

Political Science Administered by the Department of History, Government & Social Science

Biola University cooperates with the American Studies Prog ram in Washington, D.C This program provides work/ study opportuni t ies for students each semester in all of the disciplines offered at Biola, especially political science. Based on the principle of integrating faith, learning and living, students are invited to spend time in the nation's capital serving as interns, participating in an academic seminar pro­ gram and living in a unique community of Christians from different geographical regions and denominational backgrounds. The American Studies Program is designed for juniors and seniors with a wide range of academic majors and vocational interests. Stu­ dents are involved in the American Studies Program for either the fall or spring semester, earning 16 semester units in the internship and study seminars. A student may earn all 16 units in Political Science or 13 units in Political Science and three in Bible, if desired. Prerequisite: Survey of American Government 225. To make applica­ tion to the program, interested students should see the chairman of the Political Science Department, who also serves as d irector of the Biola /Washington D.C. American Studies Program.


Chair:... ....... Judith Mendelsohn Rood, PhD Professor: ... .................................................................................. ......... ... Peters Associate Professor: .............................................................................. Rood Objectives The discipline of Political Science seeks to equip students to under­ stand the fundamental socio-political institutions of society, and their effect on contemporary life; to participate in and contribute to the political process; to assess the propriety of politica l issues and government policies; and to recognize and help meet the needs of the local, state, national and international community; all in a manner consistent with biblical Christianity.

The student is required to take History 207 and 208 (one of which will meet the general education history require­ ment) before taking upper-division courses in history.


Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Science is offered in one of three concentrations. POLITICAL SCIENCE CONCENTRATION The social science major requires completion of 30 units, 24 of which must be upper division and include: POSC 225, a three-unit upper division Political Science course, a concentration of 18 units in History, Political Science, or Sociology, which must include (History 480, Political Science 470, or Sociology 443) research course, and the remaining six units in upper division coursework chosen with advisor's approval. The appropriate research course to be determined in consultation with the academic advisor. PUBLIC ADM IN IS TRAT ION CONCENT RATION Students interested in public service at the municipal, county, state or federal level are advised to major in social science with a concen­ tration in public administration. The 18-unit concentration includes Public Administration 301,306,470, and 488. Internship in Public Administration should be taken in the public sector. For advisement, contact the Department of History, Government & Social Science. SECONDARY TEACHING CREDENTIAL The Department of History, Government & Social Science in coopera­ tion with the Education Department provides a program leading to the Social Science Secondary Teaching Credential. For specifics on the Secondary Social Science program contact the Education and Department of History, Government & Social Science departments for details. This program prepares students to teach history, govern­ ment, geography and economics in California high schools.

Courses (POSC) Pose 22s

Survey of American Government ... .... .... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ..... ... ... 3 The history, organization and funct ion of the legislative, judicial and executive branches of the American government. Includes one hour per week involving students in a local gov­ ernment civic service or life experience activity. Satisfies the state requirement in institutions rn American history. Meets the requirement for United States Constitution for California teacher certification. May be taken to satisfy a portion of the six units history general education requirement. Fee: $12. For spring and fall only. Perspecti ves on American Government ... ... ... .. ... ... ... 1-2 Contemporary issues in American government and politics as seen from aChristian perspective. Fundamentals of Public Administration .. ... .. ... ... .. .... ... ... 3 Fundamentals of public administration; overview of the concepts, nature and scope of the field. Role of government in modern society and the nature of public business. Great Political Thinkers... ... .. ... .. ............................................. 3 Selective readings in major political thinkers from classical to modern times; analysis of recurring themes including: justice, natural law, human nature, social class, order, consent, com­ munity, property, constrtutionalism, social change, revolution, and war. Offered alternate years. Organizational Theory & Behavior ..... .. .. ... .... ..... ... .. ... ... .. .. 3 Key concepts central to organizing and changing public agencies to meet public social needs. Review of theories,


Pose 301

Posc 303

Posc 304

Undergraduate Programs



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