
Professional Nurs i ng Seminar.. .. ....... .. ... .. ... .......... ... ...... . 1-3 A transition seminar designed to faci litate socialization into baccalaureate professional nursing. Designed for transfer-chal­ lenge students.

Nursing of the Older Adult Client / Family - Theory2 Implementation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equilibrium in the older adult client/ family. Prerequisites: 202, 204, 303, BIOS 282. (C*) Nursing of the O lder Adult Client / Family - Clinica l ........ ......... .......... ... ..... ...... ... .... .... ......... ..... .. 2 Clinica l application of the nursing process in promoting adap­ tive equilibrium in the older adult client/ family. To be taken concurrently with NURS 344 A - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2 00) for credit. (C') Nursing of the Childrearing Family - Theory .. ..... .......2 Implementation of the nursing process utilizing a family centered approach to childrearing, child health promotion, and care of the ill child. Prerequisites: 202, 204, 303, 364, BIOS 282. (C*) Nursing of the Childrearing Family - Clinical .. .... .... ... 2 Clinical application of the nursing process in providing family centered child health care 1n acute and community settings. To be taken concurrently wi t h NURS 362 A - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) Advanced Nursing : A Pathophysio logical Approach - Theory. .. ... . 2 Implementation of the nursing process using a family-cen tered approach with adult clien ts experiencing complex disturbances in adaptive equilibrium. The primary focus is on pathophysiology 1n the physical subsystem. Prerequ1s1tes: 202, 204, 303, BIOS 282. Fee: $55. (C) Advanced Nursing: A Pathophysio logical Approach - Clinica l. ...... ... .. .. .... 2 Clinical applicat ion of the nursing process in providing com­ plex care to mu lticultural clients in the acute medical-surgical setting. To be taken concurrently with NURS 364 A - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. Fee: $30. (C•) Critical Care Nurs in g: A Pathophysiological Approach - Theory ..... ... . .... ..... 2 Builds upon NURS 364. Imp lementation of the nursing process using a family cen tered approach with adult clients experienc· ing critical disturbances in adaptive equilibrium. The primary focus is on pathophysiology in the physical subsystem. Prerequisite: 204, 303, 364, BIOS 282. (C) Critical Care Nursing: A Pathophysiolog ica l Approach - Clinical ............ . .... . 2 Clin ical application of the nursing process in providing complex care to multicultural clients 1n a critical care setting. To be taken concurrently with NURS 366 A - Theory. Graded

NURs 300


NURS 303 A Nursing Assessment of the Cli ent - Theory ................ 2 Implementation of nursing assessment to recognize problems affecting adaptive equilibrium in the client. (C*)

NURS 344 B

NURS 303 B Nursing Assessment of the Client - Clin ica l. .. . .... ...... . 1 Clinica l application of nursing assessment with adu lt clients in inpat ient and community settings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 201 and 303 A - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*)

NURS 362 A

Directed Individual Studies .. .... ..... .. ... ... ... .. ... .. .... ........... 1-3 Permits students to pursue special interests related to the pro­ fession of nursing. Open to clinical nursing majors only with written consent of instructor May be repeated with different content. Maximum of six units may be taken for credit. Clinical Enrichment ........ .. .... ... ... .. .. .... ..... ..... .... ... ... ...... ...... 1-4 Opportun ity for additional application of the nursing process in selected health care settings. Offered lnterterm and sum­ mer school. May be repeated with different content and written consent of instructor. Open to clinical nursing majors only. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. Prerequisite: Nursing 201.

NURs 320

NURS 362 B

NURs 321


NURS340A Mental Health Nursing

of the Cl ient / Family - Theory ...................................... 1.s Concepts related to family centered nursing of adults with mental health problems. Focus is on application of the nurs­ ing process to restore adaptive equil ibrium. Prerequisite: 202, 204. (C*)

NURS 364 B

NURS340B Mental Health Nursing

of the Client / Family - Clinica l. ........... .................... ... ... 2.s Clinical application of the nursing process with clients 1n men­ tal hea lth settings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 340 A - Theory. Graded on a cred it / no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*) NURS342A Nursing of the Childbearing Family- Theory ............. 2 Implementation of the nursing process uti lizing a fami ly cen­ tered approach to childbea ring and maternal health promo­ tion. Prerequisites: 202, 204, 303, BIOS 282. Fee: $55. (C*) NURS342 B Nursing of the Childbearing Family - Clini cal .... ... ... .. 2 Clinical application of the nursing process in providing family centered maternal hea lth care in acute and community set­ tings. To be taken concurrently with NURS 342 A - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2 00) for credit. Fee: $30. (C*)


NURS 366 B

Undergraduate Programs



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