through readings, analysis of the work place and classroom discussion.
Directed Study ... ...... .... .... .. ... .. .. .... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .... .... ... ... ..... 1-4 Directed study in related field. Prerequisite: consent of profes· sor. Research Project .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ................ .. ........................ .. .. .. .. .. 3 The student is assisted in selecti ng a topic, the use of a computerized data base, research techniques and writing. Emphasis is on the integration of biblical and other sources in research which is related to a specific issue, problem or opportunity. The written document will detail the conclusions and recommendations for solving the issue in study. Meets Writing Competency requirement.
ORLD 481
......... Kevin Vanlant, Ph.D.
......................... Mullis
Professor: .....
Program Description The School of Professional Studies Psychology major is an undergrad· uate program specifically designed for adult students that includes course work emphasizing psychosocial development, integration, research, and foundational theories of psychological study. Since stu dents select a psychology major for various reasons, a broad range of required and optional courses have been selected for students desiring employment or advancement in a variety of fields. Courses include, but are not limited to, education, ministry, human resources., business, and human services, The courses are chosen to concurrent ly satisfy the prerequisites for graduate programs in clinical psychol ogy, marriage and family therapy, educational psychology, school counseling, and other related fields of study. Elective courses that meet entry consideration requirements for many teacher credential ing programs are also included. Admission Requirements Applicants must have completed approximately 50-60 semester hours of transferable college credit at accredited colleges and uni versities with a minimum 2.25 GPA to be considered for acceptance to the program. Applicants who do not meet these standards will be assessed by the Admissions Committee on a case-by-case basis. Applicants assessed and approved by the Admission Committee will be provisionally accepted pending evidence of satisfactory academic performance. Transferable units can include credit via the high school Advanced Placement (AP) program and the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) as well as some forms of professional, military, and technical training.
ORLD 490
Official documents presented for admission or evaluation become part of the student's academic file and normally cannot be returned or copied for distribution.
Graduation Honors Students who have earned a minimum of 45 graded units at Biola University and who have completed their Biola coursework with a 3.95 GPA are graduated with high honor. Those with a 3.85 GPA are graduated with honor. GPA standards for honors must be met with no rounding of numbers. Degree Program A Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology is awarded upon comple tion of university baccalaureate requirements. These include the following:
A. Completion of Biola University general education requirements.
School ofProfessional Studies
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