No student who has taken one of the lower division his tory of philosophy courses (211,212,2 13) will be permit ted to enroll in its co rresponding upper division number (30 1,302, 303) Any student who falls into this catego ry, and who is also a philosophy major, a philosophy minor, or a humanities major with a philosophy emphasis - all of whom are required to take upper division courses in the history of philosophy - will be asked to substi tute another philosophy cou rse for the history of philosophy course. Selection of an appropriate substitute will be made in consultation with the student's advisor. Normally, only students who have completed a general education cou rse in ph ilosophy will be permitted to enroll in upper division philosophy courses (300s & 400s). Excep t ions to this policy may be permitted in special circum stances. All exceptions will require the approval the chair of the Philosophy Department. Introduct ion to Logic ...................... .. ...... .. ....... .. .. .................. 3 Ageneral introduction to logic covering both deductive and inductive inference, and the analysis of arguments in ordinary language. Introduction to Ancient Philosophy...... .. .... ...... .. .. ........... 3 An introduction to philosophy through astudy of the ea rliest period of philosophic development in the West, covering the Pre-Socratics through the Neo-Platonists.
Phi losophy
Facult Chair: ............................ .................................................. Greg TenElshof, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor: ... ...Moreland Professors: .. . .. ...... ............... .............................. ............. Geivett, Rae Associate Professor: .. .. .... Ciocchi Assistant Professors: .. ..... ... ..... DeWeese, Mosteller, G. TenElshof Objectives The objectives of the philosophy major center on intellectual con tent and skills becoming part of the student's life and character (1) development of the habit of reflective and evaluative thinking; (2) growth in the ability to read and understand philosophic literature and to wri te well about this material ; (3) gaining an acquaintance with the intellectual tradition of the West; (4) acquiring the abil- ity to apply philosophical concepts to life's problems; (5) making serious progress in formulating one's own world and life view; and (6) advancing towards full intellectual and personal integration of academic studies with Christian teaching. The philosophy major may be taken as a liberal arts major, as pre-professional preparation for ca ree rs in such fields as the law, education and the ministry, or as preparation for graduate study in philosophy. Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts degree in Philosophy is offered upon comple tion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The philosophy major consists of 36 units beyond the general education requirement. The student must take the three courses in the history of philosophy sequence (301,302,303), and the three courses in the major divisions of philosophy (411,412,413) Additionally, the student must take PHIL 414 (Philosophy of Religion) and select six un its from courses designated as "Advanced Studies in Philosophy." In addition, the student must take PHIL 210 Introduction to Logic. Fina lly, each student must meet the departmental seminar require ment of six units, as follows: three units of 350 Philosophy Seminar and three units of 450 Senior Thesis. HUMANITIES MAJOR/ PHILOSOPHY CONCENTRA TION The Department of Philosophy offers a philosophy concentration for the humanities major (See Humanities section for specifics.) It is basi cally a minor in philosophy, but more flexibility is possible through department advisement. Minor A Philosophy Minor is offered with the completion of 20 units be yond the general education requirement, 17 of which must be upper division. The student must select two cou rses from 301,302 and 303 and two courses from 411, 412 and 413.
Courses (PHIL) PHIL210
Introduction to Med ieval Phi losophy .............................. 3 An introduction to ph ilosophy through astudy of the history of philosophy, from Augustine to William of Occam, with special emphasis upon Augustine and ThomasAquinas. Introduct ion to Modern Philosophy ................................ 3 An introduction to philosophy th rough a study of the history of philosophy from the Renaissance through the 18th cen tury. Introduction to Phi losophy ........................ ............ .. ........ .. . 3 Ageneral introduction to the nature, problems, methods, concepts, and divisions of philosophy. Introduction to Ethics ............................................................ 3 An introduction to philosophy through a study of the princi pal eth ical theories and thinkers; basic ethical problems and related biblical teaching. Introduction to Philosophy & Aesthetics .... ..... ............... 3 An introduction to the problems, methods and concepts of philosophy with an emphasis on the issues and theories of aesthetics.
Undergraduate Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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