Introduction to Literacy (3) An overview of literacy in neoliterate societies, including moti vation, local authorship, orthography design, reading method ology, strategies for literacy programs and the relationship of literacy to social context. Introduction to Sociolingui sti cs ..... .... .. ........ .. .................. 3 Overview of the relationship between language and society. Topics covered include language and culture, language and social change, ethnicity, language contact, language policy, ethnography of communication, and social aspects of conver sation. Prerequisites: 300, English 351, lntercultural Studies 31 O or equivalent. Offered in odd-numbered years. Field Methods in Linguistics ........................ .. ...... ............... 3 Extensive working with speakers of non-Inda-European languages, with special emphasis on collecting and analyzing language data leading to descriptions of phonology and syntax. Prerequisites: INAL 300,301, 403, 405. Fee: $100. Introduction to Bible Translation .................... .. ...... .... ....... 3 An introduction to the principles and problems of cross-lan guage and cross-cultural communication with special empha sis on translating the Bible into indigenous languages. Field Methods in Second Language & Culture Learning ........ .. ............ .. .... .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... ... 3 Overview of language and culture learning theories and skills. Topics covered include working with a cross-cultural partner, language learning styles, cultural bias, language and culture data management skills and comparison of cultural bias with biblical principles. Directed Research ............................................ .............. .. ... 1-3 Independent study in various areas. Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation. Prerequisites: junior and senior standing and consent of instructor.
General Studies
Objectives To provide students with co-curricular and extra-curricular opportu nities to learn, exercise and refine their academic skills. Exposure to practical learning experiences, which can lead to personal growth and development.
Courses (GNST) GNST 001
College Study Ski ll s ........ .... .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ........ ........ . .. .. .... .. .... o Instruction in effective study techniques and reading skills. Emphasis on the incorporation of skills with current academic work. Fee: S60. Multicultural Mentorship Program ................................ .. .o This two-semester program, Cultural Encounters, is designed to equip students from diverse backgrounds to better serve the Biola Community and society at large by exposing them to the basic concepts of leadership, diversity and multi culturism. Grade is awarded on a credit/ no credit basis. Both semesters required of all SURGE Scholarship recipients. Signature required. Gospel Choir .. ........ ........................ .... .......... .. .. ........................ 0 This multicultural experience focuses on the training in, and performance of, all categories of Gospel music. Performance grade is awarded on a credit/ no credit basis. Signature required. Fee: $50. Authentic Leadership .... .. ................................................... ... 0 This one-semester course focuses on leadership, character development, spiritual formation and service. Participants will be challenged in a variety of ways by small group interaction, service projects, a leadership retreat and various leadership opportunities. Grade is awarded on a credit/ no cred it basis. Open to all second semester freshmen through seniors via an application process through the Department of Leadership Development. Signature required. Introduction to Career Planning .................................... 1-2 This course will introduce students to the essential compo nents in their career development. Students will have oppor tunity to learn about their interests, skills and personality traits related to the world of work. Development of a resume and introduction to career and industry information are included in this class. Open to all students who are interested in their career future. Fee: $30. Signature required for 2 units. First Year Seminar .... .. .. .. ...... .. ........ ...... .. .................................., Overview to college life and related transitional issues. Over view of student's chosen major and introduction to careers in that field. Required of all first-time students with fewer than
INAL 4s2
GNST 004
INAL 4so
Topics in Appl ied Linguistics .... .. ........ ........ .................... 1-3
Topics in Applied Linguistics ...... .. .......... ................ ........ 1-3 Topics are listed in the class schedule each semester. Courses may be repeated for credit with a different topic. Prerequisite: 300 and consent of instructor.
Undergraduare Programs
2005-2007 CATALOG
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