
- Advanced Screen Wr iting ...................... .. .. .. .......... .. .. ........ .. . 3 Advanced work ,n writing and polishing dramatic scripts for television and motion pictures. Prerequisite: 356, 366. The Ro le of the Producer .......................................... ........... 3 Producers make film and television happen. This course covers what a producer does to create a budget, to find financing, to manage the production process, and to market and distribute a film or television project. Mass Communication Practicum .. .. .. .... .... ........ .. .. .. .. .... 1-3 Directed practical experience 111 the various fields of mass communication. Departmental approval required. May be repeated for a maximum of six units. Audio Post Prod uct ion for Film & TV .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ... ...... 3 Development of advanced aesthetics and techniques in om­ posing, editing and processing audio for film and television postproduction. Includes ADR, sound effects, surround sound and orchestra recording. Prerequisite: 365. Lab fee: S50. Motion Pict ure Post -Production .. .......... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ...... . .. 3 The final course ,n a thr e-course film p,oduction sequence (358,359,452). Emphasizes ed1t1ng, music, sound effects, mix­ ing, laboratory coordination, and distribution. Prerequisites: 103, 358, 359. Lab fee: S50.

Ad va nced Pu bli c Re lations ............ .. ............. ... .... .. .. .. .... ... .. . 3 Study of public relations theory and practice w,th writing press releases, research, handling press conferences and interviews, addressing internal- and external-PR, working with executives, and "managing" public opinion with integrity. Contemporary professional issues are identified and explored Prerequisite: 111 Principles of Advertising .................. .. .. ...... .. .. ....................... 3 Advertis,ng principles and techniques. The study of effective and ineffective forms of advertising. Applications linked to public relations, med ia events, marketing, and communica­ tion encounters. (Cross-listed with BUSN 392). Fee: $25. Advanced Audio Record ing .............. .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. .............. 3 Development of advanced aesthetics and techniques ,n mik­ ing, mixing, recording, ed,ung and processing audio for mus,c production. Includes both studio and live recording of musical performances. Developing a master CD is the final project of the class. Prerequisite: 365. Lab fee: $50. In-Depth, Invest igative Reporting .... .. .................... .. ........ 3 Further develops investigative reporting skill and applies it to specific areas including but not limited to government and public affairs, religion, business, education, sports. Prerequi­ sites: 106, 107. Lab fee: $20. Mass Media Law & Ethics ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 Study of theoretical approaches to the First Amendment as well as specific areas of concern to professional journalists such as defamation, privacy, fa,r trial, obscenity, copyright, shield laws, sunshine laws, etc. Exploration of applied profes­ sional eth ics and contemporary professional issues of ethics for journalists.


MCOM 389

McoM 449

MCOM 392


MCOM 425

McoM 451

MCOM 431

McoM 452

Reviewing the Creative Arts ........................ .


MCOM 454

.. .. .2

Examination of strategies and practice of rev1ew111g the creative arts such as photography, dance, music, v,deos, film, books, architecture, drama with limited attention to ma1or modern reviewers and critics. Students enrolled in the course will be required to participate ,n field trips to various artistic presentations and shows to se,ve as a basis for class discus sion and writing assignments. Fee· $25 Med ia Management .. .. .. .. .. ................ .. ............ ...................... 3 Covers management strategies as applied to media compa nies, including radio and television stations, cable syster 1s, motion picture production companies and companies ,n the emerging technologies. Senior Med ia Project............................ .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . Student produces a"calling card" project with advice and guidance from faculty. The project will represent the student's highest achievement in media production. Pro1ects can include scripts, audio recordings, video, motion pictures, and other emerging media. Lab fee· $50. ...3

MCOM440 Mass Com m uni cation Internsh ip ...... . .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. 1-3 A real world learning experience beyond the university classroom via working in a media-related organization. This class will test students' ,merest, aptitude and stamina for work within the entertainment or journalism industries. Sixty hours of internship is required for each academic unit. Includes on-campus sessions designed to strengthen and expand professional ski lls.


MCOM 456

Ed ito ri a l Writing .............................. .. ............................. .. .. .. .... 2 Examination of opinion writing such as editorials and columns. Review of the genre historically as well as a survey of some major contemporary practitioners with an eye to analytically reviewing the content, style and structure of their writing. Simultaneous examination of communication theory as ,t relates to persuasion and attitude change.


Mass Communication Theory .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. . ....................... 3 Social scientific theory ,n mass commun,cation with empl-as,s on practical usefulness of theories.


Undergraduate Programs


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