Industrial / Organizational Psychology PSYC306
ogy major requires the completion of a minimum of 35 units beyond Introduction to Psychology (200), 24 of which must be upper divi sion. Psychology 200 is prerequisite to all other psychology courses. All majors are required to take seven core courses, which include Introduction to Psychology (200), Psychology and Christian Thought (206), Stat istics with Computer Applications (210), Experimental Psy chology (305), Developmental Psychology: Lifespan (320), Theories of Personality (411) and Cognitive Psychology (470). Students then choose from the eight specializations listed below. SPECIALIZATIONS Each specialization requires four courses, plus one additional course which the student selects from upper level courses.
Psychol ogi cal Testing and Assessment .................... 1 Psychology of Religiou s Experience .......................... 1 Ind ustrial / Organizat ional Psycho logy .................... 1 Social Psyc hology .............................................................. 1 Upper level el ective - PSYC o r BUSN .......................... 1 Human Sexuality ................................................................ 1 Abn o rmal Psyc ho logy...................................................... 1 Psycho logy of Religious Experi ence .......................... 1 Psycho log y of Famil y ....................................................... 1 Upper leve l elective - PSYC o r CEED ......................... 1
P5YC313 PSYC 315 PSYC 405
Psychology & Ministry PSYC 303
P5YC 309 P5YC313 PSYC 355
Pre-Graduate School PSYC306
Psycho logi ca l Testing and Assessment .................... 1 App li ed Lea rnin g ............................................................... 1 Socia l Psychology .............................................................. 1 Physio logi ca l Psycho logy ............................................... 1 Hi sto ry & Systems of Psycho logy ................................ 1 Psycho log ica l Testing and Assessment .................... 1 Abno rmal Psychol ogy...................................................... 1 Psycho logy of Famil y ....................................................... 1 Social Psycho logy .............................................................. 1 Seminar in Therapeuti c Techniq ues ........................... 1 Abnormal Psycho logy...................................................... 1 Psychology of Reli g iou s Experience .......................... 1 Crosscultural / Ethn ic Issues in Psych o logy ............ 1 Social Psycho log y ............................ .................................. 1 Upper level electi ve - PSYC o r INCS .......................... 1
PSYC 318 PSYC 405 PSYC412 PSYC440
Senior level undergraduate psychology majors may take certain graduate courses (listed at the end of this section) with permission. A special form may be obta ined in the Psychology Depa rtment. It must be filled out and signed by the department chair, dean of Rosemead, and instructor of the course. Minor A Psychology Minor is offered with the completion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper division. Psychology 200 and 206 are prerequi sites for the minor.
Cl inical / Counsel in P5YC 306
PSYC 309 P5YC 355 PSYC405 P5YC418
Courses (PSYC) Psvc 200
Introducti on to Psychology ... .. .... ..... ... .. .... ... .. .... . ... ... ... .. .... 3 A survey of psychology as an empirical/ behavioral science with a consideration of underlying philosophical bases in light of a Christian world view. Topics to be surveyed include development, cognition, learning, motivation, physiology. socialization, personality and psychopathology. Psycho logy & Ch r istia n Thoug ht .............. .... ............ ......... 1 An introduction to the nature and process of the application of Christian thought to the study and practice of psychology. Stati st ics w ith Computer Appli ca tions .... ... ...... .... .... .... ... 4 Basic statistics for psychological research. Descriptive and in ferential statistics including correlation/ regression, student's t, analysis of variance, and several non-parametric tests includ ing chi-square. Not for general education math/ science requirement. Three hours lecture, one hour computer lab. Human Sexuali ty ... ... .............. ....... .. ........ ... ..... ..... .. ... .... ... .. ... ..1 An examination of human sexual functioning, behavior, rela tionships, and feelings. Issues of sexuality are discussed within spiritual, psychological, cultu ral, and medical/ health related perspectives. Prerequisite: 200.
Cross Cultural P5YC 309
PSYC 313 P5YC 319 PSYC 405
Famil & Child P5vc101
Psvc 206
Human Sexuality ........ ........................................................ 1
Psvc 109 P5YC 325
Abno rmal Psycho logy......·-----···················· 1 Deve lo pmen tal Psycho logy: Childhood & Ad o lescence.............................................. 1 Psycho logy of Famil y ....................................................... 1 Upper leve l electi ve - PSYC........................................... 1
PSYC 355
General Ps cholo Choose any 5 upper division elective PSYC courses
Health Ps cholo Psvc101
Human Sexuality................................................. .......... ..... 1 Abnormal Psycho logy.. .................................................... 1 Physiologi ca l Psycho logy ............................................... 1 Hea lth in Psychol ogy........................................................ 1 Upper leve l elective - PSYC or BIOS........................... 1
Psvc 109 Psvc 412 Psvc 410
Undergraduare Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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