Philosophy and Literature: 301,302,303, and th ree add it ional upper division units in philosophy with approval of the Hu manities Committee.
lntercultural Studies ADivision of the School of lntercultural Studies
HISTORY (30 UNITS) The Humani t ies History major consists of a total of 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division. Eighteen units in History, and two con centrations of six units in both English and Philosophy, fo r a total of 30 units. The student would seek his/ her interests and be gu ided by the faculty to take most of their courses in one of the areas of exper t ise with in the Department of History, Government & Social Sc ience. The student is required to take History 207 and 208 (one of which will meet the general education history requirement) before taking upper-division cou rses in history. The student is also requi red to take either History 480, Resea rch Seminar (three units), or History 490-491, Senior Honor Program (six units), as a "capstone" cou rse in the con clud ing years of his/ her program. Students who use thi s emphasis as a pre-semina ry program of study, may wish to include History 321, History of the Christian Church (three units) and one of the biblical languages as thei r foreign language requirement. PHILOSOPHY (33 UNITS) The Humanities Philosophy major consists of a total of 33 units of which 30 uni ts must be upper division. Twenty-one units of philoso phy beyond the general education requirement, of which 18 units must be upper division, and two concentrations of six upper division un its each in literature and history.
Facult Dean: ......................................................... ......... F. Douglas Pennoyer, Ph.D. Chair: ...... .......... ..... ..................................... ..... ............. ... Murray Decker, Ph.D. Professors: .. . .. .. ...... .. .... .. ... . ..... .... .. .. Cook, Douglas, Haywa rd Associate Professors:Alexander, Campbell, Decker, Lingenfelter, ........ .... ..... Pennoyer, Russell, Steffen Assistant Professor: .. .. ... ........ .... .............. .... .. Greene, Pitt le Objectives The objectives of the undergraduate department of lntercultural Studies are five-fold : ,. To enable studen ts to demonstrate a knowledge and under stand ing of the theo log ical , historical, sociological, an thropo logical and linguistic issues of the crosscultural commun ica tion of the gospel 2 . To enable studen ts to demonstrate a personal responsibil ity to the mandate given by the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of every nation based on an understanding of both human beings and culture
3. To equip Christian professionals to serve in a broad range of vocations
For the major, the student must take Philosophy 301,302,303, and 414.
4. To facilitate the growth of Christ-like character and assist students in their spi ritual formation
s. To increase student understanding of linguistic and cultural diversity, so that they will re late more meaningfully to people with a different linguistic and cultural background and be encouraged to analyze and develop Christian perspectives toward crosscultural problems. The careers open to lntercultural St udies majors are diverse, and include such areas as missions outreach, crosscultural health services, development programs and agencies, social welfare, translation work, information research, b ili ngual and multicultural education, crosscultural communicat ions and public and foreign service. The lntercultural Stud ies major is designed to allow students to pur sue options which will best prepare them for their career objectives. The interdisciplinary concentration offers a unique opportunity to combine lntercultural Studies with other disciplines in the Univer sity to prepare the student fo r careers such as bicultural education, crosscultural mass media communications, social work, crosscultural counseling, missions political liaison, urban program administration and international business.
For the concentrations in literature and history the student will consult his advisor about which courses will most likely complement his studies in phi losophy.
Undergraduate Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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