It is our be lief that the goa l of learning is behavioral change in the cogn itive, affective, and psychomotor domains. Learning is a pur poseful, dynamic process and involves changes in knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and/or beliefs. Learning occurs more efficiently, is more pervasive and more enduring when the learner actively participates in al l phases of the learning process. Previous experience provides the foundation for current learning. Learning is facilitated when experiences move from the fami liar to the unfamiliar and from simple to complex. Learning which emphasizes discovery of organiz ing principles rather than specific content facilitates the transfer of learn ing to novel situations. We believe critical and creative thinking are essential for the profes sional nu rse. Development of these skills is fostered in a supportive learning environment which (1) provides opportunity for involve ment in critical thinking and problem solving throughout the learn ing process; (2) stimulates the processes of inquiry and discovery; (3) provides exposure to a var iety of problems in a variety of settings; (4) encou rages maturation of the ability to utilize internal and external evaluative feedback; and (5) promotes increasing self-direction and independence. The educator as a role model enhances the learning process by dem onstrating Christian caring and the skills of inquiry and discovery. Acting as an expert learner, facilitator, and resource person, the edu cator guides the student learner through the educational experience. We be lieve that education is a life long process which facilitates the ongoing development of the learner's potentialities for continued growth as a person, citizen, and professional nurse. Mission The mission of the Depa rtment of Baccalaureate Nursing is to prepare students to become competent nursing professionals who integrate Christian caring into their nursing practice. Statement of Purpose ,. To provide a biblically-centered liberal arts and professional educat ion as a foundation for professional practice, advanced education, and service to society. 2. To develop graduates who value individual diversity, who respect each person as uniquely created in God's image, and who endeavor to assist clients to meet their needs. 3. To provi de a broad theory base as a foundation for the dy namic nursing practice which is required to meet current and future health care needs of society. 4 . To foster the spiritual commitment, moral discernment, intel lectual inquiry and competence in critical and creative think ing essential for continued growth as individuals, citizens, and professionals.
adaptive equilibrium. This is accomplished through use of the nurs ing process which is ongoing and involves assessing, diagnosing, planning, implementing, and evaluating. Effective use of this process enab les the nurse to work with client systems at varying locations on the health-illness continuum. Nursing is a dynamic profess ion based on a growing body of scien t ific knowledge. It is our belief that Biblical studies, together with the behavioral, biological and physical sciences are fundamental to the development of nursing's own unique body of knowledge. Nursing is both art and science; its uniqueness does not reside in any specific component of theory or action, but can be found only in the whole. As one of the major health care professions, we believe nursing is accountable to God and to society for provision of quality health care services in a broad variety of settings. Baccalaureate nurses endeavor to meet this responsibility through involvement in leadership, col laborat ion, education, and research utilization activities to improve clinical practice, influence health care policies, and further the devel opmen t of nursing science. In a rap idly changing world, adequate and equitable delivery of health care is a critical problem. We believe that equal access to health care services is the right of every individual in society. Through its unique contribution, nursing can and must be an effective social force in promoting the quality and availability of health care services for all persons. To effect positive changes nurses must participate in all aspec ts of the health ca re delivery system including: (1) evaluating the adequacy of health ca re services for the community; (2) project ing needs fo r additional or new services; and (3) taking appropriate action to insure adequacy of services. This requires nursing involve ment with community action groups and wi th local and nationa l legislative processes. We be lieve ini t ial preparati on of profess ional nurses to meet the health care needs of society is best accomplished through the learning acquired in baccalaureate education. As nurse educators it is our responsibility to provide an environment which facilita tes the learning necessary to prepare graduates for professional practice and advanced professional education. Consistent wi th ou r belief about the nature of persons, we believe studen t sand faculty members are uniquely created by God and endowed by God with dignity and worth. As Christian educators we value the distinctive cultural, ethnic, and social backgrounds of each person and recognize that this diversity enriches our learning envi ronment. It is the role of the educator to provide a learning climate of Christian caring which: (1) enhances students' abilities to use their own uni que learning styles effectively; (2) promotes students' accom plishment of personal goals; and (3) facilitates students' utilization of resources and personal support systems to enhance their abili ty to meet their individual learning needs.
Undergraduate Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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