Intermed iate French .............. .. ................................. .. ........... 4 Intermediate grammar and conversation, with emphasis on reading for meaning and speed. Class conducted in French. Five hours each week. Conversa ti onal French .... .. .. .. ... ..... ... .. ... ... .... ...... ... ......... ....... 3 Prerequisite: French 201. Typical aspects of French daily life with special emphasis on idioms, useful phrases and conver sational patterns. Topics deal with true to life situations and practical aspects of the language. Three hours each week. Not offered on a regular basis.
HUFF 201
Conservatory of Music
Facult Director: .. ....... ... ........... ... ... ........ .. ..... ....... ..... . George Boespflug, D.M.A. Professors: ............ ... .. .... ............... ... Boespfl ug, Liesch, Lock, Robison Associate Professors: ..... ..... ....... Browning, Fe ller, Hulling, Owen Ass istant Professors: . ...... ..................... Hung, Stewart, Woodruff
HUFF 202
Artists in Residence Pianist ...
..... ....... .... .... .. ............................. Menahem Pressler Violist ... .. ............. ........... ........... ....... .............. .... ... .. ............. ... .. ... Basil Vendryes
Mission Statement The Biola University Conservatory of Music is a community of ex ceptional artist-teachers and gifted young musicians striving for the highest artistic achievement to the glory of God. Objectives 1. To serve as a professional school preparing music specialists for teaching, performance, worship ministry, graduate study and other careers in music
Elementary Ame ri can Sign Language .. ...... .. .. ... .... ... .. .. .. 4 Elementary American Sign Language ....... ... ..... ... .... .... .. 4 Basic principles and practice in the fundamental skills of signs and fingerspel ling from the ASL perspective for communica tion with the deaf. Intermediate American Sign Language .......................... 4 Designed for those who possess the basic skills of manual communicat ion. Further instruction in the development of ASL vocabulary, fingerspelling, fluency, receptive and expres sive skil ls.Prerequisites: 10 I, I 02 or permission.
HUFA 101
HUFA 102
HUFA 201
2, To prepare all our graduates for effective contribution to the musical life of the evangelical church.
Foreign Language .... ........................................................... 1-4 Foreign Language .. .. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. ....... ... .. ..... ... .......... .. .. ... ..... 1-4 The fundamentals of pronunciation, grammar, conversation, and reading in adesignated foreign language. Course may include such languages as Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Korean. May be repeated with different content. Not offered on a regula r basis. Foreign Language ... ... .... ......... ............. ... ...................... ..... 1-4 Intermedia tegramma r and composition with emphasis on communication and reading. Course may include such languages as Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Korean. May be repeated with different content. Not offered on a regular basis.
3, To provide opportunities for all students to study music as an essential part of a liberal education.
HUFR 101
HUFR 102
Admission Requirements All students seeking admission must demonstrate musical back ground and performance strengths necessary for successful comple tion of the stated curriculum. Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the Conservatory as a music major. A student will be admi tted to the Conservatory of Music after
HUFR 201
1, Meeting requirements for university admission
2. Completing a Conservatory application with the required number of references.
3. Completing a Conservatory audition, including a basic mu sicianship examination designed to demonstrate university level music study readiness.
After acceptance and upon en t rance, studen tsw ill be given place ment examinations and audit ions in music theory, keyboard skills and performance. These examinations are given for the purpose of validating prior study and determining proper placement in music courses. Specific information concerning the content of these exami nations and suggestions for preparation are available by contacting the Conservatory Office.
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