Seminar in Therapeuti c Techniques ....... ...... .. .. ..... .... .... ... 3 Emphasis on core facilitation skills. Supportive, re-educative and reconstructive therapies considered. Personal growth acti vities incorporated. Prerequisite: upper-division standing. Advanced Stati sti cs .... .... ... ...... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. ....... .... ... ..... ... .. 3 Concepts and techniques involved in the analysis and inter pretation of clinical and research data. Lecture and laboratory descriptive and inferential statistics. Major topics include cor relation and regression, tests of significance and introduction to analysis of variance. Both parametric and non-parametric approaches are covered. Instruction assumes undergraduate background in staustics. Prerequisite: consent. Semi nar in Group Process ....... ...... .. ... .. ..... ... ... .. .. . .. ..... .... .. .. 3 Techniques for forming groups, analyzing processes, leader ship facilitators, measurement of behavior and methods of stabilizing gains over time. Prerequisite: consent. Hi story & Systems of Psychology .... ... .... ..... .. . ... .. .. .. ... ... ... 3 An overview of the history of psychology and classical systems in psychology.The class also considers issues in the philosophy of science relevant to psychological systems, research, theory, and practice. Prerequisite: consent. Di rected Fi eld Work in Psychology .... ... .... .. .. .... ... .. .. .... . 1-3 Supervised experience in mental health, educational, correc tional or related facility. Open only to upper division students. Prerequisites: consent. May be repeated for a maximumof six units. May receive no more than a total of six units for 450 and 480 combined. Current Topics in Psychology................. .. .. ........ .... ...... ... 1-3 Reading, research and discussion of selected topics in the field of psychology. Prerequisite:consent. Research in Psycho logy ............ .. .. .. ..... ...... ... ........ ..... ... .... 1-3 Research activity consisting of assisting doctoral level research under the supervision of the primary researcher or self directed research under the supervision of the professor of record. Prerequisites: 210 and consent. May be repeated for a maximum of six units. May receive no more than a total of six units for 450 and 480 combined.
Social Science Administered by the Department ofHistory, Government & Social Science
.... ... .. .... Judith Mendelsohn Rood, PhD
Chair: ..
Psvc 420
Professors: ..... ........................ ... ... ... .................... ...... Peters, Wilshire Associate Professor: ........... .. .... .. .. .. ....... Christerson, R. Flory, Rood Assistant Professors:... ......... Ford, Wamagatta Objectives The social science major is an interdepartmental program offered by the Department of History, Government & Social Science. Upon completion of the social science major, it is intended that the stu dent will have a wider perspective on the nature of man; recognize that his present perspective is based on the experiences of history; be aware that value systems have definite implications for society as a whole; be able to think analytically and develop an understanding of, and a commitment to, Christian values; have an awareness of his own social and political responsibilities; have an appreciation for the worth of a free society, and be prepared for graduate study or career opportunities in education, law, the service professions, research, bus iness, government or Christian service. Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Science is offered upon comple tion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements.
Psvc 426
Psvc 440
The student is requ ired to take History 107,207,208; POSC 225; (one of which will meet the general education history requirement) before taking upper-division courses in his tory.
Psvc 470
POLITICAL SCIENCE CONCENTRATION The Social science major requires completion of 30 units, 24 of which must be upper division and include: POSC 225, a 3-unit up per division Pol itical Science course, a concentration of 18 units in History, Political Science, or Sociology, which must include (History 480, Political Science 470, or Sociology 443) research course, and he remaining six units in upper division coursework chosen with advisor's approval. The appropriate research course to be determined in consultat ion with the academic advisor. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION CONCENTRATION Students interested in public service at the municipal, county, state or federal level are advised to major in social science with a concen tration in public administration. The 18-unit concentration includes Public Administration 301,306,470, and 488. Internship in Public Administration should be taken in the public sector. For advisement, see the Political Science Department
GRADUATE LEVEL COURSES The following graduate level cou rses may be taken by senior psy chology majors with consent of the departmental chai r For course description see Rosemead section of catal og.
Adva nced Stati sti cs .... .. .. .. .. ... ... .................. ........... ... .... ....... ... 3 Hi story & Systems of Psyc hology .. .. .. ... .. ........ ......... .......... 3
Psvcs 30
Undergraduate Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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