Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a"C" (2.00) for credit. Fee: S30 (C*)
of"C" (2.00) in microbiology, statistics, BBST 465 health care ethics, and in each nursing course, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 in order to progress in nursing. Students w ill be permitted to repeat nursing courses one time only. Students withdrawing more than once at a failing level (C- or below) or failing two courses may be dropped from the nursing program. Unsafe clinical nursing practice, regardless of GPA, is ground for dismissal from the nursing program. Students who withdraw from nurs ing in good standing will be readmitted on a space-available basis. Transfer-challenge students have equal access for open spaces in nu rsing courses.
NURS 201 c Nu rs ing of t he Cli en t / Family I -
Nursing App lication Lab ..... ............ ... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ...... .. ., Laboratory practice of clinical skills necessary for first-semester nursing students. To be taken concurrently with NURS 201 A-Theory and 201 B- Clinical. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least 80% on lab exams to receive cred it. (C') NURS 202 A Nursing of the Cli ent / Famil y II - Theory ... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. 4 Continuation of NURS 201. Implementation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equilibrium in the client/ family. A primary focus is on pathophysiology in the physical subsys tem. Prerequisites: 201, 303. Fee: $55. (C') NURs 202 e Nursing of the Clien t / Famil y II - Clinical ............. .... ... 3 Clinical application of the nursing process with adult clients in acute medical-surgical and community settings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 202 A-Theory and 202 (-Nursing Ap plication Lab. Graded on acredit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a"C" (2.00) for credit. Fee $30. (C')
Manda tory achievement exams will be taken th roughout and at the completion of the nursing program.
Degree Program A Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing is offered upon completion of the univers ity baccalaureate and major requirements. The nu rsing major requires the completion of: Biological Science 252, 281, 282; Chemistry 112 (totaling 16 science units); Nursing 110,201,202,204, 303, 340, 342, 344, 362, 364,366,441,442,450,451,452 and 460. Supporting courses: Three units of each of the following Psychology 200, intercultural studies or sociology, and statistics.
NURs202 c Nursing of the Client/ Famil y II -
Nursi ng App li cation Lab .. .... ........... ..... ... ....... .. ..................... , Laboratory practice of clinical skills necessary for second-se mester nursing students. Includes focused discussion groups and community health experiences. To be taken concurrently with NURS 202 A II-Theory and 202 BII-Clinical. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least 80%on lab exams to receive credit. (C*) Essent ials of Clini ca l Nu rs ing Pharmaco logy ... .... ... ... .. 2 Use of the nursing process in the administration of medica- tion. To be taken concurrently with NURS 202 - Theory. (C*) Clinica l Top ics in Nursing ... ........ ................... .. .. .. .. ... ... ..... 1-3 Allows students to explore issues related to nursing prior to attaining upper-division status. Requires written consent of instructor. May be repeated with different content for a maximum of nine units. Clinica l Expe ri ences in Nursing ......................... ........ .. ... 1-4 Allows students the opportunity to gain additional clinical nursing experience prior to attaining upper-division status. Requires written consent of instructor. May be repeated with different content for amaximum of 12 units.Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a"C" (2.00) for credit. (C*)
The general education requirement for a foreign language for nursing majors is two years of the same high school language or four units of a college language. Nursing majors are exempt from general education requirements of literatu re (3) and history (three of six units required).
The annual Commitment and Pinning Service is financed by assess ing each clinical nursing student $25 per year.
NURs 204
Courses (NU RS) NURS 110
First Aid / CPR... ... .... .. .. .... .. .... .. ...... .. .. .. ........ .. .... .. .. ... .. .. .... .. .. ... 1 Theory and skills for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)/ Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) for the professional rescuer. First aid theory and skills in "responding to emergen cies'.'This course will provide American Red Cross certification for (1) CPR/ AED for the professional rescuer and (2) first aid responding to emergencies. Meets prerequisite requirement for admission into clinical nursing. Fee: $15. NURS 201 A Nursing of the Cli ent / Fam il y I - Theory .... .... .. .. ..... .. .. 3 Implementation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equilibrium in the client / family. Includes normal growth and development of the adolescent through the older adult. Fee: $55. ((*) NURS 201 e Nursing of the Client / Famil y I - Clini ca l .. ................... 3 Clinical application of the nursing process with adult clients in inpatient and community settings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 201 A-Theory and 201 (-Nursing Application Lab.
NURS 230
NURS 232
Undergraduate Programs
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