Advanced Studies in Conducting ......... ............ ....... .. .... ... 2 One or more sections offered periodically in the areas of choral and instrumental conducting. Continuation of the ob jectives of MUSC 323 related specifically to the technical and interpretative skills of either choral or instrumental conduct ing. Prerequisite: 323. Contemporary Music Issues .. .... .. ... ...... .... .. ... ... .... ..... .... .. 1-3 One or more courses offered periodically in such areas as: arranging, songwriting, performance practice, electronic technology. An analysis and activity course that examines contemporary music as it relates to composing, arranging and performing in pop and jazz styles. Issues addressed will include pop and theatre songwriting, vocal and small instrumental ensemble arranging and the performance of contemporary styles as they relate to their use in school and church settings. May be repeated with different content. Prerequisite: 114 A, 114 W or department permission. Philosophy of Music Education .. ... ...... ... ........................... 3 An investigation of philosophies of music education and the resulting aesthetic implications for teaching music in all grades. (Music majors.) Special Studies: Theory / Composition ...... ................. 2-3 One or more courses offered periodically in such areas as ar ranging, jazz theory, advanced computer music. Prerequisite: 214 A, 214 W. Counterpoint ............................................................................ 2 Emphasis on 18th century two- and three-voice techniques. Analysis of representative literature and writing of short style pieces. Prerequisite: 214 A, 214 W. Orchestration ................... ............... ..................... ....... .... .......... 2 A study of orchestra l instruments with emphasis on a working knowledge of ranges and idiomatic qualities/ capacities of each. Included are numerous scoring projects. Prerequisite: 214 A, 214 W. Form & Analysis 1 .......................... . ................. . ......... . ........ . . .. . 2 The analysis of music from the various common practice periods, with emphasis on fundamental formal structural concepts and processes. Prerequisite: 214 A, 214 W. Form & Anal ys is 11....................................................... .. .... .. ... .. 2 Focuses on studies in reductive tonal analysis; set analysis, serial analysis; tonal axes, summation series and golden proportion analysis; and density field/ sound-mass/ mi cropolyphony. Involves a detailed study of selected seminal 20th-century works.
combination of other basic dance styles common to musical theat re performance. This activity class requires a fee and does not meet the general education requ irement in Physical Education. Concert Music........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .......... .... ... .. ... ... ....... ... .... ....... o Attendance at specified number and types of concerts each semester. Three semesters required for graduation. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Music History & Literature: Medieval Through Early Baroque ........................ .............. 2 A historical and critical study of the period including impor tant contributions in musical literature, theory and perfor mance practice. Special attention will be given to the analysis of selected vocal and instrumental works. Fee: $30. Music History & Literature: Mid-Baroque Through Classic ......... .. ... .... ... .... ..... .... .. ...... .. 2 A historical and critical survey of the period includ ing impor tant contributions in music literature, theory and performance practice. Special attention wi ll be given to the analysis of selected vocal and instrumental works. Fee: $30. Music History & Literature: Late Romantic Through Early 20th Century ....... ........ ... 2 A historical and critical su rvey of the per iod including impor tant contributions in music literature, theory and performance practice. Special attention will be given to the ana lysis of selected vocal and instrumental works. Fee: $30. Elementary Music Workshop .................. .. .............. .. .......... 2 Instruction in materials for teaching music in the elementary school. (Non-music majors, by permission.) Music Theory / History & Literature of the 20th Century.... ... .. ... ... ... .... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 3 The study of 20th century theory practice and compositional techniques within the context of the broad range of 20th century music literature. Fee: $30. Music Educati on .............................................................. ........ 1 A. Brass; B. Percussion; C. St rings; D. Woodwinds; F. Fretted Instruments. Preparation for teaching instrumental music in elementary and secondary schools.
Muse 324
Muse 300
Muse 330
Muse 301
Muse 30s
Muse 334
Muse 309
Muse 340
Muse 310
Muse 312
Muse 342
Muse 320
Musc320G Marching Band Lab .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .... ... .. .. ............................. 1 Workshop in preparation for teaching march ing band principles and techniques in the intermed iate and secondary schools.
Muse 344
Basic Conducting ............. ..... .... ...... ..... .. ........... .. .. ... .. .. .... ... .. .. 2 Basic conduct ing skil ls; the psychology of conducting; obser vation of choral and orchestral rehea rsals.
Muse 323
Undergradua1e Programs
2005 2007 CATALOG
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