projects in preparation for the intellectual demands of gradu ate-level studies.
Applied Musi c: Private ....... .... ..... ....... ... ..... .... ................ .... .. .. 2 Applied instruc ti on in composition, piano, organ, harpsichord, voice, brass, strings, woodwinds, and percussion. Fee: hour lesson 5580. Applied Music: Private ... ............ .................... .. ... .... .......... .. ... 3 Applied instruction in composition, piano, organ, harpsichord, voice, brass, strings, woodwinds, and percussion. Fee: hour lesson $580. Pedagogy .. ...... ........... ................. ..... .......................... ........ ... .. ... 2 For the private teacher. Practical procedures in training a stu dent in general musicianship, memorization, proper practice habits, sight-reading and other areas peculiar to specific in struments. Survey of graded literature and methods. Sections will be offered in areas such as: piano, organ, voice, wind and orchestral instruments. Church Music ................................................................ ... ...... ... 2 The biblical foundation for church music; its historical devel opment; current trends; the development of a church music program. Music Practicum ..... .. ... ............... ...................... ... ................ 1-3 Fieldwork experience in music under the supervision of the music faculty and professionals in the field. Open to junior and senior music majors with the consent of the music faculty. Worship Music Semi nar ...... .. .... ........ .. .. ..... .. ... ..... .. .. ..... ...... .. 0 Professional music ministers, musician s, theologians and pas tors will share views on worship with opportunity to dialogue with guest speakers. Music in Worship majors only. Worship Internship ............ ................................................. 2-6 A supervised ministry experience limited to juniors and seniors. Growth through direct field experience, mentoring, refiection, feedback and evaluation by the local church su pervisor and Biola faculty. Best taken concurrently with other classes and spread out over 1-3 semesters. May be taken in blocks of 2-6 units. Music in Worship majors only.
Senior Recital .. ... ... ...................... .... .... ..... ...... ................. ... ....... 2 Preparation for senior-level performance major (60-minute recital) Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Fee: $50.
Biola Chorale .. .. .. .. ... ...... .. .......... .. .. ..................................... .. ..... , Performance of standard choral literature representing a vari ety of styles and periods. Membership by audition. Fee: $125.
Muse 430
Chamber Music Ensemble ... .. .. ........ ................ .......... .......... , Encompasses a wide variety of chamber grouping and cham ber music literature. The following ensemble combinations are commonly organized under this heading: brass quintet, woodwind quintet, fiute ensemble, string quartet, percus sion ensemble, piano chamber ensembles and small vocal ensembles. Open to vocal, keyboard and other instru mental students by audition. Piano accompanying will receive a CR/ NC grade Symphony Orchestra .......... ....... .. ......................... ..... ...... ...... 1 Performance of standard chamber music literature encom passing a wide variety of styles and periods. Membership by audition. ChamberChoir ........... ..... ... ........ ... .. ...... .... ....... ........... ............. , Performance of standard chamber choir literature represent ing styles ranging from the Renaissance through the 20th century. Membership open to all students by audition. Jazz Ensemb le ................................................................. ......... , To provide music education majors and other interested students experience in jazz techniques and literature. A large volume and wide variety of literature is played, discussed and evaluated as to its prospective use at the various levels of secondary and collegiate education. At least one public per formance per semester is scheduled. Membership by audition. Symphonic Winds ....... .......... ............... ....... ................... ......... , Performance of standard wind ensemble literature. For advanced wind and percussion players. Membership by audition. Handbe ll Choir ....... .... ........... ................................................... , Performance of a wide spectrum of handbell literature as separate ensemble and in conjunction with other instrumen tal and vocal ensembles. Membership by audition.
Muse 003
Muse 450
Muse 452
Muse 453
Muse ooa
Muse 410
Senior Recital / Final Project ... .............................................o Preparation for senior-level music education major (30-minute recital). Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Fee: 550.
Directed Research .. ............ ........ ....... .................... .............. 1-3 Independent study in areas such as history, literature, pedagogy, church music. Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation. Prerequisites: junior or sen ior standing and consent of instructor. Music Research Methods ......................... ... .... ..... .. ... .. .... ..... 2 This course is designed to develop the student's music re sea rch ski lls and to provide opportunity for individual research
Vocal Jazz Ensemble ... ... .... .... ....... .... ....... .. .. ........... ..... .. ....... ., Performance of standard vocal jazz music representing the broad range of jazz styles which have developed over the past
Undergraduare Programs
200S-2007 CATALOG
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