GENERAL POLICIES ,. Transfer students who have not yet started nursing courses should apply as any other student for the program, meeting all prerequisites as outlined in the University cata log and Stan dard Curriculum Chart for the nursing major. 2 . Applicants planning to challenge nursing courses must first be accepted by and fulfill all matriculation requirements of Biola University. The Department of Nursing should be con tacted at the time of application to the University. 3 . Separate application must be made to the Department of Nursing. A $25.00 nonrefundable application fee made payable to Biola University, Department of Nursing must accompany the application. It is recommended that this be done concurrently with application to the University. Final acceptance into nursing will not be made until official accep tance to the University is granted. 4 . To be considered for acceptance into the nursing program, all applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (may be admitted provisionally with a GPA of 2.8-2.99 if space is available) s. Transfer-challenge students who have met prerequisites comparable to the generic students will have equal access for open spaces in all nursing courses. 6 . English 11 OA and 11 OB must be completed before starting the challenge process. It is recommended that the other required non-nursing prerequisites are completed as outlined in the standard curriculum chart for the nursing major before entering clinical nursing courses (except 30 unit option) Transfer credit for non-nursing courses will be gran ted by the Registra r's Office as indicated in the university catalog . If a given nursing course from a regionally accredited nursing program is comparable in content and level to a given course offered by the Department of Baccalaureate Nursing, transfer credit will be granted. 1 . All cand idates will participate in a transition seminar course (Nursing 300: Professional Nursing Seminar) designed to faci l i tate socialization into baccalaureate professional nursing .This course must be successfully completed prior to enrollment in any clinical nursing course. a. It is recommended that all transfer-challenge students take Nursing 303 Assessment of the Client-Theory and Clinical; however, students may challenge these courses by examina tion if they feel they have a knowledge of the course content. Comparable courses will be evaluated for transfer credit.
on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. (C*)
Introducti on t o Nu rs ing Resea rch ... .. ..... ..... .. .. .. ....... .... .. ... 2 The research process applied to nursing includes problem definitions and basic research design. Each student works on developing a basic research proposal. Prerequisites: 340,342, 344, 362, 364, 366. Statistics. Applied Nurs ing Research .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .... .. .. ...... .... .... ... 1 Opportunity to critique literature, continue work on research proposal or participate in a research project. Prerequisite: 441. Lead ershi p/ Ma nagement in Nursing - Theory ...... .. 2 Combines theory of leadership and nursing care delivery systems with issues and trends in nursing. Prerequisites: 340, 342, 344, 362, 364, 366. Fee: $55. (C') Leadershi p / Management in Nursi ng: Team Lead ing - Cl in ica l ...................................................... 3 Clinical application of leadership/ management theory in giving and directing care for a group of clients. To be taken concurrently with NURS 450 - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credi t baSIS. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. Fee: $30. (C*) Leadersh ip / Managemen t in Nursing: Elective Sett ing - Cl in ica l ........ ....................... .. ................... 2 Clinical application of leadership/ management theory in a clinical setting selected by the student in collaboration with faculty. Examples include critical care, emergency room, in tensive care, pediatrics, maternity, medical-surgical, missions. To be taken concurrently with NURS 450 - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit (C*)
NURs 442
NURS 460A Nu rs ing in the Commun ity - Theory ...... .. ... .... .. .... .. .. .. . 4 Nursing theory related to the health of communi ties. Prerequi sites: 340,342,344,362, 364, 366. Fee: $55. NURS46o B Nurs ing in the Commun ity - Cl ini cal ...... ...... .. ........ ...... .s Clinical application of the nursing process with individuals, families and communities to promote and maintain adaptive equilibrium. To be taken concurrently with Nursing 460 A - Theory. Graded on a credit/ no credit basis. Must earn at least a "C" (2.00) for credit. Fee: $30. Transfer/ Challenge Policy For transfer nursing students, registered nurses, licensed vocational nurses and other applicants with health profession backgrounds.
9. Students receiving financial assistance may need to take 12 units while they are challenging nursing courses.
Undergraduate Programs
2005 2007 CATALOG
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