
GENERAL EDUCATION (GE) REQUIREMENTS Behavio ral Science** .. ..... . 3 Communica t ion ..... ......... ... ....... ...... ......... ......... .. ... ..... ................... ......... ... ........ ....... ... ..... 3 English Composition* .. .... . 6 Fine Arts .......... .............................................................. ..................... .... ........................... ......... 3 Foreign Language ... ...... 12 History ... .......... . .. .... .... ... ... . . ............. ...... .... .... ....... ........ .. ..... ... ... .. ...... ........ .... ........... ... .. 6 World Civilizations (3) United States (3) Literature ... . ....... 3 Philosophy*'.. Science/ Math .. . ... .. ..... .... 8 Mathematics** (3) Science (3) Math / Science (2)

course offerings. LEDU 30 1 requires 25 hours of observation and participation in local schools. Biola University's Undergraduate Edu­ ca t ion Department will coordinate and interview students for school placemen t.

CPSY courses used to fulfill GE requirements are not ap­ plied toward the upper division unit requirement in the major.


Courses (CPSY)

Group Behav ior ..................... ..... .. .. ...... .. .... ...... ............... ... .... 2 A study of group behavior and how groups function ef­ fectively. Emphasis is placed on group decision making and conflict resolution. Fee: $20. Psychology and Christian Thought... ................... .... .. .. .. .. 3 An introduction to the nature and process of the application of Christian thought to the study and practice of psychology. (XL PSYC 206) Statistics with Computer App lication ... ............ .. ...... ...... 3 Basic descriptive and inferential statistics for social-psychologi­ cal research and evaluation with an emphasis on computer application. Psychology and Worldview .................. .. .............. ........ ....... 2 An introduction to the integration of faith, learning and living for a more accurate understanding of reality. The course emphasizes Christian thinking and psychological analysis of contemporary worldviews that are intellectually viable and consistent with biblical truth. Students examine case studies of individual and group behavior that demonstrate the meth­ ods and difficulties of integration and application. Psychology and Anthropology .......................... ...... .. ....... 2 An examination of biblical concepts related to human relationships and interpersonal communication. Attention is given to human beings as designed and created by God, the consequences of the fall and the impact of redemption. Case studies and student experiences are discussed. Experimenta l Psycho logy............ .... .. .............. ..... . ........ ...... 3 Introduction to basic research design and evaluation. An analysis of the philosophy and methodology of the experi mental method is considered. Psychological experimenta­ tion and evaluation are implemented with human sub1ects. Students will complete an experimental research paper using APA guidelines and formatting. Meets Writing Competency Requirement. Learning & Cognition .. ..... ...... .. ..... ....................... ............... .. 3 Empirica l findings and theoretical development in the area of learning, cognition, and memory and their application to hu­ man behavior. A series of computer based laboratory experi-

CPSY 202

CPSY 204

* English 11 OB may be met by ORLD 490.

•• Two of the requirements in these areas may be met by courses in the Psychology major. (CPSY 208, 406, 450)

CPSY 208

e. Completion of a minimum of 130 approved semester units.

c. Completion of the 51 unit Psychology major.

o. Achievement of"C" average (2.00 GPA) or above on all work taken within the major and cum.


E. Completion of the biblical studies foundation course se­ quence.

Old Testament Survey ...................................................... 4 New Testament History & Literature.......................... 3 Early Christi an Hi story - Acts ..................................... 3 Bib le Elective.................................................................... 4-6 Must be upper division electives (300- or 400-level course)

BBST 150

BBST 110

BBST 306

cPsv 310

F. Completion of a minimum of 30 units at Biola University with at least 15 units (upper division level) in the major field. Exten­ sion credit or credit by examination may not be used to fulfill the minimum residence requirement of 30 semester units. Curriculum The Psychology major consists of 51 units, 24 of which must be up­ pe r division - 202, 204, 208,210,310, 320, 322, 325, 326, 340, 344, 406, 410,414,418,450 and ORLD 330. CPSY 202 and 450 must be taken at Biola University. ELECTIVES Six upper division elective units must be selected from the following courses: CPSY 420,422; LEDU 301, 330.

CPSY 320

CPsv 322

As mandated by the State of California, education courses require a minimum of 35 hours of class time each, thus requiring weekend

School of Professional Studies


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