

TESOL & Applied Linguistics ADivision of the School of lntercultural Studies

Introduction to Language & Linguistics .................. 3 General Linguistics ............................................................ 3 General English Linguistics............................................ 3

INAL 300


INCS 310



Fa cult

Introduct ion to TESOL - Adult ................................... 3 Introduction to TESOL: Adult ........................................ 3

Dean: ... .... F. Douglas Pennoyer, Ph.D. Chair: . .. .................. ... ........ ............................. .. ............ Kitty B. Purgason, Ph.D Professor: . .............. ...... Purnell Associate Professors: .......... O'Herin, Purgason, C. Silzer, P. Silzer Assistant Professors: ... . ........ .. ....... .. ....Barber, Liang Objectives English has become the most widely used language in the world today.The demand for trained teachers in both ESL (English as a Sec­ ond Language) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) continues unabated. There are many opportunities for service at home with im­ migrants, refugees, and foreign studen t s, as well as abroad, especially in developing countries. In addition to language teaching, there are many areas of impor­ tance which address language-related human problems in the U.S. and abroad, such as language learning, literacy, social aspects of language use, and translation.These and other topics are focused on by applied linguistics. To help meet these varied needs, the department ofTESOL and Applied Linguistics offers two minors, one in TESOL, the other in applied linguistics to recognize the particular significance of the specialized t raining obtained. Upon satisfactory completion of the TESOL minor an undergradua te certificate in TESOL is given . A TESOL certificate may also be earned by completing all the courses listed under the minor as part of a concentration within an academic ma­ jor. The minors, while especially applicable to students majoring in education, English, or intercultural studies, are open to all interested underg raduates.




English Pronunciation & Grammar for TESOL ........ 3 lntercultural Communication for Teachers ............. 3 Materials Evaluation & Preparation ............................ 3 Commu nicating Values Through TESOL .................. 1 Practicum in TESOL 1......................................................... 3

INTE 309

INTE 441

INTE 427



Students desiring the minor/ cer t ificate must complete a depart­ mental application, usually after completing the first course. A TOEFL score of 600 (compu terized vers ion 250) o r the equivalent, plus demonstrated oral and written proficiency, is requi red for non-native speakers of English. Thirteen units of the minor must be completed at Biola. Upon completion of the 19 units and ve ri fica t ion of lan­ guage proficiency, the student will be awarded a TESOL certificate. An Applied Linguistics minor is offered with the completion of 18 units beyond any general educat ion or academic major require­ ments. The core of the minor (12 units) consists of INAL 300,301,403, and 405. Electives (6 units) may be selected from INAL 437,446,452, 453 and INTE 410,421. INAL 300 is prerequisite to all other courses in the minor. Summer Institute of Linguistics at Biola The Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) at Biola, together with the Department ofTESOL & Applied Linguistics, provide a number of linguistics courses which can comprise a concent rat ion or a minor for students of various majors who are interested in this field . Experienced instructors who have served with Wycliffe Bible Transla­ tors cooperate in teaching a range of courses including language analysis, language learning, and Bible translation. These courses are equivalent to those offered at other SIL schools, and are recognized as valid for membership in Wycliffe and other mission organizations.

Students interested in teaching ESL at the K-12 level in the U.S. should consult with the Educat ion Department.

Minor A TESOL Minor requires 19 semester units of prescr ibed course work with a grade of"C" or higher as prescribed below:

Courses TESOL ( INTE)

English Pronunciation & Grammar for TESOL ............... 3 Study of major features of standard American English pro­ nunciation and structure, with applications for ESOL teachers. Prerequisite: junior or senior level standing. Essent ials of TESOL .................... ..... ......... ............................ ... s A practical course giving the skills and knowledge needed to gain foundational competence in teaching the English lan­ guage. Includes methods and techniques, English pronuncia­ tion and grammar, teaching materials, culture, communicat­ ing values and practice teaching. Does not count towa rd the TESOLminor program.

INTE 309

INTE 310

Undergraduate Programs


~005-2007 CATALOG

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