10. Fol lowing not if ication of acceptance into the Department of Nursing, the candidate may begin the challenge process. The process consists of examination with theory and cl inical components. Contact the Department of Nursing for specific details. 11. Prior to going to the clinical agency, all challenge students must have a current CPR certificate. The Department of Nursing health form required of all nursing majors must be submitted prior to clinical challenge and admission to clinical nursing courses.This is necessary for Biola to meet agency contract requirements. 12. Candidates for the challenge process have the option of scheduling the examinations in such a way that if unsuccess ful, subsequent enro llment in the course is possible. 13. Course credit will be granted upon successful comp letion of the challenge exam. Courses may be challenged one time only. (C*) denotes that a class can be challenged fo r the units listed . 14. Specific policies related to R.N.'s, L.V.N:s or L.P.N:s follow. Trans fer challenge students from other nursing programs or other health profession backgrounds will be evaluated ind ividua lly. ADDITIONAL POLICIES Registered Nurse & Students Transferring from RN Programs 1. Applicants must meet one or more of the following criteria:
OPTION I: THIRTY UNIT CURRICULUM 1. This option permits the LV.N. to take nursing and related science courses in order to qualify for the Califo rn ia reg istered nurse licensing examination. Transfer into the deg ree prog ram is possible. 2 . The applicant's portfolio will be evaluated on an individual basis. Academic credit earned in regionally accred ited institu tions of higher education for comparable pre-licensure courses will be accepted for transfer.
3. The following courses must be completed prio r to taking the R.N. licensure examination:
Option I:Thirty Unit Curriculum (*Transfer credit will be g ranted.)
Physiology * ......................................................................... 4 Microbiology * .................................................................... 4 Professional Nursing Seminar ...................................... 3 Mental Hea lth Nursing of the Client / Family - Theory ................................ 1.5 Mental Hea lth Nursing of the Client / Family- Clini ca l ··· ·· ··---····· 2.5 Nursing of the Older Ad ult Client I Family - Theory ....................... 2 Nursing of the Older Adu lt Cl ient / Famil y - Clinical ...................... 2 Advanced Nursing: A Pathophysio logical Approach - Theory ............ 2 Advanced Nursing: A Pathophysiological Approach - Clinical............ 2 Leadership/ Management in Nursing -Theory................... .................................. ·-----·····2 Leadership / Management in Nursing: Team Leading-Clini ca l ................................................ 3 Leade rship / Management in Nursing: Elective Sett ing - Clinical.............................................. 2 Total units 30
aIos 2s1
NURS 300
NuRs 340 A
NURS 340 B
NURS 344 a
NURS 364 a
A. Hold current licensure in the United States.
B. Be a graduate of a regionally accredited program.
NURS 451
c. Be a student in a regionally accredited program.
o. Provide proof of completed nursing education from out side the United States.
OPTION II: TRANSFER-CHALLENGE 1. Just as ADN students must demonstrate comparability of transfer cou rses, LVN students w ill be given the same op portunity. However, LVN's will be allowed to challenge lower division courses if unable to demonstrate comparability from a regionally accredited academic institution . Nursing 201 and 202 must be challenged in sequence.
2. Nursing in the Community (460) and nursing research courses (441, 442) must be taken. Admission to these courses is con tingent on successful completion of all components of the challenge process.The following courses may be challenged 201,202,204,303,340,342,344,362,364,366,450,451 and 452. Licensed Vocational Nurse 1. The applicant must hold current reg istration in the U.S. Gradu ates of regionally accredited nursing programs in the process of obtaining licensure will be admitted on provisional status.
2. Other courses required for licensure may be challenged based on individual portfolio evaluation. Nursing in the Community (460) and nursing research courses (441, 442) must be taken.
2. The applicant may take the 30-unit curriculum or the transfer challenge cu rr iculum.
Undergraduate Programs
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