: .. . ... ...... ................ .. Peters, Smith, Wilshire Associate Professors:Buchanan, Ciocchi, Frankwitz, Pickett, Rood Assistant Professor: ........ Davidson, Kleist, Malandra, TenElshof Objectives The Departments of English, History and Philosophy offer an inter­ departmental major in humanities. It consists of a concentration of 18-20 units in one area and two support areas of six upper division units each. The area of concentration is basically an emphasis in the desi red field but offers more flexibility through advisement of the Humanities Committee. The object ive of the humanities major is to provide the student with a broader perspective in selected liberal arts disciplines than is pos­ sible with a single subject matter. Courses taken to sat isfy the general education requirement cannot be credited to the major. Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts Degree in Humanities is offered upon completion of the un ive rsity bacca laureate and humanities major in one of the following concentrations. ENGLISH (33 UNITS) The Humanities English major consists of a total of 33 units, of which 24 must be upper division. Twenty-one units in English are required, 12 of which must be upper division. The English requirement includes English 251,252,281 and 282. An additional 12 upper-division units must be chosen from the History and Ph ilosophy courses listed below Student may combine these concentrations in any of the following ways:

Al l 12 units in one concentration (History or Philosophy); 6 units in each concentration; 9 units in one and 3 units in the other.

History Choose 3-12 units of any History Department electives.

World Civilization I and II are prerequisite to taking upper-divi­ sion courses in History.

Philosophy Prerequisite 214 for general education. Choose 3-12 units from:

Philosophy and Religion: 302,413 and six additional upper division units in philosophy with approval of the Humanities Committee.

Undergraduare Programs



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