century in this country Membership open to all students by audition.
Nursing Facult
Women's Chorus ... .. .... ........ .... ... .. ............................................, Performance of a variety of literature and styles from Renais sance through the 20th Centu ry. Membership open to all women students by audition.
Chair: .. ................ . ............ ....... ..... ............... ............ Rebekah Fleeger, Ph.D. Associate Professors: . ................... ...... ... .... ... ..... ....... Fleeger, Gewe, .... ... .. ....... ...... . .. .... ... .. ....... ..... ... .Westcott (Associate Chair), Zukerberg Assistant Professors: . ...... Adams, Browning, Cozad, Van Tholen Overview Biola University offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing which is accredited by the California Board of Registered Nursing, 400 R Street, Suite 4030, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 322-3350; and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, 61 Broad- way, 33rd Floor, New York, NY I0006, (800) 669-1656, ext. 153. The program is designed to prepare graduates for a career in professional nursing. Graduates of licensed vocational, diploma and associate degree nursing programs may be admitted as transfer students and evaluated individually. Policies are available from the Nursing Depart ment. Clinical nursing experiences are provided with the cooperation of hospitals and agencies throughout both Los Angeles and Orange Counties. In compliance with State Board regulations, the candidate will be eligible to take the examination required by the Board of Reg istered Nursing for licensure as a registered nurse. Upon graduation, application can be made for certification as a public health nurse. Both acceptance to and continuation in the nursing major will be determined by the student's preparation, performance and personal integrity, as assessed by the faculty of the Department of Nursing . Philosophy The philosophy of the Department of Nursing is in agreement with that of the University. As such, we believe nursing is concerned with the wellbeing of the total person. Each individual is an integrated, unique person, created in God's image, and endowed by God with dignity and worth. The entry of sin into the world has placed a constra int on the individual's total wellbeing which can only be remedied by the power and love of God through faith in Jesus Christ. God has created all persons with the potential for dynamic growth and development throughout their lives, and with the right to make decisions which influence their wellbeing . All persons require social interaction to achieve and maintain wellbeing. The family within the context of its cultural environment is the fundamental unit through which the socialization process is advanced. We believe that caring, as exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ, is the essence of nursing. The focus of nursing activity is the three client systems (personal, interpersonal and community) and the dynamic interaction between them within the context of their environment. These three systems also are interacting constantly with internal and external stressors which may affect the integrity of the systems. It is our view that the purpose of nursing is to support and promote the processes that faci litate the systems'abilities to achieve and maintain
Undergraduate Programs
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